
Blacklight Retribution Interview: PS4 Architecture Benefits, DualShock 4 Integration And More

GB: "We recently caught up with Zombie studios director Jared Gerritzen to talk about their upcoming free to play game for the PlayStation 4, Blacklight Retribution. We got a chance to ask about how it was developing for Sony's next generation console, the DualShock 4 controller, the in-game monetization model, the possibility of new content and post launch support."

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Scrumptious3973d ago

Lot of articles about this game lately. I figure I'll give it a try for myself since it is free. I do like the fact that the game is ported with max settings but I do not believe it is pushing too hard compared to a game like Battlefield 4 or Crysis 3.

GryestOfBluSkies3973d ago

you seem to be right, but it still looks pretty good. ill definitely be playing this game

Stick893973d ago

If you have a decent enough PC you should try it on there. I've played it a handful of times on mine (i7-950, GTX460) with most the settings maxed and it is a very good looking game IMO. Not saying it's going to best BF4 or Crysis 3 but I think it definitely looks better than say CoD...bonus points for being free!!!

5eriously3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

[“As Blacklight evolves out of Beta, we plan to use as many of the PlayStation 4 peripherals as possible, but we are very happy to hear that the PlayStation will not only be using on-board streaming functions but capture cards will be able to get game footage via the HDMI cables themselves."

I hope Sessler is reading this!

["Rashid Sayed: The PS4 version looks absolutely gorgeous. But does it hold up against a high end PC running Blacklight Retribution?
Jared Gerritzen: We have all the PC settings cranked up to their highest setting on the PlayStation 4, so it holds up great! We are really happy how the transition between high end PC and PlayStation 4 works for us."]

["Rashid Sayed: Can you please let us know what resolution and fps does Blacklight Retribution run on the PlayStation 4?
Jared Gerritzen: We are currently at 1080p, and as the game evolves we are targeting the highest frame rates possible"]

Great news.


Everyday we just get more and more good news.

bondsmx3973d ago

This is a great game on PC, and it really does look incredible on pc, and I don't even run it on max settings. I'm a little more comfortable on consoles, so I will def. download this day 1 on ps4. Since the new cod sucks so much (IMO, just mine) this will take it's spot for my twitch, fast paced shooter.

Sci0n3973d ago

will there be cross play between the PS4 and PC?

Stick893973d ago

I don't think. I think there was a video interview a few weeks ago (I'll try to find it) and they didn't want the whole KB&M advantage over Controller.

Sci0n3973d ago

Thanks info, I wonder what games will have PC PS4 crossplay besides FFXIV.

Stick893973d ago

I know it's not a concrete answer but if you watch his interview here:
Just the way he talks about the two games makes it sound like they will be two separate entities.

GryestOfBluSkies3973d ago

ill never understand why console devs dont allow m/kb in their games. unreal tournament 3 is the only game that comes to mind that did, and boy did i dominate in it.

neocores3973d ago

KB&M lol nah i cant wait for that day to happen wher e i can smash on pc noobs

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3973d ago
KwietStorm_BLM3973d ago

I think War Thunder is supposed to.


Blacklight Retribution PS4 Operation to Continue, PC Version Shuts Down

Blacklight Retribution PS4 operations will continue without official support but the game's PC version has been shut down.

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IamTylerDurden12050d ago

Obviously PC wasn't cuttin it, PS4 is a Juggernaut, makes sense.

letsa_go2050d ago (Edited 2050d ago )

That sucks

Majors2050d ago

Shut the servers down but let people host their own and keep these games active for those who want to play. Its bullshit when they kill a game completely when they could easy patch it for hosting / creating online content


Blacklight Retribution Servers & Official Support Ending in March, All Items Made Free

Hardsuit Labs has mentioned that the Blacklight Retribution servers are shutting down on March 11 for PC, though PS4 version will continue as is. All items in the PC store are now free.

LuzCB19872052d ago

Another one bites the dust.

Father__Merrin2052d ago

Remember playing this when I first got a ps4. Never good news to see games shut down I guess one day online only games can bite the dust

Sgt_Slaughter2052d ago (Edited 2052d ago )

This is why buying into these sort of games are a bad idea.

BlacKJesu52052d ago

That's like saying buying cod at 60 is bad..cause you know a new version is coming and you won't play last years

Sgt_Slaughter2052d ago

Not even slightly the same. I can still play Modern Warfare 2 because, guess what, it still works online AND it has offline modes. This applies to I think every Call of Duty game.

With Blacklight, everything you've ever purchased is gone forever after the servers are gone, and you can never play the game again.

BlacKJesu52051d ago

Is there no other f2p games.....Apex legends just came out..play the new version

masterfox2052d ago

See this is why online mp only games effing sucks and definitely will never support them. ;)

Giblet_Head2052d ago

Depending how much of a cult following it has, it could be revived by some mod team in the distant future. Similar cases have happened with games like 2142 and Star Wars Galaxies.

excaliburps2052d ago

Yes, I see this happening if the fanbase is there, too.

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MMOs - Blacklight Retribution Review

Blacklight Retribution review with screenshots and videos.