
Analyst: Xbox One will outsell PlayStation 4 at launch

"While many forecasts still give an edge to Sony/PS4 in North America sales, we continue to expect similar or even slightly higher sales of Xbox One by the end of the launch window," Sebastian told investors.

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Mystogan3925d ago

I'm an Xbox Fan and even i have to Lol at this. But next year will be a different story though..

theBAWSE3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )


ps4 has more pre-orders

ps4 is launching in more than double the countries of xbone

is this so called 'analyst' on MICROSOFTS payroll? you have to wonder

@mystogan.. I'm with @mushroomwig,whats happening next year? or was that another waste of a bubble

Ricegum3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

Didn't you hear, Kinect Sports Rivals is out next year.

xHeavYx3925d ago

This guy will be teaching the class "How to make stupid predictions 101" soon

HammadTheBeast3925d ago

The rest of the first party PS4 exclusives are announced, and analysts wisen up.

Mystogan3925d ago

Titanfall will happen. Halo Will Happen. Quantum Break Will happen. nuff said..

Pogmathoin3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

He must be on MS books.... Anyone whos says something fanboys disagree with must be...
Love the trolls calling out trolls.... All saintly and innocent.... Me included....

gaffyh3925d ago

It says he's going by eBay listings wtf, is that serious? It's not a big leap to get to his theory based on previous history of the 360, but eBay listings?!

Sitdown3925d ago

It does not matter how many countries you launch in, but how many consoles you have available to purchase... All reports have been that Sony is pushing out more units, so by default they should sale more...... They can't even keep up with demand.

NewAgeisHere3925d ago

Next year MS will be giving away free Xbones with every Windows cause they won't sell well...xD.

GTgamer3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

"Titanfall will happen. Halo Will Happen. Quantum Break Will
happen. nuff said.."
Halo is gonna do as good as it always does to tbh you wont see a difference halo fans are gonna buy halo plain and simple some new adopters sure but that's it.
Quantum Break from the people who brought us alan wake good game but was nothing spectacular so i wouldnt hail it just yet maybe when you see 5 minutes of gameplay.
Titanfall that might be your only argument here tbh unless it turns out to be bad only online games tend to have a ruff start remember simcity.

Now my question is whats happening next year again?:/

Jaqen_Hghar3925d ago

uh oh. A user hasn't SEEN Titanfall!

brometheos3925d ago

Next year is big! Infamous, The Order, Driveclub, possibly some unannounced games. Idk what's happening for the xbox aside from Titanfall though.

P0werVR3925d ago

Title a bit misleading. Analyst ment the by the end of the "launch window". Which makes sense when you consider Titanfall.

pyramidshead3925d ago

@hammad nailing it

OT: I'd be surprised if it did and props to MS if it does.

NukaCola3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

This is inaccurate as all hell. Even if the Xbone sells out, PS4 is launching in 2.5 times more countries with more than double preorders in every location to include normally Xbox dominated US and UK. Not saying Xbox One won't do well, but by common logic shows Sony has placed the PS4 in a very huge advantage point. On top of that the more expensive PS3 caught up and out sold the 360 by almost 2 million more units after the 360's major head start. With the early release in the US, higher specs, and more affordable price, I see only huge success coming with PS4 next month.

QuickdrawMcgraw3925d ago

What's the length of a launch window?

UltimateMaster3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

It's official, I'm never depending on any analyst to try to predict the future.
They clearly suck at it.

assdan3925d ago

I'm pretty sure the PS4 is doing better everywhere this analyst isn't very good.

DOMination-3925d ago

Sony might be shipping to more countries but it doesn't really count when its one whole console to Brazil and a whopping three to the UAE or wherever it was. In fact that is more pathetic spin than anything MS have ever done.

Army_of_Darkness3925d ago

I think that miley syrus breaking ball video fucxked him up.. . Like, who saw that coming? !

andrewsqual3925d ago

PS3 total global sales will leave 360 sales in the dirt even more, same for PS4 too for the rest of the consoles' lives.

Seriously though if anybody has any reasons as to why Xbone could ever catch up to sales on PS4 when the last console had a year headstart and was just a tad more popular than the Xbone you might say (lol), then please, tell us why.

Narutone663925d ago

Must be the successor of Pachter, always predicting the opposite.

indysurfn3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

He based it on Ebay price difference. Lets test his logic with a actual example of this.
Lets look at the PS3/xbox360 launch and the ebay prices then.

When PS3 launched it was actually selling for $2,000 on ebay. What happened 6 weeks later there where plenty of stock setting on shelves, and xbox360 lead just like the prelaunch numbers told us it would.

Same will happen this time to except prelaunch numbers tell us it will be Sony's machine not just leading, but dominating.

Sarick3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

Maybe this.


Restrict or heavily tax the money to Japan, China and other international nations but allow domestic transactions to have different rules/limits. I added the link for reference. I'm really not sure but I know a lot of transactions will be limited in a few months. From my understanding this shouldn't affect big companies but there isn't enough to go on.

Also that big debt ceiling in USA comes up again early next year. What if these guys took it to the next level and actually defaulted. In any case a potential US dollar crash wouldn't be good for the gamers or console sales.


I'm also skeptical that GridEx II(just before PS4 launch) won't have unforeseen issues in it's simulated mass power outage of Mexico, Canada and USA.

A lot is riding on 13-17 of November 2013. Much more is going on then the launch of PS4. In all seriousness it's been hard to discuss gaming in general.

Anyway, I'm just throwing out possible issues that could happen in USA. These could seriously effect 2014 console sales etc. Lets try and look at the bigger picture of what's going on in the world. It's simply not all cookies and cream.

Send me a Private PM instead of a comment reply please I don't want this to go off topic any more my discussing these issues directly.

SilentNegotiator3925d ago

"Quantum Break Will happen"

It's so cute when fanboys pretend to know anything about Quantum Break or Order 1886 or some other game with no gameplay previews or predecessor.

mikeslemonade3924d ago


3.7 million PS3s sold by the end of the year
2.4 million X1s sold by the end of the year

warczar3924d ago (Edited 3924d ago )


For your information Gameinformer just did a 12 page article on "the Order" so there is plenty of info out there on that. It's so cute when the users of the word "fanboy" act like they know anything at all.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 3924d ago
vishmarx3925d ago

poor disguise troll.
it most likely will outsell ps4 at launch simply because its got more games.come feb-march and it will never catch up to the ps4 in its lifetime

Triella3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

No it's just a question of logic : Xbox One will outsell PS4 at launch but only because the latter comes first in the US and later in Europe while Xbox One as only one launch date inbetween. But by PS4 european launch everything will get back to normal.

And I can easily predict that by December 31st Sony will have sold more than double what MS will = 3 million vs 1.3~1.4 million.

3925d ago
MarkusMcNugen3925d ago

Yeah, fanboys get out of control but you are just as much of the problem as the xbox fanboys. You just equated an Xbox One to a $500 VCR which is just stupid, and then claim the PS4 will have a better online experience which is subjective at best. Not to mention you insinuate that Xbox One doesn't have any launch exclusives.

To sum up, its people like you who are the problem.

Blaze9293925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

i dont get why a bunch of n4g gamers and nobodies think they know better than someone who's job it is to know this and get paid for it? Apparently from Microsoft's payroll too (lol)

I mean, maybe he's right juuuuust maybe? I wouldn't know, not my job. But you all seem so sure LOL. please, go.

theBAWSE3925d ago

Yeh because his paid he must know what his talking about considering his analysis comes predominantly from.... EBay!!!!

but why would I expect any different from you calling people nobodies... throwing stones from his mother's glass basement..

Death3925d ago

The author was using ebay markup as a way to guage demand. The Xbox One is getting 60% markup to PS4's 50%. Taking a quick look at ebay it looks like both see an average of $250 mark up in buy it nows. This is actually the opposite of what the author found. The fluctuation in PS4 prices is much greater with some asking much higher prices than I seen for Xbox One.

In short from what I can see and what the author seen it is pretty clear using ebay as a way to guage demand is stupid at best. Either he shouldn't be paid for that analysis or I should. I'm leaning towards neither of us should be paid for looking on ebay. Props to him for getting a check and me being stuck living in my moms glass basement. Thank god she took my bucket of rocks I found on the beach away.

kneon3925d ago

And why do you think this analyst knows better than all the other analysts that see the market going the other way?

AceBlazer133925d ago

Economics is usually common sense that's why most of us can call bs on this claim. and do you think that the people on this site are jobless ? wouldn't be surprised if some n4gers are analysts themselves

Bigpappy3925d ago

N4G fanboys will jump to point out that PS4 is selling in more countries, when the guy is actually and obviously only predicting North America. I agree with him by the way, not necessarily for day one, but by year end. The holiday season will be huge for M$ if they can match demand. Casuals will be the huge difference makers, and will go heavily for Xbox features.

Destrania3925d ago

And I don't get how someone can be such an idiot, but yet here we are.

Gamingcapacity3925d ago

Casuals will jump on the consoles with the lowest price. The only thing that will sway the mass casual audience is the huge advertising campaigne that MS will most likely have (bigger than Sony for sure)

This could even itself out with similar sales on both platforms in NA. Rest of the world will be Sony.

Hicken3925d ago

There are millions of people who have jobs and are inept at them. This guy is one of them. And there are millions of "nobodies" around the world that can do his job better. I imagine quite a few of them are on N4G.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3925d ago

Lol blaze just lol i will leave it at that fml.

mistertwoturbo3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

Anybody with any tiny itty bitty miniscule bit of knowledge on the games industry knows that based on the entire year since the PS4 has been announced combined with the constant barrage of negative news and image of the Xbone one ANNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD the $100 cheaper price point on the PS4, pre-order numbers from all the retailers, praise from both developers and consumers on the PS4 hardware, ALLLLLLLLL points to the PS4 outselling the Xbone...

You'd be the absolute most ignorant analyst in the entire world to think otherwise.

rainslacker3925d ago

Thing is for every analyst that gets paid to do this sort of thing, you can find another analyst who gets paid to do this sort of thing and they will say the complete opposite.

They may be right, they may be wrong. Does it really matter?

badz1493925d ago


that's just dumb. two words, Michael...Pachter...

and if he's anything to go by, nah...you should know the rest!

and this is based on eBay?? WTF HOLY FAIL BBQ!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3925d ago
Mr Pumblechook3925d ago ShowReplies(3)
RAGE913925d ago

Thats the thing. Once its sold in the 13 regions it has right now, and is released in all other regions it equals more sales

ovnipc3925d ago

I agree. Im getting the x1 at lunch but stil ps4 wilk sell more. When ps4 get more exclusives then i jump in to ps4. This guy its wrong ps4 will sell 2:1.

Kurt Russell3924d ago

I'm getting a tuna sandwich at lunch.

hello123925d ago

I ordered my X Box 1 day one edition at gamestop September 3th. But anyways i was on the gamestop page the other day for XB1.

And gamestop had a notice up in blue writing. Preorders after 5th of September is not guaranteed at launch after this date!

This either means there sold out two months before November or there is not enough XB1'S out there for everyone on launch date.

I think the PS4 will sell lot more consoles at launch, mind you, but Microsooft is not struggling to sell their console.

clewis943925d ago

@Mystogan You forget PS4 has Infamous, DriveClub, The Order 1866 plus maybe Naughty Dogs new game at the end of the year.

Real_gamer3924d ago

Drive club u mean ridge racer ? Infamous sucks like rest of it they used to make it's not all about graphics it's about gameplay and story too the order 1866 bloody hell there is too many horror games coming out so who cares about it evil within will be better than the order and next time make sure Sony dev not gonna try steal gears of war gameplay for the order lol

warczar3924d ago (Edited 3924d ago )

can someone help me decipher what the real gamer is trying to say here? ^^

Magicite3925d ago

PS4 is launching before X1, so how can it be outsold?

T-Dawg63925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

It's releasing 7 days before the Xbox One... It won't make much of a difference

pompombrum3925d ago

Both consoles will probably sell out before Christmas. At that point, you can't really boast about who is out selling who. A fairer idea would be come E3 next year when both consoles should be on the shelves, then you can judge who is outselling who.

HugoDrax3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

"A fairer idea would be come E3 next year when both consoles should be on the shelves"

Not with TitanFall & InFamous on shelves...

-Infamous = FEB 2014?
-TitanFall = MARCH 11, 2014 (This is a console seller, regardless if it's on X360 & PC)

E3 2014 = JUNE 10-12,2014

irepbtown3924d ago

Your first sentence makes no sense.

Example: If I have 10 doughnuts and sell them all, you have 5 doughnuts and sell them all, who will have the bragging rights?

I reckon they'll both sell out before Christmas, however based on pre-order, PS4 will have sold more (assuming it continues to outsell the competition).

hellzsupernova3925d ago

I can see the xbone outselling the playstation at launch I really can thanks to Microsoft ability to spend billions on advertising where Sony can't
Plus America is still xbox territory.

irepbtown3924d ago

I may be wrong, but isn't PS4 ahead on pre-orders even in America?

solar3925d ago


Anzil3925d ago

Ya when sony releases uncharted 4 and all the other games they got comin!

avengers19783925d ago

The guy specifically says in North America, not actually saying he's right, but there is a pretty good chance of that happening. I'm from ohio and there are lots of Xbox fans around here.

iiwii3925d ago

Not everybody in America rides Microsoft. I have 12 local gaming friends who all are on PS3 and will be moving to PS4 this gen.

Agent13925d ago

We can all predict and speculate, but the truth comes out once the consoles release next month. Only then shall the actual facts stare us at he face.

MRMagoo1233925d ago

Thats right guys you heard it here on N4G, even tho the ps4 is selling in double the countries with probably double the allotted consoles, the xbone will somehow sell more, just ignore the polls from every single web site that has ever done one and how there is over 2 times the amount of ppl getting a ps4, the xbone will sell more.

This ANALyst needs a new job i think, and i thought patcher was bad lol.

Logic seems to fail this man pretty badly.

TBONEJF3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

Those analyst are a bunch of dumb a$$e$ if you ask me

Eddie201013925d ago

That is the stupidest article I have read all year.

Thee reason for higher sales is because the Xbox One people are greedier. How does that even make any sence. LOL, LOL, LOL.

AndrewLB3925d ago

I have far more confidence in this research firm than a bunch of fanboys considering Baird is HIGHLY respected in the business world, is ranked 14th on the Fortune 100, beating out Microsoft by 16 spots.

One typically doesn't become such a well respected firm by making unsubstantiated claims.


I can't find any connection between Baird and M$. In fact, they tend to be at odds, with Baird siding with google during some recent conflicts.

showtimefolks3925d ago

yeh who are these morons again? are these like patcher who predicted that GTA3 would sell 300K lol

not only will ps4 outsell xbox one at launch but it will do so through the gen, sony are delaying launch in japan in hopes of giving more consoles to USA market and when it does launch in Japan, it will sell really well

if $599 price point
hard to develop for
beginning of PSN which wasn't great
not many games for first few years

if all these things couldn't stop ps3 from outselling xbox360 than what makes anyone think that now MS can beat sony when they are launching at the same time

wishful thinking MS

MynextGen3925d ago

Yes I think XboxOne will outsell Ps4 guaranteed

Gamer19823924d ago

Its possible and only because there could possibly be more xboxes in America this holiday. There is a reason MS held back to certain countries. There won't be any in stores available as those who cannot get PS4s this holiday will probably end up forking out for an xbox instead. Of course If both Sony and MS release the same amount of consoles MS ain't got a prayer.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3924d ago
iamnsuperman3925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

"The conjecture is backed up by data from eBay listings, which shows Xbox One mark-ups 60 percent north of the console's $500 price tag whilst those of PS4 are just a tick lower at roughly 50 percent more than its respective $400 asking price"

I do not understand this reasoning.

OT: I don't think it will just purely based on the price.

MasterCornholio3925d ago


Is my reaction.


Nexus 7 2013

RandomDude6553925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )

Supply has an adverse reaction on price. It's not demand, as PS4 is polling higher in all regions. AKA low supply means higher price. If the xbox one is in lower supply, how would it sell more than ps4? Analyst is stupid.

BOOM headshot

dumahim3925d ago

To me it sounds like he isn't factoring in supply and demand. I haven't looked, but he would have to take into consideration how many consoles are available. PS4 seems to have went into production weeks ahead of Xbox One. If there are less Xbox Ones to be had, it's no wonder the price could be higher.

I don't see how anyone can look at game pre-order numbers and figure Xbox would match or exceed PS4 sales. Xbox has arguably the better launch line-up, but PS4 still has more game pre-sales.

Angels37853925d ago (Edited 3925d ago )


Ebay listings...as its basis xDDDD what an unprofessional analyst....not even preorder numbers? This is an analyst 100% ignorant to the industry.

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