
The Escapists some PC screenshots

All that stands between you and your freedom is a perfectly executed escape plan.

The developer of the Kickstarted indie adventure Spud’s Quest has just announced his next project. It’s called The Escapists, and it will attempt to breathe life into the dormant prison break genre.


Zero Punctuation Ends As ‘The Escapist’ Faces Mass Resignations After EIC Firing

A wild scene unfolded last night as long-time gaming site The Escapist fired some of its team members, including EIC Nick Calandra, for reportedly not meeting goals set by its parent company Gamurs.

1Victor317d ago

RIP Zero Punctuation🥺😢 I hope all the video department employees that left the best of luck and hope they start a new site of their own.

VonAlbrecht317d ago

Many of them have already started working on a new platform for content called "Second Wind". So we can expect good things for sure!

317d ago
317d ago Replies(2)

Most Pirated Games of 2015 for PC

Htogaming is about to drop a countdown of the top 10 most pirated games of 2015 for pc. Just to clarify, I am not meaning the kind of pirate that plunders ships at sea “That was supposed to be funny”.

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Lonnie183138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

Wow so much for the arugument that pirated games don't effect sales! I mean these hard working companies like CD Project Red and others are losing 10's of millions of dollars! It's no wonder they all are trying to combat this...

sdcard4gb3138d ago

They are not "losing" anything. You can't lose money you don't have.

Lonnie183138d ago

They still missing out of potential revenue that could help fund future projects!

freshslicepizza3138d ago

it's misleading to suggest all games pirated are not any lost sales. people pirate because they can, it has little to do with affordability. plus as we can see by this list it affects aaa games that get excellent reviews, shoddy games, indie games. you name it. so the argument they do it because it's not worth buying is also a load of crap.

cartoonx13138d ago

@moldybread, by ur logic rise of tomb raider should have more sales thn fallout 4? coz tht game isnt cracked.

freshslicepizza3138d ago

"by ur logic rise of tomb raider should have more sales thn fallout 4? coz tht game isnt cracked."

diablo 3 wasn't cracked and it sold millions. how can one conclude that if pc games could not be pirated that there would not be an increase in sales? you can't. listing one game isn't going to win the argument. people who pirate can simply get another game instead.

we already witnessed the fall of music sales once it was easy to download music for free. it's pretty easy to see the correlation between the two.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3138d ago
Perjoss3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

There is no argument in favour OR against piracy hurting game sales because there is no way to prove that each game download is equal to a lost sale.

For example I have torrented many games that I already own. There are many reasons to 'illegally' download a game other than to outright steal it.

3138d ago
Lonnie183138d ago

What do you mean? Of course each game downloaded has a value, if it didn't people would never pirate games at all. There is value in all things!

KosherNostra3138d ago

I read that Just Cause 3 hasn't been cracked, yet. Why is it on a list for 2015?

sdcard4gb3138d ago

Because author doesn't care, I'd presume.

sdcard4gb3138d ago

I like how those games are still hits, especially Fallout 4.
Also, Just Cause has no place on this list, because it has DENUVO, which renders it uncrackable as of now, so yeah...

superterabyte3138d ago

Same applies to Fifa 16. Although Fifa 15 and Dragon Age Inquisition also had Denuvo and cracks are available.

I wouldn't be too concerned regarding piracy as I'm reasonably certain that impacts on sales are reasonably low. The argument being that those who pirate a game wouldn't necessarily have purchased the game had pirating not been an option.

That said I do believe single player games are impacted significantly more than multi player games simply because accessing servers on a cracked copy of a game isn't a possibility.

SunnyZ3138d ago

LMFAO @ Just Cause 3!
Yeah people can download it all they like.
They can't play it XD

No crack has been released yet Just Cause of Denuvo.

How can you 'pirate' something you can not even use.

Stupid article is stupid, maybe try and do a TINY bit of research before hand aye?

ProGrasTiNation3138d ago

Of course you can pirate something that's not cracked,i might have a copy of JC3 sitting around in case its needed.

Grap3138d ago

because it's stupid article, not all people download from torrents are pirate, some of them preload the game from it.
and i love how the witcher 3 doesn't have any DRM and takes 8th place when it was the biggest game last year.

htogaming3137d ago

Please do not call my article stupid?

htogaming3137d ago

Sooner or later someone will figure it out.

Still a pirated game.

htogaming3137d ago

3DM has announced "3DM recently will announce the latest Denuvo encryption solutions can be work on, "FIFA 16" "Just Cause 3" ": The Rise Tomb Raider. this is not an official high-profile release. recently a lot players believe that we are abandonment cracking the Denuvo due to technical issue, but to prove it is not the case, so far we have not yet been stumped"...

SunnyZ3137d ago

That was WEEKS ago mate...
Article still has misleading information and is false.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3137d ago
ProGrasTiNation3138d ago

I'd like to know how those numbers were reached,imagination i guess.

The best propaganda is that created by the recipients lol.

ninjahunter3138d ago

The website that the author used as a source operates on torrents which keep track of some information, which is available to anyone such as the number of current downloaders, the number of uploaders and the number of times downloaded.

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Team 17 is preparing to celebrate its 25th birthday on the 7th of December

I know that it´s hard to believe that Team 17 has been around for 25 years, but it´s true. As the studio opened up its doors back in December 1990 (on the 7th of December to be exact). Anyhow, Team 17 is preparing to celebrate its 25th birthday on the 7th of December. And that means tons of fun for everyone.

-Foxtrot3217d ago

Should have done Worms 5 to celebrate

BitbyDeath3217d ago

Worms VR could be a lot of fun.

TGG_overlord3216d ago

For sure ;) In fact, Team 17 are playing around with different VR headsets right now.

TGG_overlord3216d ago

Worms 5 "might" actually be in the works. I asked Team 17 about that, but they couldn´t comment on it for now.

bouzebbal3216d ago

Worms was a blast.. thanks for this article, i actually forgot all about this legendary series.

TGG_overlord3216d ago

Yes indeed =) I grew up playing the old school Worms games ;) Anytime! Don´t forget to check out our interview with Team 17 as well =) http://thegg.net/interviews...

brianunfried3216d ago

They made some great Amiga games back in the 90s.

TGG_overlord3216d ago

Do you have any personal favourites? I used to play a lot of Alien Breed, Worms and Project-X back in the days.

brianunfried3216d ago

Ultimate Body Blows, Super Stardust and of course the ones you mentioned. Had them for CD32 also.

TGG_overlord3216d ago

I do remember Super Stardust, my friend and I used to play it a lot at the time =) Nice ;)

BrianOBlivion3215d ago (Edited 3215d ago )

The Alien Breed Trilogy was awesome. If you haven't played it -it's a really dynamic isometric space shooter with fantastic graphics and remains one of my favourite games of all time. Happy 25th Team 17! Please give me more Alien Breed.

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