
This F1 Driving Simulator Might Kill You

The world’s first affordable, high-end professional driving simulator which lets you experience real forces of a F1 car. Now I am not a tech wizard so I don’t really understand how this tech is supposed to works. The only thing that I understood is that your head will feel all of the force (up to 6 times the normal gravity!) and I am more scared than intrigued by it.

PoSTedUP3960d ago

i think the Gforce in a F1 car can be up to 5G's, enough time in 5G's can kill you, or harm you significantly. you really have to be in good shape to be a F1 driver. it takes a toll on your body. the stupidest thing is F1 on a circular track, too fast for too long plus one wrong move and people will die. Dan Wheldon back in 2011 was a very sad tragedy. they honored him in the most noble way, but to be on that track was the biggest mistake in F1 history.

kraideral3960d ago

Yeah this is also my opinion, if it emulates the Gs around corners, what might happen if you crash the car straight into a wall? I know it can get up to only 6G but still from normal to 6 times normal in a split second...that might cause serious damage

PoSTedUP3960d ago

yeah 6gforce in split second could definately kill you. its like hitting a wall at a pretty fast speed. look up the guy who broke the landspeed record, i forgot the Gforce, tho it wasnt in a split second but it was high for a couple minutes or a minute, and fast enough like 9-10G's you will go unconcious, longer/more than that your blood will clot, vessels will break (all of the vessls in his eyes were broken) and he had boken bones plus a lot of other injuries. the Gforce was record high tho. i wouldnt get in this thing lol.

Angeljuice3959d ago

Dan Wheldon was not involved in F1, he was in an Indy car when he died. The two formulas look similar to the uninitiated, but F1 cars are massively more advanced in terms of both technology and safety features, the gulf between the two is enormous.

PoSTedUP3959d ago

youre right. hmm never actually thought about the difference. +bub.

BootHammer3960d ago

That is pretty wild! I would love to try it out. Play some Forza 5 with that rig =)

level 3603959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

Isn't it in the neck ( and not the head ) that all race car drivers feel the full impact of G-forces?

Reason why they now required to wear those carbon neck-brace during race events.

Angeljuice3959d ago

As the neck supports the head, when the head becomes 6x heavier than normal, it is obvious that the neck will be put under huge strain. It is the force of gravity on the head that is the cause however.