
Warner Bros. apologizes for Arkham Origins’ game-breaking bugs

As has become a recurring theme in the modern era, Batman: Arkham Origins was released in a state that for some players — some — rendered it unplayable. Warner Bros. is sorry about that.

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vishmarx3978d ago

well...just bring the true next gen batman game

s8anicslayer3978d ago

How about just letting Rocksteady handle Batman from now on, I like that better.

Blastoise3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

"Were sorry, but were still keeping your money."

I can't believe how many people gave this game good reviews, games with game breaking bugs don't deserve 7's and 8's

Pintheshadows3978d ago

Amazingly, not everyone encountered these bugs, myself included, on PC and PS3.

OhReginald3978d ago

dont know why someone would disagree with you. the glitches/ bugs i found was freezing. I had none that falling out of the world stuff. PS3 version.

Deadpoolio3978d ago

Yep, I have the PS3 version and have had no problems with bugs whatsoever, and I've been playing it quite frequently

SaturdayNightBeaver3978d ago

Then i love it when nerds get offended and whine all over internet, just because some reviewer gave the game 6/10 lol..

XboxFun3978d ago

Enough of Batman, let's explore some other great DC heroes.

Lets take some chances and risks! Some great ideas and new directions with more characters.

Imagine a Superman game with full destructible environments like in BF4. How about some space policing with Green Lantern, or fighting the mythos in a modern day setting with Wonder Woman, or a temple run like design mechanic for Flash!

Anything other than Batman!

r3f1cul3978d ago

sorry but mainstream people dont care about green lantern or wonder woman... superman maybe could do well... but i dont see that happening either. i look forward to every batman game rocksteady does because they have done what is in my opinion the single best comic book related video game in history and they have only made 2 of them so i find it a bit too early to start screaming "not another batman".

Dunban673978d ago

Wonder Women would sell well f she was topless through most of the game- or maybe as you complete levels she loses a part of her clothing- like strip video game play

maybe not in good taste but it would sell

Lubu3978d ago

I bought it on launch day, but haven't yet to play it because of its issues. In the post it says freezing and crashing issues regarding the 360 version. I bought the PS3 version, so does this mean that the ps3 doesn't suffer from these issues? Also, there were reports of frame rate problems with the PS3, have these also been resolved?
Any help would be appreciated.

Pintheshadows3978d ago

Don't install patch 1.01 on PS3. It made the game unplayable, a lot of the faults seem to orginate from that patch. Without the game is fine.

Not had a single freeze, haven't suffered any severe frame rate issues, no game breaking bugs. Running the PC version on my GTX770 I have had one freeze and one crash to desktop.

Skate-AK3978d ago

Yeah. The 1.01 patch made the framerate unstable if you fast travel.

Thepcz3978d ago

its incredible just how much the game industry holds consumers in contempt. it now seems acceptable to release broken games and have consumers play the role of games testers.

some films are plain rubbish, but at least they are finished. same with literature, you wouldnt release a book and leave chapters out, or publish it in a way which means you will never actually be able to finish the book.

why is it acceptable in the games industry?

until this improves gaming will never be taken seriously. or, the market will crash again

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Warner Bros. Games Officially Acquires the Developer of MultiVersus

IGN writes: "Warner Bros. Games has officially acquired Player First Games, adding the developer behind MultiVersus to its profile.

In an official release sent to IGN, Warner Bros. confirmed that co-founder Tony Huynh and Chris White will retain leadership of the studio, which has led development of the popular Smash Bros-like brawler. "


The best Batman Arkham game still isn’t on PS5, and that’s a problem

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is almost here, but I can't revisit the best Arkhamverse game on PS5 without sacrificing quality.

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ZeekQuattro252d ago

Not a fan of Orgins. Blame it on the absence of Conroy & Hamill. Blame it on the lack of atmosphere compared to Asylm. Hell blame it the devs thst dicked over Wii U owners like me that purchased the game only for support be dropped as a thank you to me. It's better than Knight but that's not saying much. I don't care for that entry either.

Rebel_Scum252d ago

tbh buying a game like that for WiiU should’ve been an obvious non-purchase when it existed on better hardware.

Cacabunga251d ago

Origins is amazing..
my favorite Batman is Batman and Robin on mega drive.. an HD REMASTER of that would still look glorious

ZeekQuattro251d ago

I got it launch. Kinda hard to go back. I'm supposed to know they were going to drop support months after the fact. 🤣

Exvalos251d ago

You sound like a salty fanboy, that it didn't come to your precious plastic of choice. It's not the developers fault Nintendo continues making underpowered hardware. It's our fault because we keep buying it. Yes I say (we) I'm part of the problem as well.

ZeekQuattro251d ago

I have a PS3 and a Wii U. How was I a salty fanboy? I bought the game on the system I wanted it for.

Rebel_Scum251d ago

Nah my comment has nothing to do with whether you’d know or not that they’d drop support.

Buying any AAA game of that era for a WiiU you should’ve known you’d be sacrificing graphics and load times.

LucasRuinedChildhood252d ago

It's solid but Origins is definitely not the best Arkham game.

LoveSpuds251d ago

Smacks of hyperbole to me, talk about clutching at straws to create some drama around PS5!!

generic-user-name251d ago

Titles like these are designed to get you to come in, go to their comment section and tell them how they're so wrong so they can boost their numbers.

Phoenix76252d ago

Even though its not the best arkham game in the series, its still an enjoyable game in its own right. What it do really well at though, was the crime investigations scenes. Which imo, were the best of the franchise.

goldwyncq251d ago

I don’t know about best game but it definitely has the best story and boss fights.

boing1251d ago

Never played it and recently I've finally tried it via cloud on psn. It's not the best for sure, but it ain't bad either.

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Warner Bros. Is Pivoting To Live-Service A Decade Too Late

Warner Bros. announced it's pivoting to live-service games, which could be a disastrous move for its devs

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anast311d ago

They really mean they are pivoting to slot machines on mobile devices.

CrimsonWing69311d ago

I don’t think there ever was a time for GaaS. Its entire resistance is revolved around making a game that generates recurring revenue constantly throughout its lifetime. It’s straight up a corporate scumbag design.

I watched the video seeing if anything changed since the initial Suicide gameplay vid before the delay and it looks the same. So weird watching all the characters just start a gun to their back and bounce super high shooting with no kick-back animation in an empty dead world. The voice acting is cringe and there doesn’t have any sense of atmosphere or immersion like the Arkham games.

And they expect you to pay $70 to $100 for this and then pay more for Battle Passes and items to make grinding less a chore. Yea, no thank you. I hope you learn a hard lesson with this one.