
PlayStation 4 most anticipated console in Australia, research shows

PlayStation 4 is far and away the most popular next-generation console among Australians, new Roy Morgan research shows.

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GarrusVakarian3998d ago

I think its the most anticipated console EVERYWHERE, isn't it?

black0o3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

@disagrees please provide us with any research or poll that shows one country which xbone or Wii U topped the ps4

thrust3998d ago

Well this was correct back in July August that was long time ago the gap will not be the same now as Xbox had the drm stuff and allways online stuff going on.

"according to July-August 2013" taken from the article.

scott1823998d ago

Very excited for the PS4, everyone I talk to at work is getting one too... Good times.

Xsilver3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

@trust i see you're holding on to some hope but we both know nothing has changed ok people still saying that they want PS4 more than xone at events that were after MS changed their policy so dont know what your talking about lmao.

Obama_Bin_Lyin3998d ago

@ black0o - The Gamespot Twitter Poll.

Oooooppps no, this one was rigged by Xbots.

thrust3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Xsilver if there is a more upto date poll for Australia please link me this or why not use it?

I think your making stuff up mate, it's pretty clear what I mean an what am saying, the poll is old! yes maybe the ps4 still in the lend over there but no where near like this 2 month old poll is saying!

If marketing worked like you think! company's would be going pop left and right!

Xsilver3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

these are polls taking in september dude deal with it you really think MS came back that fast lmao then you are living in a dreamworld smfh. http://www.xboxonevspsfour.... look at the votes.

Skips3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

^ Those polls are pretty up to date.
And not to mention the "xboxonevspsfour" poll is in real time.


thrust just got smacked in the face by Xsilver. XD

FITgamer3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

@Thrust i know a hand full of people, including my younger brother who was a huge xbox fanboy this gen, who won't purchase Xbox One regardless of policy change because they don't want Kinect. It's a big deal to a lot of people.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3998d ago
malokevi3998d ago

Not in the some-odd 4 cubic feet that I consider to be my personal space.

FlameHawk3998d ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night, it must be tough knowing the PS4 is the most anticipated console in every country.

thrust3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

"according to July-August 2013" hmmmm when drm and all the bad stuff was happening.

malokevi3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Oh, yeah, its awful! People being excited for something that I'm also excited for is "tough". Never have I experienced such hardships in all my days on this blue/green globe known as planet earth.

There's going to war, there's love, there's loss, there's hunger, famine, political strife, there's personal obligations, there's the ever-looming threat of an uncertain future... and then there's Playstation 4.

contrary to what others may think, I don't look at gaming as a popularity contest. I always suspected the gang mentality/ peoples inadequate personal lives had something to do with the rampant negativity on gaming websites. It's comments like these:

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, it must be tough knowing the PS4 is the most anticipated console in every country. "

That confirm my suspicions. I hope you feel popular! lol

MasterCornholio3998d ago

Your 4 cubic feet of personal space =/= the world.

Sorry to tell you this but its true.

Nexus 7 2013

PoSTedUP3998d ago

everywhere exept there.
but in france
al qeada
phill harrisons living room
and preorders showing for usa as well.
nintendos buying 1mill ps4's
santas stocking up to the brim with them
lump of cole for the xboxone preorders
and im buying a ps4 for each finger
sorry but you can argue with facts.

malokevi3998d ago


.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, that would be the point.....

Man, you people are thick-headed. I'm not excited for the XB1 because it's popular, I'm excited for it because I'm excited for it. Seems like there's a rather sizable group of you who can't wrap your head around that idea.

Gaming is something I do when I get sick of my existing friends, not to desperately try and make more of them. If I was dedicated to a brand because it was popular, I would be inclined to choke myself to death with my Ipod headphones.

MasterCornholio3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )


"Man, you people are thick-headed. I'm not excited for the XB1 because it's popular, I'm excited for it because I'm excited for it."

And your excited for it due to your cravings for anything made by Microsoft. Seriously I'm excited for the PS4 for several reasons not just because I like the brand. Here let me list them for you.

1. I love the symmetrical analog sticks on the DS4
2. The exclusives franchises that I enjoy the most are usually produced by Sony.
3. The fact that its a powerful console at a great price point is a big plus for me.
4. I adore the games that plus gives me which is why I'm excited for the service on the PS4.
5. I enjoy the idea of being able to record the last 15 minutes of gameplay and I will be putting the share feature to use.
6. Since I'm a Vita owner I will be able to enjoy remote play with any PS4 title.
7. I'm dying to play all the FTP titles like PlanetSide 2 for example.

Those are basically the reasons why I'm excited for the PS4. I respect people who want to buy an Xbox One but not the ones who don't buy it for no good reason other than its made by Microsoft.

BTW you also mention that popularity doesn't matter but in the end it affects the sales of the devices. And as you know a console has to sell well in order to gain the interest of 3rd party developers. Just look at how unpopular the Wii U is and what its doing to its sales.

Nexus 7 2013

malokevi3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Lol... Exactly.

See, I have no desire to list off the reasons why I'm excited for Xbox One... because I couldn't care less to justify decision to you. Or anyone else.

I'm getting it. That's all there is to it. Your desperate need to justify your own decisions to me while simultaneously speculating on my decisions just confirms my suspicions and validates my beliefs.

I like videogames. That should be reason enough.

"BTW you also mention that popularity doesn't matter but in the end it affects the sales of the devices. And as you know a console has to sell well in order to gain the interest of 3rd party developers. Just look at how unpopular the Wii U is and what its doing to its sales. "

So... what you're saying is... buy a PS4? Because I'm already doing that. Or... advertise the Xbox more? Honestly, your living in a dream world if you think the XB1 wont get support, and that people aren't going to be buying it in droves this Holiday season.

When Halo 5 drops, will I be thinking about sales numbers? Hell no.

MasterCornholio3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )


Finally you come up with a valid reason for buying an Xbox One. See it wasn't that hard to admit that your getting one because of the games that it will have.

And so what if I have reasons for buying a PS4? Only an irrational consumer buys something without any reason. My guess is that your buying an Xbox One because of the level of utility that you will get from it which is good to see because it means that your interested in the services and games that the product will give you.

"Honestly, your living in a dream world if you think the XB1 wont get support, and that people aren't going to be buying it in droves this Holiday season."

Only if it suffers from a market failure created by problems caused by assymetric information which has been the case until now. I remember when the Wii U sold 3 million at launch and people thought that it would gain a substantial amount of 3rd party support but look what happened once the sales dropped off. The same could happen with the PS4 or the Xbox One but at the moment the PS4 will sell the most due to a greater supply of consoles, a higher demand and an efficient logistics system that will bring the console to over 31 country's in comparison to the Xbox Ones 13 regions. But that's just my prediction based on information that I was given.

Nexus 7 2013

malokevi3998d ago

....the very fact that I'm on this site should be evidence enough that I like videogames. Same reason I'm getting a PS4. As if any of that needs explaining.

I don't need to come up with some ridiculous list, ranting on about analogue sticks and all kinds of other contrived BS just to prove to you that I have a concrete rational for my decisions. That's for you and people like you.

I like videogames. I'm not getting a PC. I'm not getting a WiiU. I'm not getting an Ouya. I don't have a gameboy. I won't get a Vita. Maybe I have good reasons for it, but to explain any of that to you would give you the false impression that I care about what you think.

I like videogames. Never did I say I like the particular videogames that are launching with the Xbox One. That's, once again, you and your ridiculous need to speculate on why everyone else is buying things, so that you can further justify your own decisions and drag on this pointless discussion.

So, keep up the guessing game, for all the good it will do you. Just know that when these consoles drop, I'll be having an amazing time, despite what anyone else might think. Beyond that, why should you, me, or anyone else give a rats ass?

And that spells it for my contributions to this thread. Keep on truckin! One month to go and you can throw away this meaningless agenda.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3998d ago
Magicite3998d ago

I think there was one place, Zimbabwe or Nigeria, cant recall it correctly.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3998d ago
PopRocks3593998d ago

Good job to Sony. They really figured out how to make the PS4 appealing. It will be a grand launch for sure.

Sincere01213998d ago ShowReplies(3)
Sincere01213998d ago

on the contrary, its you who needs to wake up.

Hicken3998d ago

I don't think most of us would dream of ignorant fanboys like yourself. That's a nightmare I can do without.

Sincere01213998d ago

3 words come to mind. pot kettle black.

buynit3998d ago

Hicken, bro... You are one of the biggest fanboys here! lol...

PopRocks3593998d ago

Hicken, you are most certainly in no place to talk. Maybe I am not either, but seriously, get off your high horse.

byeGollum3998d ago

Smeagol! We must get one!
'cause everyone else is also gettin' it, silly!
NO! fat hobbitses are always so sh-sheepsy..

Oh, we like goblinses, batses, and fishes, but we hasn't tried Hobbitses before.

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SimpleSlave2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

While I understand I can't look at a gift horse in the mouth, this is giving me mixed feelings. The Combat, while back to the good ol' Yakuza style of bombastic beat 'em up and direct control, it does feel like it could've fit more in a themed spin-off in the same vein as the Fist of the North Star game instead. At least this is not that Turd Based garbage. So there's that


But I'll stay cautiously optimistic about this game meeting me halfway and hopefully it'll be fun. But that Kart racing mini game looks absolutely god awful... Sheesh!


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