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NBA 2k14 is playable via Remote Play

Adam Boyes confirms that a game box does not necessarily have to mention that it supports remote play, even if it does.

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majiebeast3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Well thats good i have a feeling fifa wont be though because it had a vita version.

Lets hope Adam can shed some light on the D3 situation. I mean that could determine if i go PC or PS4 for that. I want to loot on the toilet.

jonatan2213974d ago

I hope its not like that, but it would make sense, because then who would want to pay extra for the Vita one.

If it does happen, then it would mean developers can choose whether to support remote-play or not, and I don't want to see other devs get lazy and not support it :(

stavrami3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

2 totally different issues people want fifa on the go get vita. If u want to play it indoors play ps4 version . Not sure why anyone would wonder if there gonna remote play anything though as remote play is mandatory and will only not feature in games with cameras or move

majiebeast3974d ago

Yeah if they let one dev get away with no RP more will follow. I really hope Sony is still strict with it, its not like devs have to do more work for it. Few theories i have why its not included in D3

1. A vita port is coming(not yet announced) by Sony third party publishing like Borderlands 2.
2. The guy they asked mispoke and meant, they werent gonna add extras to RP.
3. Blizzard really thinks the game isnt suited for Vita but that would also alienate Vita tv which would be bad.

If its number 3 we should just throw a big stink on the D3 forums, cause they dont like that:P

jonatan2213974d ago

Yeah, I'm hoping it's #2, it seems more likely.

aCasualGamer3974d ago

Well, this probably means that no thrid party multiplat will get released on Vita. The only Vita games we'll see in the future are Vita exclusives.

The best part is that we get to enjoy PS4 visuals on PS Vitas OLED. =)

I'll enjoy 2k14 both in the living room and on the toilet!


iceman063974d ago

It shouldn't be difficult for's just mapping the controls. The PS4 does all of the heavy lifting in terms of streaming and such. The issues will come if devs can't figure out how to map the buttons. But, that should be about it.

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gunboss2013974d ago

I actually rather have a Remote play FIFA than the VITA version, No improvements of anything since the first FIFA for VITA, No for me..

jujubee883974d ago

D3 is playable. Any game without camera is going to be playable.

CVG just put up a piece with another D3 member saying something like 'ps4 comes with a cool feature that remote-plays all games, we are just not full optimized in some ways'.

So, there you have it. Just another fine example of Sony messaging and marketing messing things up again. :\

Skate-AK3974d ago

"The Vita is an amazing piece of kit, but the screen is still smaller," he said. "And when you look at--and also it has its own aspect ratio--and when you look at Diablo III, there's a lot happening on-screen already. You get surrounded by your enemies, lots of effects flying off in every direction. The inventory can be pretty complicated to navigate sometimes when you have lots of items."

"So it would be a little bit more of stretch. It's kind of percolating in the back of our mind, but we don't really have any plans right now,"

PlayStation_43974d ago

Fifa 14 is confirmed to be playable via Remote Play, it was even featured in the new Remote Play trailer

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kiz26943974d ago

I hope we dont keep getting articles like this cos its not news unless a game doesnt include any PS4 camera features and still doesn't feature remote play. e.g Diablo 3 not having remote play is news.

stavrami3974d ago

I agree with everything you say although the Diablo article is wrong there will be remote play I hate to say it but the person being interviewed knows nothing about remote play and how it works . It will be on Diablo

sigfredod3974d ago

yeah i don't know why the doubts and rumors, when sony already state over and over that all the games will support it except those that use camera or move, knack box also doesn't say it and we have seen in action at several shows

jonatan2213974d ago

True, but it's always good to have some sort of confirmation that it will be included!

italkgame3974d ago

To be fair I think Sony said that most games will be playable through remote play. But that there will be exceptions FOR INSTANCE with games that need the PlayStation Move or the PlayStation Eye.

I hink they worded it like that because they knew the public would
A) Understand and Accept this
B) Start whining why title [X] isn't playable tgrough remite play instead of looking at the bigger picture which is that Remote Play is possible in a lot of cases.

GribbleGrunger3974d ago

Is it? How extraordinary! I hope we get more of these articles.

jonatan2213974d ago

haha, I guess I should have changed the Headline, but this was mostly meant to clear up the issue about the games boxes not mentioning it included remote play while some did.

mushroomwig3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

I can see this becoming a trend, 98% of titles are supported with remote play so does that mean we going to get an article for every one?

DanielGearSolid3974d ago

SHANCAKE... Wheeere arrrrrre youuuuu?

DanielGearSolid3974d ago

We should all take out this time to destroy shancake, for this article:

porkChop3974d ago

Wow. He blocked you from commenting for calling out his crap? That's pathetic.

tiffac0083974d ago

That's why I told a certain someone in that article not to go full retard because it was clearly speculation done by one site. Now with the official confirmation, they look bad, I mean really bad.

Hicken3974d ago

Oh, I'm lettin him have it.

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I tried mercs, I wanted to love it so badly, as I grew up playing Mechwarrior, but a few missions in I just started getting my ass kicked and couldn't figure out a way around it. Maybe I'll give it another go.


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SimpleSlave8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

While I understand I can't look at a gift horse in the mouth, this is giving me mixed feelings. The Combat, while back to the good ol' Yakuza style of bombastic beat 'em up and direct control, it does feel like it could've fit more in a themed spin-off in the same vein as the Fist of the North Star game instead. At least this is not that Turd Based garbage. So there's that


But I'll stay cautiously optimistic about this game meeting me halfway and hopefully it'll be fun. But that Kart racing mini game looks absolutely god awful... Sheesh!


PS4 games such as Red Dead Redemption and Bloodborne are now sort of playable on PC

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