
Opinion: Why The PS4 Is The Right Choice

NZGamer writes why you should buy a PS4 for this upcoming Holiday season.

ZHZ903939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

PS4TW, what else can I say other than that. :)

@xHeavYx, don't also forget the talent of Sony's 1st Party Studios too.

xHeavYx3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

More powerful yet cheaper, gimmicks are not the main selling point, but great games. Really talented first party studios that offer a wide variety of games, something that helps Sony not to rely on timed exclusives. There are many reasons why the PS4 is the right choice when it comes to gaming

DragonKnight3939d ago

Don't forget dedicated servers. Dedicated servers are so new and all the rage these days*

*Disclaimer: If you ignore that the PS3 had dedicated servers.

DA_SHREDDER3939d ago

Go best stuff will be coming down the roads in the future. But I can't wait till KZ:SF, especially if they go beyond the operations mode, and jet packs and mech suits. I wanna fly more futuristic vehicles.

Ezz20133939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

i know every one can have his opinion and right to choose what he want and i really respect that

but i can't think of a simple reason that would make me buy X1 over ps4 which is
100$ cheaper
better hardware
sony will support it even after ps5 come out
sony's 1st/2nd party studios
ps+ that offer tons of free games
party chat is free
Gaikai cloud
among alot of features

ps4 is the console with no disadvantages at all
just dvantages
and any one who disagree
feel free to point what i said was wrong

PoSTedUP3939d ago


The_Con-Sept3939d ago

Yeah socom h hour! Yeah! gonna get my ps4 on day one and wait for socom.

CraigandDayDay3939d ago

The PS4 is the right choice for me.

Cross Game Chat is a console feature, not a service feature. Everyone can use it, not just paid subscribers, unlike with Xbox.

Netflix can be used without a subscription to PS+, unlike with XBox.

ETc. ETc. ETc.

Eonjay3939d ago

Considering that most games will be on both consoles, the PS4 is the easy choice with its cheaper price and better specs.

Rimeskeem3939d ago

You forgot how Sony stands up for gamers and saved this gen of consoles

mewhy323938d ago

50% more powerful
TRUE exclusives
Best developers on the globe
true next gen controller
best online
doesn't look like a 1980's VCR
doesn't include prism "window into the living room"
100.00 less for more powerful machine
games will run in 1080p not 900p like the bone
no 180's from Sony
remote play on vita
PSN less expensive that live
the share button
blue tooth
Is all about the games and not cable tv
makes no excuses
devs around the world praising it's design
most powerful gaming console ever conceived. BANG

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3938d ago
Red_Devilz3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

IMO Sony 1st party talent is the real reason why PS4 is the right choice. Rest ( consumer friendly policies, no forced camera, powerful hardware, price to name a few) all come second to their 1st party talent.

I don't know how many have noticed that ND, Sony's one of the biggest studios, is not even launching game during PS4 launch window. That tells you how big Sony Worldwide Studios really is. After amazing TLOU, I just can't imagine what awesome stuff ND can bring to next-gen. (hope Uncharted 4 with dramatically different play style e.g. open world)

LOL...someone in this thread is on "disagree" rampage. I wonder who could that be? :D

xHeavYx3939d ago

I love getting phantom disagrees but no facts as of why

nategrigs3939d ago

This is true, but the likelyhood of future third party games being better on the ps4 is another huge selling point for me.

The_Con-Sept3939d ago

Too many games coming out even now for ps3. It really makes it hard to save for the ps4 when all the late dead ringers have suddenly come about.

Section83938d ago

To be honest I like Uncharted just the way it is.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3938d ago
Bathyj3939d ago

PS4 is the right choice because....

Have you been gaming for the past 20 years?
Have Sony EVER not delivered?

dcj05243938d ago

Launch of ps3. But then Warhak came out and blew my mind!

Pancit_Canton3939d ago

The PS4 Is The Right Choice - Fact

black0o3939d ago

more power
biggest/the best in house devs
long term support
and legacy

its simple logic the PS4 is the right choice but that doesnt mean the x1/wii U is the wrong one

hellzsupernova3939d ago

i agree 100% black0o but he was stating his opinion as fact. ive bought a ps4 its all paid for its my console of choice.

Im just saying that it isnt a fact.

Section83938d ago

Actually if you look at it statistically, PS4 is the right choice.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3938d ago
TechMech23939d ago

Opinion. Don't state your opinion as fact. It makes you look like a fanboy.

DragonKnight3939d ago

Like you said in the Xbox One version of this article..

"Don't argue with my opinion"

reko3939d ago


trolling again?

TechMech23938d ago

I'm not a troll. I'm simply one of the few people with common sense on this website as opposed to the fan boys that worship their systems.

NatureOfLogic3939d ago

Article +1

OT: I agree. Every gamer should own the most powerful console ever made come November.

MRMagoo1233939d ago

I am really getting excited about my new ps4, still a month and half to go for me tho, i have it paid off along with 4 games so far (killzone, watchdogs, AC4 and BF4) then all those free 2 play games and free games from PSN plus will be just icing on the only cake worth having imo.

DigitalRaptor3939d ago

There is a choice.

Either support an anti-consumer disgrace, or support a company that gives you options, the best value for your money, the superior technology and is focused on gaming without compromise.

Fireseed3939d ago

Here's a though. What if the "anti-consumer disgrace" is the only one with games that I;m even remotely interested in? Should I switch to the "company that gives you options, the best value for your money, the superior technology and is focused on gaming without compromise" even if I'll be bored to tears (aside from anything Naughty Dog does)? Dammit and here I thought games were about playing the ones you liked! Please teach me! Cause apparently I've been doing it all wrong :S

Hicken3938d ago

In that case, don't buy either one.

Anyway, if there's nothing that's ever been on a PlayStation console that's interested you- or, in this case, if Naughty Dog games are it- I have to wonder if you were doing it wrong, as well.

Even though I hate Microsoft, there are multiple games from various developers in various genres that interest me on the 360; the same will probably be true for the XB1, even if it's not true just yet. And this is in spite of the fact that many of the fools on this site think I'm a Sony fanboy(I admit to being a bigger fan of Sony than Nintendo or Microsoft, though).

But you're saying the ONLY games that will ever and have ever interested you are the ones with Naughty Dog's paw print? No inFamous, MotorStorm, LBP, Killzone, GT, God of War? No Heavy Rain, or any of the myriad JRPGs, Dynasty Warriors, Gundam, or anything else?

Yeah, I think you ARE doing it wrong.

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