
$425 League of Legends Budget Gaming PC Build Guide

GamersNexus: "This Cheap Bastard's gaming PC build stands at less than $500, making a great DIY gaming computer for League of Legends, Path of Exile, Skyrim, and DOTA 2 players. With the powerful A10 APU and Zalman Z9 case, this PC not only looks ready to go into battle, but ready for you to summon your champion and decimate whomever crosses your lane."

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fluffydelusions3970d ago

You can play LoL on a toaster pretty much.

N4Flamers3970d ago

How is an OS optional? I mean I guess If you have one around or get a free one the price would be, but then you could argue that for any component.

jeffgoldwin3970d ago

It's an option if you already own a copy of a windows disk or if you want to download a free Linux OS instead.

MidnytRain3970d ago

You could get linux only, but then it'd lock you out of a bunch of other games that don't support it. Though, I assume the typical LoL player doesn't play anything else anyway, so...

N4Flamers3969d ago

That's my point. I can argue that about any of the features. An hdd is optional if I have one lying around.

jeffgoldwin3969d ago (Edited 3969d ago )

Ok but your point misses on some people wanting to use the free Linux OS. Steam gaming is heavily pushing this.

N4Flamers3968d ago

How would you get it without a pc that has an os running. Your basically saying my point doesn't stand because your friend gave you an optical drive. Either way an os is not optional. Paying for it might be.

jeffgoldwin3968d ago

You download it to a disk or usb from your current pc or a friends pc. If I really needed to explain this you the basic piece (not to be mean), I think you should stick to console gaming. This is a very, very basic beginner level thing to do here.

N4Flamers3968d ago

I'm sorry but despite your condescending tone you have failed to either read what I wrote or to understand it. You are seriously just proving my point that an os is not optional since you need to go through the trouble of downloading that from someone else's house. Let me know if I should (not to sound like a jerk) post a link to the definition of optional for you.

jeffgoldwin3968d ago ShowReplies(1)
hellvaguy3967d ago


I think your probably trolling here. You really cant be this dumb.....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3967d ago

Why The League Community Hates Attractive Champions

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MeteorPanda37d ago

It's cause the females all share the same model... or they're getting younger and younger to borderline strange.


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Here's Why Fans Should Boycott Ahri's $500 Faker Skin

A skin more expensive than the PC you'll play the game on.

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Knightofelemia90d ago

People can be pretty stupid when it comes to money. I mean there was an article on here about a moron who spent $1 million on a skin for a gun. And look how many suckers feed Star Citizen cash as well. So I would not be surprised if some dumbass was or is dumb enough to buy this skin. $500 for a skin nah I would rather use the money towards something tangible like food, rent, gas, bills.

Vits90d ago

I doesn't matter if we boycott or not. This Skin was never meant for the western market. Korea and China are the true targets and they will buy it like there is no tomorrow.

Chocoburger89d ago

You don't need to give us reasons why to boycott the skin / game / company. We already know to do so.