
Slow install times on the Xbox One have launch buyers upset

Welcome to the next-generation. The Xbox One requires that you install games to your HDD, but apparently it’s an arduous process for most launch buyers of the new console. Social media has been lighting up with reports of slow installs for a number of different games, leaving users with nothing to do on their new toy but watch TV.

These disc-based games seem to be the biggest problems for Xbox One users, with many claiming the installation process won’t even move from 0%. Hopefully, if its a problem on Microsoft’s end, they’ll get it fixed soon so those who jumped in first will actually be able to play games on the new console.

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Gazondaily3960d ago

The website doesn't provide any sources for it's claims, it just says social media has been flagging up these concerns.

It wouldn't however, surprise me as traditional Xbox 360 owners arent usually used to mandatory installation. I know I despise them.

phoenix_dusk3960d ago

Except a lot of gamers in Neogaf are having problems too.

NewMonday3960d ago

now that the 2 systems are out word of moth about the user experience will start to spread, by the end of the year strong impressions good or bad will be established and hard to shake off.

Bathyj3960d ago

I've never even heard a moth speak.

NewMonday3960d ago

err.. it's a figure of speech where I come from :p

Thehyph3960d ago

From what I gather by reading gaf:

The reason it doesn't move from 0% for a while is because it downloads game updates before installation. After that it sounds like the games are playable at 3-5%.

You can probably get into your games quicker if you turn off your internet, let the game install, and then reconnect it so the patch downloads after the fact.

I'm not an Xbox owner, so I have no idea what I'm talking about. Hopefully it helps!

ThunderSpark3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

His point was that you spelled Mouth wrong (moth).

Anyway, I'd like to hear from N4G Xbox One owners, about their experience with this issue.

slimeybrainboy3960d ago

Lol, take a day off babyj

+1 Funny

Bathyj3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

Today is my day off.

And I'm gonna assume that's a typo not an insult. ;)

Ron_Danger3959d ago


Or he's flirting...

Bathyj3959d ago

Eww , that just took a creepy turn. I hadn't even considered that.

ProjectVulcan3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )


Its like I walked into 2006 and the PS3 launch again.

I had massive Deja Vu here. The mirroring of these consoles early fortunes is spooky

BX813959d ago

I haven't had a problem yet( knock on wood). I thought the load times were gonna be faster but I was able to play ryse around 20%, same with bf4 single player. I couldn't play the mp till it fully downloaded. I don't have a ps4 yet so I will compare it to ps3 load times. To me it's faster but not greatly. I just play Killer instinct while the disc is downloading so minor wait time solved. I also haven't had a disc ejecting problem. I was worried especially after last gen but I'm just gaming.

BX813959d ago

@bathyj... Really? Ask Godzilla, moths talk man!

UltimateMaster3959d ago

The PS4 has a x6 Blu-Ray player and the Xbox One hasba cheap x1 or x2.
Yeah, that makes a huge difference.
The download of a PS4 game is 3 times faster if not more than the Xbox One is.
Why didn't people read the specs beforehand?
Do people just buy a console because of a brand?
How dumb is that.

Finch3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

Mine is working fine no issues. The down load game toke a while, but really not to long since I was able to play as it went. Think it toke maybe 45 minutes for a full DL and 15 minutes before it let me play. My disc game BF4 installed really fast and it pretty much let me play right away.

vigilante_man3959d ago

If disk drives are the same speed it must be the read times of the BluRay. I thought both new consoles were 6x speed. It is news to me that XB1 uses 1x-2x BluRay speed.

But regardless a massive congratulations to all new owners of XBox One. Here's hoping you have many, many great and awesome hours of next gen gaming in the years to come.

I gotta wait until next week for my PS4 in the UK. It's great to see both consoles have launched pretty much unscathed. This may be the first and last time I say this but Well Done Microsoft!

Its a great day for XBox lovers.

MultiConsoleGamer3959d ago

Yeah, because NeoGAF is a reliable and unbiased source of information.

Oh wait, no its not.

snipermk03959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

here a video with evidence that the xbox one is MUCH slower when it comes to installing games. Compared with a PS4


Docknoss3959d ago

I haven't had any problems

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infectedaztec3960d ago

I've found that an installed game runs better than on the disc. Yes it means you have to wait but in the long run its worth it.

Plus I think you'll be able to predownload games before they're released and unlock them at the midnight of release. This would be fantastic!

Anyway, this isn't a bad news story - just says that people are desperate to play their xbox one


hummmm.... trying to install a game and it's not moving past 0% is bad in my book.

mixelon3960d ago

Its pretty bad if they have to wait hours to play a game they've bought on disc!

Im glad a solution was found in the comments though. (Unplug the internet and start installation again)

LAWSON723959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

It does not sound better these games are quite large what would I do when I run out of HDD space on a Xbone? Replace the HDD? Nope
Delete games seems like the only solution and I personally think that is worse than load times.
And just thinking about a HDD failure sounds bad that means sending the console to MS just for them to tell you to wait for replacement when you could have fixed the problem yourself.

5eriously3959d ago

I can remember a time when mandatory installs was a NO-NO! when the PS3 was launched and was used to bash the platform. Another 180?

Agent13959d ago

I was able to play RYSE after 3% installation. I didn't have to wait as things claim around here. I think it has to do with how well your connection speed is.

Benchm4rk3959d ago


I too was able to start the game at 3% but once I did I was prompted to download a 1024MB update before I could continue. The installation process was halted until the update finished. After the update it was around 20-25% before I could get into the campaign. Had a similar issue with COD Ghosts. So as stated in comments above the reason their installation wont move beyond 0% is because its downloading the update first

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n4rc3959d ago

It does take a bit.. But nothing worth worrying about IMO

Games were ready to play within minutes.. This thing is slick but takes some getting used to

xtremeimport3959d ago

until its on the level of the RRoD, these claims are just bound to happen with the launch of new tech.

Happened to Sony, will happen to Microsoft.

You hear more of the bad stories than the good because the consoles that are working, the owners are busy playing!

H0RSE3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

I've been playing PC games for years. Installing games is not a problem. I actually prefer it.

Amigaengine3959d ago

Consider me a source. I can tell you first hand it sucks lol

T23959d ago

apparently it doesn't suck, according to your stealth disagree... LOL
Either that or you are NOT a source /s

Visiblemarc3959d ago

Been seeing some reports of super long installs...like 1hr
+ but could be related to day one patches of the games as well. Some people might be lumping them in with installation time and apparently the dl speeds are super rough for some.

bigwhtboy3959d ago

Well I'm at 51% on my Cod ghost install and I still can't play but.I doubt you can play cod while it downloads cause I'm guessing it wouldn't work for multiplayer lol.Wow as I wrote this I got to 54% and it was ready to play.Maybe certain games have to be so much completed before you can start.

Well that's my report on things GL.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3959d ago

I saw ryse install on twitch took aaaages.

Chrisgamerguy3959d ago

Yeah dude no games on 360 made u install them. The same exact versions on ps3 had mandatory installs. It was kind of rediculous how slow the installs were. Ps4 is mad quick with that GDdr

DiRtY3959d ago

I just played with my Xbox One for a couple of hours and I thought I had the same problem. :-)

Actually all the games come up with a FREAKING huge Day One Patch (CoD Ghosts, Ryse, Dead Rising 3 for me) and these patches are like 1.3 GB or something.

So if you insert your disc, it starts to install the game and it seems to stand at 0% and you might think it did not even start. What it really does is downloading the huge patch, so the first 0-5% of the install is actually a download and it might take a while, depending on your internet connection. From this point on the install is much faster and you can start the game way before the install is even finished. While you play, the install will happen in the background and you won't even notice.

So no panic needed.

caperjim3959d ago

Its true xbox 360 owners aren't accustomed to mandatory game installs. Seems like a step backwards for next generation.

The good thing is I was allowed to play at 5 percent which didn't take long.

memots3959d ago

this is getting ridiculous the slightness issue is getting blown out of proportion on both side of the fence.

all over again with the "entitled generation"

assdan3959d ago

A problem I wouldn't be surprised they if they fixed with an update. I don't known why it would be so slow. My ps4 installs lightning fast and has the same drive.

Mosiac773959d ago

Yes it is a slow install compare to the PS4. But this is why. I have both the ps4 and xb1 and the difference is that the ps4 install the data and not the full game and xb1 install the whole game. I wish ms and sony gives you and option

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TomahawkX3960d ago

I thought Xbox One had play as you install feature like the PS4. Oh well, seems like something they can patch later on.

Deltaguy3960d ago

its super slow.....i waited a hours and a half to start playing cod

Concertoine3960d ago

yup lets believe this guy since he's bad talking the xbone, while all the "my ps4 broke" trolls are ignored.

thehitman3960d ago

Ouch I started playing KZ right away... that seems odd since MS has the faster system memory why would that part of the system be so behind?

KingDadXVI3959d ago

That would be a connection issue with the server that you are getting the COD patch from. It needs to download and install. I imagine with COD being the most popular game on PS4 and Xbox One that the COD servers are being swamped.

kneon3959d ago

I agree with KingDadXVI, it can't be the console, it has to be a server side issue if it's taking hours. Or you have really crappy internet.

Kingdom Come3959d ago

Funny, I was playing "Dead Rising 3" within about 10 minutes.

kickerz3959d ago

Haha look at all you guys spreading BS. I got an xb1 under me TV right now and it's had none of those issues.

Gamer6663959d ago

I only wait 15 mins before CoD was playable.

vinniects3959d ago

I installed five games last night when I hooked it up. forza and battlefield were real quick. madden dead rising took a little longer. But for some reason cod ghosts took about 45min wish I knew why but it was the first one I tried to play

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GutZ313960d ago

It does have play as you download, but it needs a pretty big chunk of the game to start playing. From my friends play thru's with it, you can start to install around the 4-11% mark, depending on the game size.
Problem is that at that point, trying to play the game will just leave you with a loading game screen saying "Downloading Game Data, Please Wait", so when you finally get to play, if you go to far to quickly, you can be seeing the "Downloading Game Data" screen much sooner than you would like.

Ashunderfire863960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

On my PS4 when I play a game like NBA 2K14, it only took as less than 5 minutes to play the game while it downloads! My friend and I were treated to the season finale teams, Heats and Spurs until the download was finished.

The Same thing for games like Killzone Shadowfall and Battlefield 4. I could already play them after less than 5 minute downloads! Warframe took 5 to 10 minutes than bam! started playing.

Xbox One is a next year system for me when the problems are iron out. I don't want to wait an hour for a game? Man that's worst than the PS3 Installs. I guess you get what you pay for.

True_Samurai3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

It does 50% and you should be ready to go
@deltaguy idk what games you are installing but my friend said it only took 16 min to install COD and he was already on the SP after 7 min

TomahawkX3960d ago

Nice, I think devs need more time to perfect this new feature. Growing pains and so forth.

Ricegum3959d ago

So how come the PS4 version of this feature runs a hell of a lot better than the Xbox One version? Dev's didn't need more time there then.

Deltaguy3959d ago

it was stuck at 0% for 20 mins i thought it was broken lol

n4rc3959d ago

Hours? Cmon...

Ryse and bf4 were ready to play within 20 minutes each.. Unless cod managed to screw that up too loo

MizTv3959d ago

Still waiting 20 mins sucks

Trekster_Gamer3959d ago

Bunch of trolls..
Started playing cod within 15., and yes while it was installing!

Same with Ryse!

Xbox One update took 5 ... Fast patch update and reboot!

Loving it!

Killer Instinct fast download and install!
Same with Kinect Sports Rivals preseason...

Perfect setup and not a single hickup!

bangoskank3959d ago

Xbox updates have always been very quick. Can't say the same about the PS3. I doubt this is the case with Xbone. This article reeks of BS. Not surprised to see it on N4G though.

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Drewminati3960d ago

You can play while it installs after a certain %

phoenix_dusk3960d ago ShowReplies(2)
B1uBurneR3960d ago

That's it thats the complain I wake to. I was expecting a failure rate party. Maybe I showed up early.

AlphaBlackWolf963960d ago

So far, only a couple of failed disk drives. If you're looking for a failure rate, I would blame the oversized heat sink for there not being one (yet).

GusBricker3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

Yeah, it takes some time. Especially Ryse.

Assassin's Creed took like 5-10 minutes or so.

Dead Rising 3, like 10-15.

Ryse? Like 20-25 and when you launched the game, it took a little longer before starting a new game.

And yes, Xbox One lets you play as it installs in the background, but it has to install about half way before it allows you launch and play.

MasterCornholio3960d ago

You answered my question.

I guess I have to tell my friend that there's something wrong with his console because it only takes 10 minutes to install AC4 instead of 30 minutes which is his case.

Nexus 7 2013

Sevir3959d ago

wow! That's a pretty long time in comparison to the 360 and even the ps3, granted you play after 30-50% is installed, that isnt as instant as I thought it would for xbo games! The installs on PS4 are way less, on average its about 30 seconds to 1 minute to fully install from disc and you're playing almost immediately!

rawd3959d ago

Somebody actually bought Ryse?


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