GarrusVakarian3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

No UK promotion?!


I wonder what happens if you haven't pre ordered any games? Do you get the email as soon as you pre order a couple?

MaximusPrime_3911d ago

im from UK and i found this disgraceful :(

GarrusVakarian3911d ago

Fingers crossed they do something similar closer to the UK launch for the PS4.

mp12893911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

got the email for getting the killzone bundle, now i can get battlefield and ghosts to complete my shooters collection, or maybe get something else instead of ghosts lol

Lucreto3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

We never got any of these deals so I don't expect this to be any different.

We might just might get £5 off during the black Friday deals.

GarrusVakarian3911d ago

I just spoke with an Amazon UK customer service representative and he said that they have no information on any such promotion in the UK ........-_-

xHeavYx3911d ago

You UK people should email Amazon till they do the same.
Personally,I was hoping InFamous would be part of the promotion, because I don't see anything interesting other than Killzone and AC

mikeslemonade3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

I got mine. I was hoping for it just to be essentially a BOGO. It's essentially buy 2 get 1 free.

I have COD already.. which I want to get rid of, and then I thinking about getting Killzone and BF. Or Killzone and Knack. Or I can get BF and KZ, and then sell the garbage COD.

Any takers want COD GHOSTS for PS4 for $40?

Eonjay3911d ago

I was able to contact Amazon. I had the delayed Watch Dogs pre order and didn't get the email. They said they will email me a code for a free game! AMAZON BABY!!!!!!!

zeee3911d ago

Yes, got the email today. It was awesome even though I had cancelled my pre-order of BF4 this very morning! LOVE AMAZON :)

dantesparda3911d ago

Nice got the email. And to the UK guys, sorry to hear your plight, but there are two reasons this isnt happening over there (i assume), 1.) Target is doing the promotion here and Amazon is just trying to match them and 2.) Black Friday

Docknoss3911d ago

Too bad all the PS4 dayone exclusives suck and suck hard

GirlOnFire3911d ago

Useless comment of the year. Thanks for taking the time and comment for the beautiful PS4. Enjoy your launch games which none of them attract me.

thereapersson3909d ago (Edited 3909d ago )

Everyone who is wishing for their retailers to do a promotion of this nature, you need to e-mail the company and let your voice be heard. I work for a company that pretty much thrives off it's customers' feedback. They know this because in the business world, communication is key. Yet some companies forget that the people they serve are somehow on the low end of the "need to know" scale.

I found a good article on the subject

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3909d ago
Thatguy-3103911d ago

Have Killzone with my launch
Going after Knack,Ghost and Battlefield! Damn 5 more days!!!! So Psyched

aceitman3911d ago

ghost is not included with the b2g1free

SpitFireAce853911d ago

Did you call Amazon or they just sent you
a code via email?

mp12893911d ago case you haven't preordered any games.

Enter GR8TNESS and get 3 games for $120 basically, assuming you live in the US.

AlexanderNevermind3910d ago

Yeah I pre-ordered from Best Buy and they still sent me the code GR8TNESS. Don't have to have pre-ordered the system from Amazon. Very Good Deal.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3910d ago
GarrusVakarian3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

Sorry, i wasn't aware there was an age restriction on that abbreviation.

"No but there is maturity restriction on that phrase."

Im 100% confident that there isn't.

Donnywholovedbowling3911d ago

"F--- my life"

No but there is maturity restriction on that phrase.

wtopez3911d ago


Snookies123910d ago (Edited 3910d ago )

"Donny, you're outta your element!"

Sorry man, sorry... I just had to...

Big Lebowski is just too awesome.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3910d ago
bub163911d ago

we always get shat on, seeing as we pay shed loads more for out games aswel!

aceitman3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

from the site-Please note: Call of Duty: Ghosts and Skylanders Swap Force Starter Packs are sold separately at the full price. and How many times can I use the promo code? The promotion is limited to one per customer.

jessupj3911d ago

Doesn't ship to Australia.


BadlyPackedKeebab3911d ago

I dont see it happening in the uk as nobody else is doing it. In the us they have the stick of others doing it so they feel the need to compete.

KingKevo3911d ago

It's interesting. I thought Amazon Europe all had similar promotions going on, because in Germany, ONLY of you did pre-order the PS4, Amazon has a promotion where you can choose one free game from Sony (KZ, Knack, DC (that comes out next year, lol)) if you buy 2 3rd party games (BF, CoD, NFS, FIFA or AC). The promotion started this October.

But I'm pretty sure that there will be more to come, especially in the UK, where, unlike the rest of Europe, the Xbox brand was always bigger and Sony is obviously trying to get people to migrate to the PS family. Great promotions await :)

davidDIRK3910d ago

This article is bullshit. I just called amazon and this deal don't exist. These dinks need to get a life. Probably never even got laid.

grumpc3909d ago

Do you reckon if we're in the UK we can just use the US Amazon website and have it shipped to us?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3909d ago
admiralvic3911d ago

Nothing for me yet. I really hope mine is just delayed.

Starbucks_Fan3911d ago

Me neither. I ordered it after it was first available

iiwii3910d ago

I have Destiny preordered and have not recieved an email either

admiralvic3910d ago

It has to be a launch title

iiwii3910d ago

But someone above said they ordered watchdogs and got a code.. Thats not a launch title.

jay23911d ago


NJShadow3911d ago

Just an FYI, this also applies to games that came with your PS4 console pre-ordered. I have the Killzone Launch bundle on pre-order, and I was sent a code. Snagged two PS4 titles for $60. Pretty awesome promotion!

Lwhit63911d ago

Same here! Got the bf4 bundle and now I'm going to get assassins creed 4 for free! Now I just have to step foot in that nasty place called gamestop and cancel my ac4 order there!

JetsFool35003911d ago

We on the same boat I got a free ac4 with my bf4 bundle

elmaton983911d ago

Me too I got knack and killzone. Now comes Friday and I'll be a happy man.

GameSpawn3911d ago

Grabbed Knack and Injustice PS4 Ultimate.

I'm not big on a lot of the other games in the list and ACIV was the reason I got the code in the first place.

If I really had to stretch I'd get NFS:Rivals, but my motivation for it is only a minor point above not getting it at all.

I gave up interest in FPS a long time ago. I still have yet to finish Resistance 2 and still haven't picked up Resistance 3 if this helps paint my loss of interest in FPS. I just don't have the motivation.

Silly Mammo3910d ago

Just grabbed KZ And Knack. Used my $41 reward points too. 2 games for $18.

thehitman3910d ago

Btw you don't need to buy another game if you have it bundled. All you have to do is go to customer service after you used the code that you already got and have them delete one extra game and they will reduce the other game to 0. For those that didn't want to buy another game after the bundle.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3910d ago
_FantasmA_3911d ago

Seriously WTF? I just purchased KZ like an hour ago on Amazon. I hope I get this shit.

NJShadow3911d ago

Account > Orders > Cancel Order > Replace Order with Three Titles > Get Deal > Fixed.

_FantasmA_3911d ago

I wish I could but I have a prepaid debit card :(. Its a pain in the ass to get the money refunded and I basically have to have Amazon call up my card company and ask them to return the money to me. I still got $10 off because of a credit they gave to people who had preordered the Watchdogs bundle.

NJShadow3911d ago

Amazon has stellar customer service, so I'd recommend giving them a call or chatting with them online to see if you could get the promo. Honestly, if you put forth the effort, they should be able to pull up your history and perhaps shoot a code out to you. Give it a try, you've got nothing to lose.

Sitdown3911d ago

I have talked to two said the promotion was sent out to random people; other said I did not qualify because Destiny was not an eligible title. At the end of the day, they both pointed me two Tuesday's promotion, which I believe is essentially the same type of promotion.

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thorstein146d ago

PoE: Deadfire, Unless you have a or PS5 or an SSD don't bother, loading times are insane. A minute and a half to go into a room to investigate a desk in an inn and then an additional 1 1/2 minutes to leave the room and then load to leave the inn???

And they never fixed it.


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OtterX160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

I wanted a Black Flag sequel so bad. It's still my favorite AC entry. The fact that they ignored everything that we loved about that game in this "spiritual successor" is making me enjoy watching this game crash and burn quite a bit. Either do it right or don't do it at all. (I understand the legal binding they got themselves into with the Singapore government to release this game at all costs)

/grabs popcorn

isarai160d ago

My thing is, if the Singapore govt was forcing you to do it at all cost, why not make what people wanted? How did ubi delay it for 5yrs, then again for 1yr and not just make a similar experience to black flag? How do you spend so much time and make so little?

Chocoburger159d ago

Ubisoft did make a sequel, Assassin's Creed: Rogue. It has a short campaign, and its packed with filler side quests for upgrades, but it's still a decent time.

It released on the same day as Assassin's Creed: Unity, so it was mostly forgotten.

porkChop159d ago

11 years of development. Multiple restarts. All the while people have been saying they don't want some pirate game where you can't even get off your ship. 11 years of people telling Ubisoft all they want is a pirate game that's basically Black Flag without any of the assassin or animus stuff. Yet they still served up this trash that no one wanted, charged $70 for it, and had the balls to call it AAAA.

The Guillemot family honestly needs to be forced out of Ubisoft. They've doubled down on everything players don't like about their games, they want AI to create "rough drafts" of their stories rather than letting their writers do their jobs, and they literally do not give a shit what their playerbase actually wants. 5-6 years ago their stock was worth more than 4x what it's currently worth. The company is dying.

Jin_Sakai159d ago (Edited 159d ago )

What has happened to developers? How can you possible make a worse looking game 11 years later? It’s honestly mind boggling.

darksky159d ago

It's because the older developers were better at it. The new generation pass most of their exams by copying code from around the web so are not nearly as good at understanding what they are developing.

LucasRuinedChildhood159d ago (Edited 159d ago )

No, here's the truth:
This was made in Singapore and it's the first game of this scale to be made there. Ubisoft would probably cancel it normally since it clearly wasn't shaping up well but they were getting government grants to try build up the industry there.

Do you really think game developers are radically different than just 10 years ago? And this game has been development since Black Flag released.

Using one crap game to trash a whole industry of developers is stupid. It's like saying "Alien Colonial Marines proves that game developers suck now."

yeahokwhatever159d ago

i know this to be at least part of the puzzle from experience.

senorfartcushion158d ago

It's the multiplayer aspect of the world. MP games look worse than single player games, period. Every comparison we keep seeing are for games like Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones. They all have multiplayer focusses.

SyntheticForm159d ago

God, I'd love a remake of Black Flag.

Yi-Long159d ago

Enough has been said about this game already. The gaming world shrugged when it was announced so many years ago, and instead of listening to all the criticisms from the community back then, Ubi just sailed on and kept making a game nobody really wanted. What a waste of money and effort.

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