
Xbox One: A guide to the exclusive day one retail titles


We've already covered the exclusive digital titles arriving on Xbox One launch day and now it's the turn of the major retail games.

There is certainly plenty to get excited about on Xbox One launch day, although surprisingly the console is missing an exclusive FPS. That's not too much of a worry for Microsoft since it's tied up content deals with EA and Activision for Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts respectively, but still, it is surprising that the predecessor to the console many would consider the home of shooters is lacking one of its own.

So what of the exclusive games then? What has Xbox One got that will grab your attention on day one? Let's have a look shall we?

Drewidian3998d ago

I'm buying all of my games digitally from the store. I've had too many disks break, get dropped, and get scratched to the point where they aren't usable to bother with that anymore. I'm also a Steam gamer and I'm used to the completely digital "locked in" ecosystem and I've learned to just get over it. I think there are a lot of people who feel the same way and are holding off on pre-ordering the games so they can get them digitally.

Lalanana3998d ago

That's a bit crazy though..All of them?

I'll try to mix digital and Disks to save up on space.



I thought once you bought a game physically you could still turn it into a digital copy if u wanted to, by downloading it. Is that not true anymore? Did that go away with the drm policies?

thrust3998d ago

I would like to do this aswell^^

i have got bf4 and cod on disc because am not sure which one i will like more will trade in the one i least like and make the digital

JokesOnYou3997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

Yep 100% digital for me....its going to be fun in a few years to see my entire game collection readily available for play anytime. No digging out discs, no scratched discs, no wear and tear on the disc drive,just all around more convenient.

felidae3998d ago

don't do it!

there are a few games with problems if you play the digital only version!

Volkama3998d ago

All digital for me too. Kids like discs too much for my games to ever be safe. Did you know you can fit 8 blu-ray discs into a single PS3 drive? They don't come out without a fight, but apparently they go in...

Bigpappy3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Haha! Got to love kids. They make some wonderful discoveries. You could never have figured that out on your own.

christocolus3998d ago

digital aint for me yet..gettin dr3 and definitly ryse...dont know about cod and forza yet.

gamertk4213998d ago

My first digital download game will be Titanfall. I'll go physical at launch.

Golden_Mud3998d ago

Now that my list is clear from Watch Dogs , I'll get Forza 5 instead

MajorMayhem703998d ago

Digital all the way with the X1. Physical copies with the PS4.

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Diablo 4 2.0 update destroys everyone’s Stygian Stones as summoning gets reworked

In a recent tweet, Diablo’s Global Director of Community Adam Fletcher confirmed that Stygian Stones are indeed being removed from summoning.


Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles

It has been announced that Ubisoft's Executive Committee and Board of Directors will launch an investigation and review of the company.

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Christopher15h ago

Is Ubisoft board going to investigate themselves since they're the ones telling Ubisoft how to do less for more and push MTX over taking longer to make better games w/o them?

DarXyde48m ago(Edited 47m ago)

Breaking news:

Board investigation concludes wasteful spending on employee compensation packages responsible for financial woes. Live service a net positive for company.

OtterX45m ago(Edited 45m ago)

It's amazing how out of touch with gamers they've been for over a decade, and its only gotten worse.

The biggest innovation that I saw in that time was their "indie" arm w titles like Child of Light, and in VR with Eagle Flight and Transference. Loved all 3 of these titles. I want to see more of that side of Ubisoft, the one who takes risks.

isarai39m ago

Honestly kinda glad all these AAA publishers are finally imploding, they've tainted this industry and took advantage of us too long. Die and don't come back

XiNatsuDragnel21m ago

We need more implosions the AAA collapse is coming


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