
Top 10 Horror Games

Always Go Left writes: Tis the season to get sh*t scared…tralalala la la la la.

As a huge horror fan throughout all forms of media, from books to games to films etc Halloween has to be one of my favourite times of the year. Not because I go out to trick or treat or because I can dress up as Ashley J. Williams for a better reason than I look cool, but because horror comes to the forefront of everything. So what better way to celebrate Halloween this year than with a list of my very favourite horror games. The games that are about to follow I do not claim to be a collection of the greatest horror games ever created but a list that comprises my best & most memorable experiences playing horror themed games.

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Walker3977d ago

alan wake was not a horror game

vishmarx3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

psychological thriller
horror isnt limited to chainsaws and teenagers

Software_Lover3977d ago

Alan Wake can really mess with your mind. Play it in the dark with good sound. Really disturbing at times.

MadLad3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

Alan Wake really wasn't horror. Unnerving yes, but not horror. A psychological thriller and a bit of an atmosphere piece fits a lot better. No slight against it, it does what it does very well and ended up being one of my favorite games of all time.
Then you have L4D . . . really?
It would be a real search to find many who would consider that game horror.
Looking at the list, all you really have there is Resident Evil 2, Aliens vs Predator 2 (the original was still much better), Condemned and then, arguably, Dead Space.

Lolyta3977d ago

What a horrible list , most of the list are from modern games

Delysidx253977d ago

Silent Hill (PS1) was IMO one of the best horror games

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Resident Evil 2 GOG PC port finally gets a release date

Following the surprise release of the classic Resident Evil 1 earlier this year, GOG has announced when the next entry will be available on PC.

Puty33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

It is criminal that this playstation born classic is still nowhere near "classics" of PS Premium.
And give me trophies in these games, Sony x/

TheClickGG33d ago

Agreed. Although, if you do have a PC or a way to emulate games, Retro Achievements does have a fun list for RE2, I think its like 131 achievements.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne85d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.


The GOG Resident Evil 2 port is based on the worst version of the game

The SourceNext version was a Japanese exclusive which could be why it wasn't used.

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86d ago Replies(1)
mastershredder85d ago

Anglos weebing this had is pretty hard to watch. No f given on the subject matter at this point. If you fetish for culture is that hard, get a room honey or advanve past your teen years.

CrimsonWing6985d ago

I’m not quite picking up what you’re laying down. 🤔