
Rumor: Demon Souls 2 May Be Announced at Sony Nov. 15 Event

According to a reputable NeoGaf member, “the Demon’s Souls spiritual successor” may be shown at Sony’s PlayStation 4 launch event.

Famousmortimer, who previously leaked the DriveClub delay and the next-gen resolutions for Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4, revealed information he was given months ago about the launch event.

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xHeavYx3920d ago

Even though I'd love it if it was true, I find it hard to believe. Dark Souls 2 is coming out early next year, There is also Deep Down

abzdine3920d ago

more Sony events? damnnn...

brish3920d ago

I read the article and it says "Demon’s Souls spiritual successor", not "a Demon's Souls sequel".

Dark Souls is the spiritual successor for Demon's Souls. I'm guessing this means Dark Souls 2 is coming to the ps4.

If this is true I'll buy a ps4 just to play that game on it. ... I'd probably buy the game for the ps3 as well just for the online community.

I'm addicted, what can i say! O.o

MazzingerZ3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

GG's "Completely different to KZ" IP?

GribbleGrunger3920d ago

Demon's Souls is a Sony owned IP and Dark Souls was a way around that problem. If it's being shown at the PS4 event then it's more likely to be Demon's Souls 2

GTgamer3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

I don't know if this rumor is true but i can tell you one thing if it is it will be in 1080p ;) and that's all the time i have folks goodnight :3.

ZodTheRipper3920d ago

If I had to choose between Dark Souls 2 and Demon's Souls 2 for PS4 I would rather like to touch the demon inside her, again.

Dark Souls somehow doesn't come close to what made Demon's Souls so special.

wsoutlaw873920d ago

dark souls 2 isnt next gen and demon souls is sony exclusive. I also dont know much about deep down but I would love a new demons souls, was probably my favorite ps3 game.

Lord_Sloth3920d ago

Yes but that doesn't mean Sony can't show up with a new DeS game for the PS4.

SilentNegotiator3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

Sony owns Demon's Souls. They could easily have passed the IP onto someone else to make.

The whole point of "Dark Souls" was to sequel Demon's Souls on all systems without REALLY breaking copyright.

ABizzel13920d ago

According to developers and Sony it only takes 2 months to get your game up and running on PS4 at playable framerates (my guess 20 - 30fps). Dark Souls doesn't come out until March, and it's only November so that means the game can be up and running by January, and with another 2 - 3 months to go it's possible, but I wouldn't hold my breath, and if it does happen it'll likely be a 1 - 3 month delay (April - June).

gaffyh3919d ago

I absolutely love Demon Souls, just got into from PS+ and am almost done playing. So will look into Dark Souls and teh sequel after I've finished that. But I would love a Demon Souls sequel, but I don't think it will happen because I can't see them wanting to piss off Capcom (deep down) and From Software (Dark Souls), unless From is making the game.

Rynocirator3919d ago

@gribblegrunger There was no "problem" with the fact demon's souls was a ps3 exclusive, it sold incredibly well. The problem is that FROMSOFTWARE was bought out by NAMCOBANDAI and atlus owned the rights to demon's souls, so they made dark souls instead. It could very well be atlus creating a sequel, but you can be sure as hell FROMSOFTWARE won't be making it.

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kazuma9993920d ago

-_- will be missing it cuz ill be at GAMESTOP XD but setting my dvr so woot.

Rynocirator3919d ago

they have live streams on the tvs at gamestops if your local gamestop has gamestop tv, which it should.

MizTv3920d ago

I can't wait to get so mad getting my ass kicked in this game

vishmarx3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

really hope so.
but unlikely since FROM is already working on DS2.
dark souls was a spiritual successor. demon souls sequel seems kinda unnecessary at this point.dark And demon n dark werent THAT different to warrant two separate sequels

xPhearR3dx3920d ago

I thought they were. I tried so many times to get into Demon Souls and just couldn't do it. I don't know if it was the whole Nexus thing or what, I just couldn't do it. I absolutely LOVED Dark Souls though.

I'm super excited for Dark Souls 2, I probably couldn't say the same if it was Demon Souls 2 being announced instead.

MetaReapre3920d ago

Well it doesn't seem so far fetched as the reason dark souls was named thusly was because Sony claimed rights to the demon souls name. (Correct me if I'm wrong) if Sony was holding the demon souls name, it could be for this very moment. Also wasn't the director or an important person that worked on dark souls collaborating with Sony on some project that was rumored to be the next demon souls? I never did follow that much so I don't know if that project was ever announced or something.

Killjoy30003920d ago

I just don't understand this. If we already have Dark Souls, why do we still need Demon's Souls? It's the same game...

TheFirstClassic3920d ago

Very different in art style and level design. Demon's Souls was much better than Dark Souls in my opinion.

Killjoy30003920d ago

A sequel of any type, regardless of name, would have those same differences. Ghost disagreer's - lmfao.

TheFirstClassic3920d ago

I disagree. Dark Souls was a spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls, and it fits that term very well. The gameplay is similar in many ways but there is a big departure in terms of personality and design. To say they are the same game is ridiculous. It is pretty rare when a sequel abandons elements of past iterations to bring in new things, usually they just build on what is already there. I can see why you would say if we have one we don't need the other, but they definitely aren't the same game. Personally though, I would love a demon's souls 2 to go along with dark souls 2.

darren_poolies3920d ago

Pretty sure I would actually die if this happened.

Campy da Camper3920d ago

I guarantee you will die....again and again and again....

TENTONGUN3920d ago

i think i will pass. i dont want to smash my ds4. honestly cant handle a stressful game that is so damn addicting

darren_poolies3920d ago


I've never once found Demon's or Dark Souls stressful. But they are the two most rewarding and addicting games I've ever played. DS4 seems pretty durable you should give it a go ;)

Hellsvacancy3920d ago

Oh my f-ing god, I sooooooooooooooo hope this is true

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3919d ago
ravinash3920d ago

Oh my god I just wet myself!

DeletedAcc3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )


First 'NAUGHTY DOGs next game in Space' and now this??? Dont play with my feelings!!!
Also cant wait for order:1886 gameplay!

Good times to be a playstationgamer, seriously!

CGI-Quality3920d ago

MASSIVE exclusive if this pans out!

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