
You'll never believe it, but Ashes Cricket 2013 is out today

505 Games has sneaked out the PC version of Ashes Cricket 2013 today after delaying the game four months ago.

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Upcoming Cricket Games for PC in 2016

CricketGaming lists major Upcoming Cricket Video Games in 2016 for PC.

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Top Tuesday - The 10 worst video games ever.

MWEB GameZone writes: "The things that you love the most, are also the things that can hurt you the most. Which is just an unnecessarily complicated way of saying that there are really, really bad video games out there and they'll make you feel bad.

We've compiled a list of these aberrations so that you don't ever have to play them yourself."

plut0nash3741d ago

Star Trek was pretty shocking.

3-4-53740d ago

How did that Custer game get approved ?

Different times I guess.

plut0nash3740d ago

Bills needed to be paid I guess.

CongoKyle3741d ago

I really thought the picture of the horse was a real game. Not even sure why I'm disappointed it isn't ;/ Also, Survivor? What's the real aim of the game? Survive the opening credits?

HanCilliers3740d ago

What has been seen cannot be unseen

Sillicur3741d ago

I can still remember the dissapointment i felt from Diakatana

modesign3740d ago

duke nukem forever should of made the list, a game 10yrs in developement and ended up looking like a 2000 title.

HanCilliers3740d ago

I'm with you on the Duke that Fell from His Throne

Sillicur3740d ago

Duke nukem forever is to bad to be on any list :( So dissapointed !

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5 terrible games that shouldn't have been released in 2013

ArabicGamers writes:

We've all seen the lists celebrating the best that gaming has to offer in 2013, including the likes of Grand Theft Auto 5, BioShock Infinite, The Last of Us, etc. Those are incredible games, but it's also worth looking back on a year that brought us plenty of dire titles as well. Here are five terrible games that definitely shouldn't have been released last year due to being, well, terrible!

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badboy7763895d ago (Edited 3895d ago )

Gears of War: Judgment

3895d ago
pierce3895d ago

Ahhhh Judgment was still pretty fun, you can't compare it to the other games on that list.

Jack_Of_All_Blades3895d ago

I'm really suprised this article isn't "blowing up" on N4G

I kid, I kid.