
IGN - PS4 Final Review

IGN: Like any launch console, the PS4 isn’t perfect. The software is lacking some key functionality, the DualShock 4’s more distinctive features are underutilized, and remote play is still rough around the edges. But in spite of these issues, the PS4 is an exceptionally well-crafted console. It's impressively small and attractive design sets a new bar for the industry, and its powerful hardware offers not only stunning visuals, but higher player counts, constantly connected experiences, and larger, more detailed worlds.

And did I mention how great the DualShock 4 is? It’s pretty amazing.

xHeavYx3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

Pretty much the negative stuff about the PS4 is that its power and features are not fully used, which is a great negative in my opinion.

Neonridr3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

let's call it "constructive criticism" because it's basically telling developers to do more with what they have at their disposal.

The only weakness I can see personally is the launch library isn't anything fantastic if you already own a 360 or PS3. Shadowfall is really the only draw along with some PS+ games.

xHeavYx3960d ago

Resogun is a lot of fun, plus a ton of 3rd party games to keep me busy until Infamous

Seraphemz3960d ago

Since when did the consoles ONLY play exclusives.

Battlefield 4 is freaking amazing !!!!

ZBlacktt3960d ago

To each their own sure. But I have yet to even open another game since starting AC4 on the PS4. It's really that damn good. Just like the scores it's been getting. The game is all very long as well. So all kinds of win win.

Livecustoms3960d ago

But why should the console get a lower score becuase devs havent got enough out of it at launch lol

black0o3960d ago

Sony is playing dirty they saw that they had unexpected momentum with the ps4 -which result in 1M in 24 hours- so they saved the 1st-party IPs for later

MS helped sony a lot with the ps4 launch, sony didn't even feel the need to push Driveclub into the launch MS showed their top GUNs at E3 -Halo..etc- while sony put all the load on 3rd-parties to send a clear message which says Ps4 has the best 3rd-party support/ports since all Ps3 user and x360 know for fact that sony has the best 1st and 2nd party in the industry and the most 3rd-party titles run better on x360 then ps3

bottom line is launch exclusive titles are there to help moving consoles but if ur console already doing well save ur titles for slow season



I think some people ignoring some games on this statements about launch library quality is not so much about exclusives as it is about said games being cross-generation.

It wouldn't matter if the game was on Xbox One, and PS4 for example, but Battlefield and AC4 (also I believe Watch Dogs and MGS V) are hitting PS3 and Xbox 360 as well, so it's not something you really need a next gen console to experience (even through the experience itself may somewhat differ, it's still basically the same game), hence it's not of great effect on launch library (the stuff that's supposed to help companies sell you the console early on along with new tech, features, etc).

Neonridr3960d ago

@bishop-br - that's exactly what I meant in my statement. Glad you were paying attention ;)

Obviously these new systems can play CoD, AC4, BF4, etc. And those experiences will probably be for the most part better on these newer machines. But the differences aren't always significant between the previous and next gen versions, hence you can still have a great experience on the PS3 or 360 without the need of a $400-$500 upgrade.

TheGreatAndPowerful3960d ago

an 8.2... -_- the best console ever created to dat gets an 8.2. it should be at least 9.0.

IaMs123960d ago

I agree that the launch line up for me was a little lack luster. Since i mainly play PC so far i can play everything i want along with my PS3. Going to wait a little longer for some more games to come out to help entice me to get a PS4.

Hozi3960d ago

In all of history of the consoles...I've seen people hate on the launch titles, but in all honesty SONY has some of the strongest launch titles to ever hit their consoles.


WrAiTh Sp3cTr33960d ago

"The other unfortunate side effect of PSN outages or connection issues is the inability to access content purchased digitally. Without a connection to verify your license for a game at system boot-up, the app or game becomes locked — even if it’s an offline single-player game. Disc-based games, on the other hand, can be played at any time, so those considering going all-digital should weigh that into their decision."

What a glaring issue that will no doubt be swept under the rug. Whenever I buy a Ps4 I won't be buying games digitally that's for sure. That sucks.

RedSoakedSponge3959d ago

well if people were smart about their game buying before the ps4 launched, they would have held out on games like AC4 and NFS:R until the ps4 version so they have more games to play on it!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3959d ago
Ranma13960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

Respectablee score

hqgamez3960d ago

I wonder what Xbox one will get. it takes the Xbox One 1 Minute and 8 Seconds from a cold boot.

xActionBasturdx3960d ago

@stevino thanks for the link...that was a pretty thorough review

Mithan3960d ago

Launch Library sucks ass and system doesn't do anything really but games.

Basically, its a useless system ATM.

Give it a year or so, it will start to rock. Same with the Xbox One.

The 360 and PS3 were basically crap at release too (except for the Blu-Ray drive). It took them a couple years to get going.

DragonKnight3960d ago

Oh no, a gaming console that *gasp* focuses on games?! What is this world coming to? Everyone knows that gaming consoles are supposed to cook you breakfast in bed and do your taxes for you too.

PS4 SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

princejb1343960d ago

thats a opinion buddy
I'm currently been shuffling between killzone, ac4, resign, and battlefield 4 and i love them
these will hold me out until infamous come

Valkyre3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

yeah but back then when the PS3 was released everyone was angry that it was way too expensive and that it had a ton of features XBOTS "didnt give a shit about", like you know... blu ray... or media server... or 3rd party OS support... or a browser... you know...

multimedia shit and such...

but hey... back then all xbots where "hardcore gamers YO!!"

Hypocrisy much?

So yeah enjoy watching tv.. its the only thing you will be doing at 1080p in that totally futuristic machine...

Meanwhile ps4 camp is enjoying complete 1080p gaming and 50% more hardware power. Clearly the future of a gaming console is xbox...

jesus... lol


to each his own....

i don't know about you, but i am not spending £300 for anything other then next gen games.

The games available could be better (the exclusive ones) but out of all the next gen games so far, including the xb1 exclusives, bf4 is the one i am most looking forward to and the game I know i will keep playing till the big next gen hitters come next year.

if the ps4 can play that, which it can.. then that is all i need it to do.

both next gen systems are missing stuff that will be added later so really what is the fuss.

b777conehead3959d ago

I'm enjoying my PS4 playing games that's what I bought it for

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turgore3960d ago

The power and features of a console are never fully used at launch. Does it suck ? Yes. But it affects any piece of hardware.

JoGam3960d ago

Wow.... Thats a reall good point.

showtimefolks3960d ago

if gaming sites really do want to review consoles than review them 6 months after release. Reviewing systems which are missing features which both will get Via patches/updates

Godmars2903960d ago

"the PS4's power and features are not fully used, which is a great negative in my opinion."


You, do realize that this is only it launch period. That logically it shouldn't be getting utilized to 100% of its potential right now.

xtremeimport3960d ago

"Final" review is kinda hard to say, since we're not even a week in and the system is going to improve on a lot of the negatives pointed at.

I understand the intention, but just dont really think of this as the "final" opinion of the system. Unlike games(they usually get fixed over a single year)the system will be around a lot longer continuously improving, adding/removing new features.

I'd give it an 8.5-9 right now.
Does pretty much everything that I want from a gaming console. My only complaints are little nit picks that im sure dont apply to everyone who uses it.

ZombieKiller3960d ago

Anyone giving out or taking away points for a launch line-up....thats not fair at all.

I was looking for a review just on the console and the potential of what it CAN become due to what features it has now.

I think this console deserves NOTHING LESS than a 9.5....I can see the potential of what it will be for me when all my real friends get one. I'll never leave my living room (as if I do now or something lol)

Phene3960d ago

@bishop @neon

I totally get what ur saying ..the experience can be had on current gen so is relevant to the argument ...I say hell yeh, I don't know about you but last time I checked a lot if people were clamoring about graphics ..and even iterations of games matter when they look mind blowing. And on a side note, people complaining about stale the same when it comes to shooters ...u don't constantly reinvent something because u can. Sports never change, the players do ...same concept ...cod tried to always be different and now it just sucks


@WrAiTh Sp3cTr3

I'm not sure how true that is but my console is currently disconnected from the internet and Resogun/Contrast boot up fine, only network related things are disabled obviously, the F2P games like blacklight/warframe also boot up but you cannot play them as they are online only games.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3959d ago
Majin-vegeta3960d ago

PS3 was barebones when it released.Now look at it.Now imgaine the PS4 by the end of it's lifecycle??Mother of god help us all.

-Foxtrot3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

They really should of took that into account when they reviewed this.

I mean the main criticism as xHeavYx has pointed out above is that its power and features are not fully used by developers...but knowing Sony's track record with first party devs this will obviously end up turning around in a year or two.

Hell it's just launched, can you really expect any console to use all of it's power and features.

Watch IGN give the Xbox One an 8.5 despite the PS4 in most cases being proven to be more powerful, they'll talk about the entertainment features yet Sony have said some multimedia features the Xbox One has will be coming to the PS4 later on once they've worked on the gaming side of things...since you know it's a GAMING console

3960d ago
-Foxtrot3960d ago

"And, that's why it should be judged on GAMES, not power. If the X1's GAMES are perceived to be better at launch2

So by your logic games = a better console....even though the console could be less powerful, could be something wrong with it or offers more features at launch

Sorry but LAUNCH games doesn't make a console better....it's about whats in it that counts aswell.

Games come and go, what's inside is there until the end

3960d ago
Conzul3960d ago

Ehhh....In a world where games get reviewed individually, there's no point in judging a console by its games.

For what the PS4 system ITSELF offers, this seems like a just appraisal....great streaming and sharing options, fast multitasking, etc. but no local media support, asthetically pleasing, good peripherals (I got all of them), DLNA missing.

Score's fine.

dmeador3960d ago

@raptar It took me reading down this long to find a comment that sounded logical. Sony fans are acting like they should have consulted the stars to rate games/features in the future. They even did some what, you can tell it got credit for its potential.

Was a pretty good review, and reassured me that I should wait to pick up a PS4. Isn't anything that entices me at all right now other than maybe killzone. A few needed improvements, but I still dont like the UI. I can't think of one way to complete the sentence: "PS4 is amazing because you can...."

And everyone can talk about how powerful it is, but until it has that one killer game, I'll be holding off. Go ahead and click the mouse, because you are already hovering over "disagree"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3960d ago
Wizziokid3960d ago

I'm hoping they add more features for video editing in the future I.E. being able to edit videos, merge videos and add voice overs etc. also it needs youtube of course.

Can't wait until the 29th though, so hyped!

solidsheep3960d ago

I'm with you or at least let you export the videos to usb.

3960d ago Replies(1)
Belking3960d ago

But, i thought IGN was biased?

ZodTheRipper3960d ago

You think too much, you should discontinue that and do us a favour.

Lowsnamebrand3960d ago

Actually lately I've been hearing ign is bias toward the Xbox now Lol which ever console people like the other one is the one they're bias toward...except polygon that place is incredibly bias IMO

HighResHero3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

Nobody said they are/aren't biased. You could probably /trollharder.

Kingthrash3603960d ago

ign has a nintendo team, ps team, and xbox team.
people complain about the x1 team for its bias being that they are the only team that trolls ps. even the drm they were supporting it like it was all good same with the 720 thing. that where people get that from.
ps team always criticizes ps the the proper way...and are VERY harsh on the vita at times.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3960d ago
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