
Senran Kagura Burst Impressions | NWR

Never in a million years had anyone guessed that Tamsoft's cult classic busty ninja schoolgirl game would be localized for release outside of Japan, due to obvious reasons.

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Censorship In Gaming - Where Is The Line?

SXO: I recently got a chance to review Senran Kagura Burst on the PS4 which some of you may only be familiar with due to the stir it created among the fanbase...

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isarai2074d ago (Edited 2074d ago )

No reason it shouldn't be the same line as every other entertainment medium out there. Problem is there are still higher ups out there with this old stigmatic mindset that video games are just kids toys. I don't get pissed about censorship because i want to see T&A, i get pissed because every time something gets censored in a game that wouldn't be censored otherwise on any other medium, it's a step back away from games being a respected art form. Stifling creativity in general and keeping games back from what they can truly become and express.

Tankbusta402074d ago

Kids these days are probably exposed to everything as soon as they get their smartphone or Ipad. I really don't know why anyone feels the need to censor anything...that's the job of responsible parents(if they choose to parent that way).

blackblades2074d ago (Edited 2074d ago )

I was exposed in 5th grade when searching for Dragon ball z pictures on the internet. Some how ended up on some dbzxxx on accident. They have that content on movies, TV series, Netflix, woman wearing leggings in the store etc... its everywhere. I still wanna know the actual censorship document for the full extent of it from sony.

fiveby92074d ago

I agree it is the job of parents to mind what their kids are consuming. But a rating of 'M' is useful for parent's who don't game. as the OP said above, publishers want to avoid an 'M' rating as they think all games are for kids. It would be nice if studios made the game they want, publishers marketed it with an 'M' is necessary, and adults could buy it without restriction. The problem is, publishers, don't want to restrict their market by limiting a large group from purchasing if their parent's wouldn't buy a Mature rated game. So publishers tell their studios to censor the content. It sux. I agree. But use the rating system and no censorship is necessary.

SlagWolf2074d ago

You nailed it. Most gamers now are in there 30s ,have disposable income , and would like some more mature themed games.

Tetsujin2074d ago

It's still the job of the parents to decide what is/n't appropriate for their household, not the entertainment industry. Video game companies have a rating system for a reason; use it. All censorship does is make the lazy/stupid even worse to the point where anything can be considered bad/inappropriate, and freedom of expression will be a myth instead of a right.

Instead of censorship, educate and let the public decide on their own. Playing parent does nothing but make things worse.

2074d ago Replies(1)
gamer78042074d ago

Wherever Sony wants it drawn apparently....

JackBNimble2074d ago

It's also "Sony's" platform and they do have the right to choose whether or not they want to allow certain content on "their " platform.

gamer78042074d ago

Yup it's their right, they can do whatever they want regardless if it's not for the players.

rainslacker2074d ago

Their right sure. Can't argue that.

But there is the ethical discussion on if they should censor. It's also worth questioning their motives for censorship, and if that holds moral or ethical grounds, or is it trying to cater to something that goes against what the user base wants because it is caused by an outside influence.

Then of course, the whole discussion on how it seems to be applied unevenly across the games released on the system. Like they didn't say that R* had to remove the nudity or sex from RDR2. If they had, and had R* said something, the sh*t storm that would come from that would be actually damaging to them. As it is, it's against games that not enough people play to get worked up over. But even the SJW media can't justify it against a game that people care about in the tens of millions.

Spartacus102074d ago

If what they were censoring was as bad as they think, the law would have beaten them to censoring it.
In other words, if the law doesn't have a problem with it, there is no need for anyone else to be a judgemental, patronising bitch about it.

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Nintendo is Leaving Their Family Friendly Image Behind

Brandon Lyttle writes: "Known for iconic characters like Mario, Kirby, Link and Samus; Nintendo’s largely known as being a family-friendly company when compared to rivals Microsoft and Sony. It seems now more than ever that it is embracing more mature themes and content on their systems. This cultural shift could reinvigorate Nintendo’s franchises if they continue to embrace it."

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FallenAngel19842206d ago

Nintendo has embraced mature games for generations yet people frequently overlook them to continue believing Nintendo only produces child friendly games. Why would that narrative suddenly change now when said mature games have existed on Nintendo consoles prior?

Nebaku2206d ago

Well, Nintendo has always allowed 3rd parties to publish mature games on their consoles.

The narrative won't change until Nintendo themselves do a first party game that is truly more mature than what they've done in the past.

Theknightofnights2206d ago

They have done that quite a few times with titles such as Geist and Eternal Darkness.

2206d ago
Officialxandr2206d ago

Bayonetta is basically a 1st party. Splatoon 2 Octo female is pretty sexualized.

2206d ago
King_Noctis2206d ago

Xenoblade 2 is also a very sexualized game.

Gaming_Cousin2206d ago

Resident Evil 4 was Gamecube exclusive at one point

kreate2206d ago

What's the game shown on the switch screen that's on this article's thumbnail?

tehpees32206d ago


Its not that simple. Once you have an image engraved in your brand and you have a target market set for who you cater to its extremely hard to break that image, especially when you take a certain route with your income focus. It seems like its changed because Nintendo stuck to their guns that there is a market for every type of game on the go and not just JRPGs or niche Japanese or Indie games. Since they've successfully shown shooter players there is an advantage to playing these games on the go fans of that genre have come over and experimented with the idea but nobody knows for sure how big the market is or if it will stick.

Thats why it looks like things have changed but it remains to be seen if it has.

SuperSonic912206d ago

Whoever wrote this article is so stuck in the past.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2206d ago
2206d ago Replies(1)
Segata2206d ago

I think what has truly changed is Nintendo is marketing M rated games themselves and happily. In the past they either would not or do a half-assed job. Did anyone remember Nintendo pushing for people to buy Ninja Gaiden 3 or Devil's Third? No, they quietly published them. Sure they made a big deal about Bayonetta..until it came time to do an ad. Now they make amiibo of M rated games. Proudly feature them in directs and paid for the distribution of Wolfenstein II. Nintendo is bordering on boasting about them. That's the main difference.

BeardRanger2206d ago

Exactly, Bayonetta being prominently featured in Sm4sh was a huge endorsement by Nintendo of an M-Rated franchise. It's part of what led me to write the article.

Also Senran Kagura: Reflexion actually getting a western release. It's exciting times for Nintendo.

Concertoine2206d ago

I actually remember seeing Bayonetta 2 ads all the time around release. Saw some on Adult Swim even. It appears Nintendo deleted the old ads when they put up new ones for the Switch version so I couldn't give a view count. Also, I don't think Nintendo really WANTED people buying Devil's Third. They almost didn't release out of Japan and bowed to fan backlash.

I don't think things have changed too much, Nintendo just has a tendency to focus ads on certain games rather than others. Other non rated M games like Project STEAM and Wonderful 101 were put out to die by Nintendo with hardly any ads.

I do think the success of more niche games like Fire Emblem Awakening and Bayonetta 2 has taught them the value in promoting such games though.

MADGameR2206d ago

There are mature games on Nintendo handheld/console, but the handheld/console lacks a lot of power AND those mature games they have are NOT exclusive.

Noclos2206d ago

Exclusives define the the whole console.

Switch is all about Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, Pokemon, Kirby and Bayonetta.

There isn't anything wrong with these titles, but its a fact that these are so friendly, except Bayonetta.

2206d ago
Apex132206d ago

Exactly. If people know Nintendo they should go back and look at their games catalogue from the Nes all the way through to the wii. It’s just the reluctance to embrace tech when everyone else does which hurt them when the ps1 dropped,. Sometimes they are right not to and other fines they are right to like 4K.

2205d ago
Apex132205d ago (Edited 2205d ago )

@madmoose, I didn’t mention who had the superior hardware, I mentioned fheor lateancy in adopting tech sometimes. Staying with cartridge for the sake of loading quicker over CD like the ps1 was an example.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2205d ago
PhoenixUp2206d ago

That depends if Super Smash Bros will be T rated again with SSBU

2206d ago
PCgamer982206d ago

Yeah I'm surprised nintendo allowed games like lux obscura which has sex and nudity on the switch.

2206d ago Replies(3)
psuedo2206d ago

Not really. Any game that gets released on any other console (besides exclusives or due to not making for cost) what Console has banned a game from its console that any other has not? It usually is the ratings board that does the banning of a game with the AO title anyways. See Manhunt 2, or San Andreas after Hot Coffee was made.

If Nintendo banned non family friendly games they would not be in business. Non family friendly games is like half the market...maybe over?

G3ng4r2206d ago

Eh, some games are a little more extreme than others but did you know ps2 had the only censored version of bmx xxx? Switch isn't at all a leapfrog tablet. Literally every console since the current esrb system has had mature rated games.

Segata2206d ago

Platinum almost had Bayonetta wear more clothes in Bayo 2 with Nintendo costumes. Nintendo told PG to have here worn more revealing outfits. Also, have you played Xenoblade 2? That game got the SJW's at ResetEra all upset for all the revealing boobage.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2206d ago
DarXyde2206d ago

Manhunt 2 or Bayonettta, anyone?

I guess I don't really understand the reason why mature vs. Non- mature content is even a discussion. I never understood the reputation they had for "kiddie games" either. Isn't it a little immature to need bloodshed, sex, etc. just to feel that you're playing a game "for adults"? I think a game like Splatoon accomplishes a lot of the experience that rated M shooters provide. If I had to summarize, to me, it's like saying "I need some sleep" vs "I need some ****ing sleep": both accomplish the same thing, one is just edgier.

2206d ago Replies(4)
Benjaminkno2205d ago

Because older people in their 30’s need to play games that make them feel their age.
It doesn’t matter what the gameplay is like or if it’s the same garbage they’ve played before.
They want sex, violence and graphics because that’s what adults want out of video games.

Gameplay, innovation and new ideas are secondary in the age of mindless violence. It’s a pride thing. It’s gotta be “cool”

I’m in my mid-30’s and I have more fun playing Mario kart and splatoon more than I do CoD or Fortnight.
I play games to feel like I kid again, duh.

syphon322206d ago


Venoxn4g2206d ago

I play it as well..such a great game! interesting, would it be possible to get a remaster? but I know nothing would replicate some moves like they been done with Wii controllers.. nintendo switch maybe?

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Original Senran Kagura Burst Box Concept Featured Removable Clothing

This Senran Kagura Burst Box concept reveals an early idea that would utilise a plastic sleeve with a clothes design and Hikage. Take a look!

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