
IGN breaks embargo, gives Super Mario 3D World 9.6/10 and then removes their review

IGN accidentally released their video review of Super Mario 3D World briefly today and gave the game a 9.6/10. Shortly after they removed the video and it is no longer available on the web until the November 19th embargo expires.

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Chupa-Chupa3907d ago

The game is a must either way. If Famitsu gave it a 38, it's a must have game. http://gematsu.com/2013/11/...

Concertoine3907d ago (Edited 3907d ago )

famitsu gave resident evil 6 a 39/40.
i wanted to trust them on their sonic lost world review (36/40) and that game was terrible.
i dont think famitsu's been anywhere near trustworthy for a long time.

ritsuka6663907d ago (Edited 3907d ago )

Capcom have payed for this score RE6,that's for sure.

BosSSyndrome3907d ago

Sonic Lost World f*****g rocks.

Concertoine3907d ago

hey that's your opinion.
in my opinion its horribly mishandled with the wisp powers completely unaccounted for, filled with terrible villains and a bad story. the controls are loose and the game slows to a crawl way too much. it feels like a mario galaxy wanna-be if i'm honest. even the soundtrack, the one thing in every sonic game i can always assume to be great, was forgettable. i got my money back after i spent a week trying to like it. got deus ex instead, much better game.

ChickeyCantor3906d ago

" filled with terrible villains and a bad story."

Whatever crack you're smoking it must be good.
Since when did Sonic have " good " villains and "good" stories?

Concertoine3906d ago (Edited 3906d ago )

Ummm shadow, eggman, metal sonic, every sonic villain ever are better than the deadly 6. They literally consist of stereotypes.
The stories for the past few games were at least cohesive and clear, lost world introduces a freaking new planet and then says nothing about it.

TRGMatt3903d ago

And then there are those of us who loved RE6 and can't understand why other outlets shortchanged it so much. Very unheralded game. It was a blast to play solo.

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_QQ_3907d ago

3D world is more than likely going to be the highest Rated game of the new Generation for a while.

Neonridr3907d ago (Edited 3907d ago )

from their scores, sounds like this could still be a GOTY contender..

deafdani3907d ago

Hell yeah. I'm seriously considering taking a day off work so I can have a long weekend to myself to play this. XD

MNGamer-N3907d ago

*cough* I'm feeling *cough* sick >;D

Thepcz3906d ago

we must have a different standard on what is beautiful. NSMB just isnt even a good looking game. its merely functional.

nintendo havent gone out of the way to make it stylish, or attractive... like the recent rayman games... or any modern 'cartoon' game for that matter.

this mario 3d world has that same by-the-numbers look to its graphics.

i just dont find it appealing.

deafdani3906d ago

I have a feeling you'll be swimming against the current here. I'm pretty sure once the reviews are up, the majority, of them will consider the game beautiful-looking, if not ALL of them.

New Super Mario Bros U doesn't have spectacular graphics by any means, but it's still a good looking game. Although, yeah, it's basically the same graphics as the Wii version, but in HD. That doesn't stop it from being a damn blast to play, though.

Coming back to 3D World... yeah, we must have seen different trailers, then. It looks pretty damn good graphically, to me, and pretty much everyone else.

But whatever, you seem to be so set in hating EVERYTHING Nintendo does, so I don't even know why I'm arguing with you here.

Thepcz3906d ago

''New Super Mario Bros U doesn't have spectacular graphics by any means, but it's still a good looking game. ''

its not a good looking game, thats the point. its just functional. all function with no consideration for the form, which results in a game which seems soulless.

''That doesn't stop it from being a damn blast to play, though.''

you cant pull the wool over my eyes, i have NSMB on the wii and it is very dull. and i am a big mario fan. but i will not stick up for a game that is just dull through and through.

''yeah, we must have seen different trailers, then. It looks pretty damn good graphically, to me, and pretty much everyone else.

i think people arent being honest. as i said, people dont seem to care that NSMB graphic style is terrible. people dont seem to care that wii sports and the like feature merely functional graphics. thats what fanboyism does- makes you blind, deaf and dumb to what are clearly short comings.

it isnt me being a hater or a troll, just honest. in fact, im just stating the obvious. the game doesnt look that good.

deafdani3906d ago (Edited 3906d ago )

"You cant pull the wool over my eyes, i have NSMB on the wii and it is very dull."

And I was talking about Mario Bros U, which isn't the same game you have for Wii. Because, you know... it's a Wii U game, and yes, it's a blast to play for the majority of players.

Want to say it just didn't appeal to YOU? Fair enough. But your sentiment, again, goes against the majority.

But yeah, EVERYONE must be lying. You, and only you, speak the truth.

Whatever you say, man.

for we are many3906d ago

Then go play your "exceptionally beautiful and extremely fun to play" knack, or sony's flagship 1st party exclusive and genre defining shooter, kz: the definition of boredom, or the indie arthouse gem, contrast, and leave Mario 3D World, WW HD, DK, Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 to the Nintendo nerds, we want that kind of crap.

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Super Mario 3D World 2: Switch Gamers Need a Sequel

There’s still hope for Super Mario 3D World’s legacy in this modern era of Nintendo.

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CDbiggen675d ago

Agreed. Great for multiplayer.

meganick675d ago

If they do make a sequel, they should incorporate Bowser’s Fury’s game design into the mix. Think Bowser’s Fury’s overworld where you can find warp points to linear levels like Mario 3D World.


The Best Super Mario Games

The iconic red plumber have taken us everywhere, from another galaxy to New Donk City. Here are the best Super Mario games you can play right now.

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MadLad713d ago (Edited 713d ago )

I still say the series peaked with Galaxy. They've put out good stuff since then, but nothing really matched up.

Movieworld712d ago

Absolutely no way odyssey should be above either galaxy. Laughable


Forget Odyssey 2 - It's Time For Super Mario 3D World 2

It's time for Nintendo to give the Super Mario 3D World formula another chance with a new game built from the ground up for the Nintendo Switch.

richardmmorales737d ago

Rather have a new Super Mario RPG.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is my favorite Mario. I'd event take a remaster/remake.

Babadook7737d ago

My favourite Mario’s are Mario 64 and SM World SNES. Neither Odyssey nor 3D World were great imo.