
PS4: A guide to the digital and retail launch titles


We've already covered the launch titles coming to Xbox One and now it's the turn of the PS4. While some may say this won't take long, in a way they are wrong, because despite many saying PS4's launch line-up is weak, it's far from it.

jordypordy3993d ago

I think Resogun looks awesome. Really looking forward to Knack and Killzone too. I think both consoles are fairly lacking tho. I mean Xbox One only has Ryse, Dead Rising 3 and Forza, so that's hardly ground breaking either.

InFamous is where it's at. Pity that's not a launch title.

wotta3993d ago

Yeah I agree in a way. Really looking forward to Knack. I do think Ryse looks ok tho.

spaceg0st3993d ago

I agree, however I am super pumped for bf4 on ps4. Main reason why I'm buying a console at launch

Thehyph3993d ago

I'll enjoy other games, too, but really, Resogun will be my favorite of the launch games.

After that, I'm looking at inFamous, The Division and Destiny.

Eonjay3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

So 31 games available at or around launch and 5 more games confirmed for early next year. Not bad.

This doesn't even include titles like Destiny, Wolfenstein, or the dozen or so other confirmed games that done't have any type of reliable release date like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Deep Down....

Codey473993d ago

Shopto really needs to make MY order TOP PRIORITY

or a may leak a tear....or two :'(

djplonker3993d ago

I pre-ordered my ps4 from them on feb 22nd I gambled and bet on sony early.... I had a constant smug face on for hours after the e3 reveals lol

fOrlOnhOpe573993d ago

Kz and War Thunder at launch for me and Im good to go at the start :-)


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