
PS4 pre-orders ahead of Xbox One, Ubisoft boss suggests

But Xbox One "will be a best-seller as well", says Yves Guillemot

Ubisoft chief executive Yves Guillemot has suggested that that PS4 pre-orders are ahead of Xbox One.

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xHeavYx3971d ago

Everybody seems to be suggesting the same thing

christrules00413971d ago ShowReplies(4)
Blackdeath_6633971d ago

they wouldn't be unless there was a significant difference between the two. anyways few more days left we will see how things go down in north America. its really hard to imagine the XBone being even close considering its only launching in 13 markets

Neonridr3971d ago

Makes sense. The PS4 has a lot more going for it. Even if you factor out the extra power, it just seems like Sony is aiming this machine to be all about the gamers.

Microsoft seems to be marketing their console as the more all in one device to replace all your devices on your TV stand.

In all fairness to MS, that's fine and dandy, and if that is what you are aiming for with your console then by all means go the XB1 route. There will be some awesome exclusives and 3rd party games will still look and play great.

Personally I think I've just outgrown MS this last gen and I truly did miss out on some wicked Sony exclusives.

I might be jumping ship next gen and switching to Sony. I have never owned a Playstation before but I've already registered my account via the PSN so that I am ready if/when I do take that plunge.

Besides, it seems like most of the MS exclusives I can still play on my PC, so I won't be missing out on as much this time around.

kewlkat0073971d ago (Edited 3971d ago )

Can't disagree with your pov...

I truly think besides the games the whole experience will be better on the Xbox One counting the infrastructure and XBL which is why I'm getting it first.

Sony has made some strides with PSN but still wait to see how it performs. We know, they will have the games. I will get PS4 later when the heavy hitters are out.

MightyNoX3971d ago

I'm not disagreeing with anything you've said except point out one thing -- The Xbox One doesn't replace all devices on your TV stand. You're still gonna need a cable box.

Neonridr3971d ago

lol, my bad. Oh and a 3D bluray player too, if you are into that.. ;)

hello123971d ago (Edited 3971d ago )

Why do Sony fans ignore the fact the XB1 has a superior UI? Do you truly not believe the casual and neutral gamer would prefer the Microsoft UI?

Compare both UI's side by side, only the most delusional of people would think Sony UI is superior.

For online multiplayer. player hosting (peer to peer) is the old way of doing game online.

Do you not think dedicated servers is better, really? Sony provides no servers-Microsoft does.

In regards to price. Sony provides no camera. Microsoft does. So Sony could offer a console at 400.

More powerful console. The differences between both versions of the same game, have been minor, nobody is really going to mind.

MysticStrummer3971d ago

@KNWS - The "better" UI is subjective. I prefer PS4's.

MS doesn't have a monopoly on dedicated servers. PS3 games had them, and so will PS4. Besides that, those 300,000 MS servers are virtual and shared with all of MS's cloud enabled business and personal software.

XB1 is more expensive because of a camera that most people didn't want on their 360. We have yet to see a core game that uses Kinect in any way that makes a significant difference. I'm glad Sony made their camera optional.

The resolution differences alone indicate a significant power gap, and those aren't the only differences.

ABizzel13971d ago


My guess is because "GAMERS" aren't spending $400 - $500+ with their major concern being the UI. Albeit there are some neat things both are doing, but really UI is a desperate thing to fall back on.

Online multiplayer, PSN was a solid service when it was Free, it's only going to get better now that PS+ should be on a larger install base, and yes Sony is using dedicated servers for their first party games, and bigger third party developers also use dedicated servers themselves (EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Capcom, and more). XBL is great, and the additions to matchmaking and player ranking will make it just that much better. But is it worth $100 more, especially considering you have to spend $60 a year on XBL and get nothing, while you can spend $50 a year on PS+ and get 2 free PS4 games, 3 free PS3 games, and 2 free PSV games per month. PS+ nullifies any advantage XBL has had, besides these "stability issues" PSN that I have never experienced.

Camera. There are supposedly 80 million XB360's out there, there are approximately 25 million Kinect's sold (including Kinects bundled with consoles). Find me the sales of the best selling "NON-BUNDLED" Kinect game, and tell me is Kinect worth the addition $100 - $150 price. Only 31.25% of 360 gamers have Kinect, and which means the majority of 360 owners don't care about Kinect. And if a camera is really that big of a deal you can still buy the PS Eye for $60, and get a $460 PS4 and still save you $40 compared to the XBO.

More powerful console FACT. The PS4 a lead of over 55% resolution and 15% average fps increase in BF4 compared to the XBO. That's not minor in any way, shape or form.

If you're an "casual or neutral" gamer there is no reason for you the pick an XBO over the PS4 unless you really enjoy Microsoft's 1st part games.

Quick breakdown

XBO Console + Kinect
25 Games (average gamers buys 5 games per year, $60 each over 5 years)
5 years of XBLG

PS4 Console
145 games (25 average gamers, + 2 games per month with PS+)
5 years of PS+
****180 PS3 games (PS+)
****120 VIta games (PS+)

Why would you buy a XBO.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3971d ago
stavrami3971d ago

microsoft says different and what they say must be true coz they got a graph

MightyNoX3971d ago

It's funny cuz it's true. Microsoft DID say they have (and I quote) just as many pre-orders as the PS4.

Manic20143971d ago

Well, that was one of the Dev's all the exec's have stated they have got more than twice as much pre-orders compared to the 360......

twinspectre3971d ago

is this a clear message that the Playstation is back to its roots?

SpinalRemains1383971d ago

The cream will always rise to the top.

The Bone has been exposed. Gimped multi plats, no native 1080p, and very strange behavior on the part of its manufacturer. They cannot make up their mind until the customer becomes irate with their policy.

Goodbye, Bone

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Ubisoft CEO says Assassin's Creed Shadows and Ghost of Yōtei 'can both sell very well' in 2025

“I would like to say that there’s a lot of space for very high quality games," says Yves Guillemot.

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Kaii21h ago

" very high quality "
That's only true for one of the two though, and we all know which one that'll be.

DarXyde21h ago

I promise, only one of them will.

And it's the one that is the better franchise and respects the historical context of the region.

Hotpot20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Dude’s getting the sweat because star wars outlaws underperformed, and that’s with far smaller controversy compared to AC shadows.

Extermin8or3_17h ago

The AC shadows controversy is fucking ridiculous though.

Abnor_Mal20h ago

Well of course, but AC: Shadows will be on more platforms so I would expect it to sell more than Ghost.

raWfodog19h ago

I won’t be buying either until 2026 though lol

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Ubisoft Has Already Recouped the Money it Spent on Activision Cloud Gaming Rights

Ubisoft announced on recent earnings calls that it has already recouped the cost of Activision/Blizzard streaming rights - which were only between €50M and €100M.

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Hedge fund calls for further layoffs at Ubisoft after shares slump

A minority investor in Ubisoft has called on the company to go private amid a shares slump following the release of Star Wars Outlaws.

TheNamelessOne14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Wait. So you're telling me spending years and years mainly producing high budget, mid games hasn't been working out for them?

staticall13d ago

And the weird thing is, this do-same-thing-over-and-over-an d-expect-different mentality is coming from the company, that was partially responsible for Vaas and his famous quote: «Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change. That is crazy.»

Was it foreshadowing?

Flewid63813d ago

This started when AC games ditched stealth for RPG. You can see the downgrade in the visuals when compared, but all 3 sold well so I think they kept saying "fck it, people will praise mid games".

Once it started creeping into their other franchises, it all went downhill. I have Ubisoft + so its interesting going thru their whole library of greats just to see when the decline starts.

TheNamelessOne12d ago

The last 3 games I bought of theirs were AC Syndicate, Division 2 and Immortals Fenyx Rising. They CAN make goods games, but they're coming less and less frequently.

kennyg12312d ago

Why are you still giving them your money??

ElaBosak12d ago

Your argument here does not make any sense considering the RPG AC games are some of the most successful games in the industry.

Michiel198912d ago (Edited 12d ago )

@ElaBosak, genshin impact is one of the most succesfull games in the industry ever, does that now mean gaas/gacha is the best gamedesign?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 12d ago
RiseNShine13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I don't understand, I thought buggy woke AAAA games were the future, and yet the share is sinking almost 40% in complete free fall since the release of SW Outlaws ($3.76 on 30 Aug, - $2.55 today), it's brutal.

neutralgamer199213d ago

Ubisoft has really gone downhill because of the Guillemot family’s bad decisions. They’ve completely lost touch with what gamers actually want, focusing way too much on microtransactions, buggy releases, and XP boosters. It’s like they think these quick cash grabs are the future of gaming, and they don’t care that most of us aren’t comfortable with the idea of not owning our games anymore. The stupid comments they’ve made, along with the idiotic choices, have led to a massive drop in their stock—over 40% since *Star Wars Outlaws* launched. Honestly, I think the only way Ubisoft can improve is if the Guillemots sell the company. They’re holding it back.

Jingsing13d ago

Yeah, They have gone into that downward spiral of bad products and trying to chase every penny to make up for it while being anti consumer in the process.

neutralgamer199213d ago

All these companies want to squeeze very penny out of their customers instead of over delivering like a lot of them used to do

Goozex13d ago

Go woke you go broke! The gamers have spoken

IAMRealHooman13d ago

or its a buggy bland game, with horrible AI, bare bones mechanics, awful animations, and a predictable boring story

northpaws13d ago

Woke is not the main problem... Ubi games are just so boring now...

Walalon13d ago

Yeah... Woke it's just one of the list why Bugisoft it's struggling so much.

Charlieboy33313d ago

Woke IS a big reason because people are being hired based on their skin colour, gender, what they like to screw and how much they like to play pretend in their heads......instead of their actual skill. Which is why you get a boring, buggy, technically all round crap product like this and all the other steaming piles like it.

Mr_cheese13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

When creativity is replaced by a formula, sooner or later people tend to clock on, especially if the end result is continued mediocrity.

The IPs that ubisoft own have and had so much potential to be more than what we got, it's crazy. Watchdogs is a great example. How refreshingly different that looked when the original was announced and what did they do? Chased away all originality and replaced it with what ever insert people choose to call it.

Make less games if you're making too many but really put the time and focus into making each release standout in its own way instead of being generic reskinned worlds.

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