
Pictures of Metal Gear RAY figure prototype

Kojima posted some new photos of a Metal Gear RAY figure Kojima Productions is working on. Although this is still a prototype, it already looks quite impressive.

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MajorAly3960d ago

IMO, the hefty priced REX figure is still the most impressive figure I might have ever laid my eyes on.

Imagine getting both these figures and re-enacting the REX vs RAY battle from MGS4. :D

Nyxus3960d ago

Yeah, the giant REX by ThreeA is awesome.


The Metal Gear Series Has Sold Over 60 Million Copies Worldwide

In a new corporate update, Konami has revealed that since its launch in 1987, the Metal Gear series has sold over 60 million copies worldwide.

GaboonViper413d ago (Edited 413d ago )

Well done Metal Gear, my second favourite gaming franchise behind Resident Evil, i still hope Bluepoint are working on a Metal Gear Solid remake for PS5, that would be my gaming dream.

When Bluepoint teased their next game at Christmas the unrevealed game was in a plain cardboard box with a upside down exclamation point........it surely could only mean one thing.......SNAAKKKKEEEEE.


I_am_Batman413d ago (Edited 413d ago )

I've stared at the picture for a while and I don't see an upside down exclamation mark anywhere on that box. I'm more puzzled by the Leviathan axe than anything else to be honest.

Notellin413d ago

He's reaching. It's just the bow on the box upside down.

Z501413d ago

"that would be my dream"

Not Twin Snakes? The first "remake"

TheColbertinator412d ago

Konami needs to redeem themselves

sadraiden412d ago

1 of those copies was a metal gear survive.


The Metal Gear series has sold over 56.9 million copies

The Metal Gear series has sold more than 56.9 million copies as of the end of December 2020.

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Nyxus1326d ago

Now if only they would do a re-release for current gen systems.

CrimsonWing691326d ago

It’s a hell of a series... except for V, but man I remember when Snake Eater came out. It really made me start looking at games differently like more than just being “gamey”. Awesome Intro and a hell of story. The end when the flowers turn from white to red, just mwah!

Nyxus1326d ago

It certainly has some amazing moments. MGS4 is my favorite but they're all great.

Z5011326d ago

GZ & PP had the best gameplay though.

CrimsonWing691326d ago

Oh, I won’t argue with you there and I’d say the beginning was pretty fantastic.

Problem is the game was unfinished and they rushed it out as such. I was not a fan of repeating missions and the ridiculous “open world” that was so barren and had me running for 5 minutes to get to an objection point.

There’s bits and parts I liked with V, but it pales in comparison to my experience with 1-4.

LucasRuinedChildhood1325d ago (Edited 1325d ago )

Depends on how you look at it, tbh. The first 4 games had far better and more memorable level design, boss fights and set pieces. MGS5 feels and plays a bit better than MGS4 but it's missing so much of what made the previous games fun to me. Even Peace Walker had lots of mech boss fights. I always thought they were saving the interesting boss designs for MGS5.

MGS5 feels like a series of side missions where almost EVERYTHING that can happen is system based. MGS4 was very system-based (particularly Act 1 and Act 2 where you can fight alongside the militia and gain their favour) but had lots of insane scripted events and distinct acts/chapters as well.

MGS5's open world was also quite hollow, and making your way to missions and repeatedly going back to Mother Base was a pain sometimes. I've never met anyone in real life who wasn't disappointed by MGS5, and I think that goes beyond the unfinished story.


10 All Time Greatest Boss Battles From Metal Gear Franchise

They're pretty good.

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