
PS4 is super elegant to work on, according to NetherRealm

Yet more praise for Sony's PlayStation 4 comes from NetherRealm Studios, the developers of Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition.

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johndoe112113964d ago

Know what i find interesting? I don't think I've seen a single article where a third party dev who wasn't making an exclusive for microsoft have made similar comments for the xbone.

Alexious3964d ago

That says something, I agree.

abzdine3964d ago

is Injustice a PS4 launch title?

robtion3964d ago

@abzdine yes it's a launch title.

MasterCornholio3964d ago

I haven't seen anyone praise the ESRAM in the system yet.

Nexus 7 2013

Bathyj3964d ago

No cell was actually powerful. Just difficult.

ESRAM is a bandaid covering a horrible gaping wound.

abzdine3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )


i have two things for you:

Beyond: Two Souls
Gran Turismo 6

Powah af da CELL still up and kicking

PS4isKing_823964d ago

That's cause 720p 30fps is last gen.
Wii u + xbone = last gen
Ps4 = next gen.

TomahawkX3964d ago

Couldn't have said it any better myself, well done!

FamilyGuy3963d ago

Wii-u runs a lot of games in 1080p, they just happen to be last gen in their graphics quality though. Wii-U is a more powerful version of 360/PS3.

Bathyj3964d ago

Yeah. Ps4 hardware praise seems to be unanimous. Has ANYONE ( whose not Belkin or bbbbbirdistheword )said the Ps4 hardware is not awesome?

Xbone hardware praise seems to be a couple 1st party devs or a 3rd party exclusive dev trying to convince you their game is so advanced you need the cloud to run it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3963d ago

really anxious to see how this looks on the ps4! One of my launch titles.

Alexious3963d ago

Yeah, I'll pick it up as well for either PC or PS4.

cyhm31123963d ago

PS4 is the only successful console this coming gen, both big N and MS should learn a lesson powerful hardware and dedicated to games, but not gimmicks, marketing lies and multimedia can win you sales.


NetherRealm Studios Is Already Working On Its Next AAA Game, Teases Job Ad

It appears that NetherRealm Studios is already hiring for its next AAA project, as possibly revealed in new job listings.


NetherRealm's Mobile Games In Danger as Layoffs Strike

It looks like Mortal Kombat developer NetherRealm has been hit by the layoff wave, with the studio's mobile division reportedly closing down.

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Ed Boon responds to the NRS animation discourse online

Within the dynamic realm of interactive gaming, NetherRealm Studios (NRS) stands as a source of both excitement and contention, with discussions spanning visual aesthetics and kinetic animations. Since the debuts of Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat 11, the studio’s visual evolution has been nothing short of remarkable. An evolution that becomes most apparent in the refined portrayal of character facial models, enhancing both their visual appeal and their ability to authentically render the intricacies of Black skin across various lighting conditions. However, in the midst of this progress, one aspect remains a challenge—the attack animations—an ongoing Achilles’ heel within the domain of NRS games.

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abstractel386d ago (Edited 386d ago )

My personal opinion would be that they focused less on juggles and more on grounded combos so sticking out a poke and it continues to juggle an airborne enemy should go away. It just looks silly. I love MK and Tekken, but this aspect has always been silly to me. It still has some great looking combos, but the air juggles just makes the animations reset, making those specific combos look stiff.

SF has some of these air juggles, but not nearly as much. I'd much prefer their combos combos which are generally more grounded. I don't think the animations are bad in MK in any way, it's the way they are implemented in gameplay in the juggle state.

MK1 is still a day one for me, but fixing this issue would make a lot of people complain less about MK1's animations.