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Why Developers Will Once Again Aim For Parity On PS4 And Xbox One

"With the new consoles only about a month away at this point, there are a lot of new games to look forward to. For the most part, regardless of what console you’ve decided to get, you’re likely to have the same selection of games across for either the PS4 or the Xbox One. While there are still going to be exclusive games for each console, like Killzone: Shadow Fall and Forza Motorsport 5, we’re seeing far more cross-platform releases. "

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Community4002d ago
Muffins12234002d ago

No crap,the wiiu sells horrible to begin with and its hardware is insanely behind ps4 and xbox one,its like the wii situation but 10x worse.

Abash4002d ago

Aiming for "Parity" is one thing, but if a system is stronger in areas it will naturally do textures, shadowing, etc. better.

nypifisel4002d ago

Yup. When the PS4 demands no extra work for better visuals or performance there won't be any parity in that regard. The PS4 versions of multi-plat will ALWAYS run better, or run the same and look better. Key word here is Always!

GameNameFame4002d ago

This really depends on devs. If they want, they can spend 1 month on PS4 port and 6 months on X1.

Do crazy amount of optimization on X1 to catch up for weaker power and run PS4 unoptimized.

I wont buy games from devs like that. Good thing we have tons of exclusives on PS4 that dont worry about these.

ProjectVulcan4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

They'll build the games the same and just use more resolution on PS4.

It'll be that simple. If they build it for 1920 x 1080 on PS4 they will use the exact same assets but run it maybe 1600 x 900 on Xbox one.

The exclusives will push the systems much harder and that is where we will likely see PS4 actually pull ahead on a visual level. We'll eventually see stuff on PS4 that Xbox one couldn't replicate.

Magicite4002d ago

If PS4 and X1 games will look the same but run 60FPS VS 30FPS(or something like that), then Im okay with that.

loulou4002d ago

another gamingbolt one-a-day hit leech.

ffs when is this site, and in particular rashid sayed going to get banned??

please do not give these hit leeches a click.

before hitting the disagree button, check out rashids contributions for this week. nothing but the same rubbish.

ban em!!

pete0074002d ago

the slight power edge ps4 might have wont be more then a step up on antialiasing filters, i mean if a game has 2x AA on xbox perhaps ps4 will be capable of 4x, just like this gen , NO AA on ps3 and 2x on xbox 360 on most multi plat titles til sony devs released their cpu/spu based AA released with uncharted 2 and shared with other devs so ps3 games could look a bit

Ezz20134002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )


50% more stronger GPU
Much better/faster Unfied RAM
is not just "slight" Edge
there is a gap here and that's a simple FACT
but keep say other wise though to feel better
the rest of your comment is pretty wrong as well

GribbleGrunger4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

I don't particularly care about third party games or whether the developers refuse to utilise that 50% extra power, I'm buying the PS4 for one reason only, the first party games. Hopefully, those third party developers with 'pride' won't allow Sony to stretch their lead even further this gen because if they do Sony are going to make their offerings look last gen very quickly.

Enemy4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

@ pete007: If 50% is only "slight" to you then you should just stop posting comments and get educated.

Even if a 3rd party developer knew it could make a vastly superior PS4 version of a game, if the game is multiplatform on PS4 and Xbone, Microsoft has convinced them to water down the PS4 version or forget about releasing the game on Xbone.

loulou4002d ago

@ enemy, leave it out

microsoft have no leverage.

they will not have the highest installl base.

they cannot refuse games that are inferior to the ps4s version, and give sony exclusives by default.

they can do nothing!!!

the devs can and will do what they want

i keep reading about this "massive power difference" so this should be apparent from november.

stop talking nonsense, and posting gaf like its the grail of gaming truths. that french blog was from "sources" as well.

AndrewLB4002d ago

Nypifisel- That is nonsense. Hardware is only part of the equation. The consoles Operating system, drivers, and software coding is easily as much of a factor. So much in fact that that it is a real possibility that Microsoft's massive experience in x86 based software could easily close the performance gap. All you have to do is compare game performance on Apple computers to a PC with the same hardware specs and the PC kicks its a$$. I'm not saying this WILL happen, but its a real possibility.
And all these performance claims by Developers is largely irrelevant because they're basing them largely on development hardware which we all know is substantially higher performance. If Devs even had final retail consoles in their possession, don't you think photos would have been leaked by now? Of course they would!

nypifisel4002d ago

Well what do we know about design philosophy and OS between the two consoles? The Xbox One was designed as a living room hub for all kinds of media, relying on live TV and so on. Evidently this is taking quite a chunk out both memory and GPU (10%). Now we haven't got the same information about the PS4 but there's quite the essential difference between the two. The Xbox One is a media hub that plays games, the PS4 is a game console that plays media. MS do as you say have a lot of experience with x86 coming of Windows, but that's a multitasking desktop OS solution. The OS is irrelevant in the sense that it should be excluded in a gaming console. Running a pure API with minimal OS interference. I think neither console will suffer that much from how the OS functions, but if there's any impact it will surely be on Xbox Ones end a conclusion that can be drawn from their vision, snap function, display in display and so on.

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4002d ago Replies(1)
TomShoe4002d ago

Parity = Microsoft cutting a check to the devs to nerf the competition

Yeah, parity...

MizTv4002d ago

I hate that about m$ I really do
All I can say is thank god for the ps first party studios

quenomamen4002d ago

Yup, easier to write checks than to make better hardware.

Blaze9294002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

lol where you do all get this idea that Microsoft does this? You seen the actual check? That Microsoft is cutting a check to every multiplatform developer to make sure the games are equal?

Drones i tell ya. Believe everything. Research nothing.

PS3 was miles stronger than the Xbox 360, did we see multiplatform games all perform and look better on that? No. So why people think that would change because of a simple architecture is beyond me.

Only time that happened was with the PS2 and original Xbox. No one was saying the PS2 was holding back gaming then, even though the Xbox was stronger.

All that 45-50% stronger/faster means nothing if its not an exclusive game and we all know that. If it was as easy as you N4G blog developers seem to say it is, then why would developers do it? It's EASY right?

Oh because Microsoft is writing them a check and they want parity. We know PS4 is way stronger but we'll never actually get to prove that because MS is writing checks. And Microsoft, who made the easiest SDK for Xbox 360 developers, some how made developing for Xbox One a pain in the ass.


You all sound tin foil hat silly. But when it comes to actual proof in the games, why do we not see ONE game that appears to be 45-50% stronger/faster?

Ahhh damn...them Microsoft checks huh. Guess we'll never see it...due to the checks.

Ezz20134002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )


next gen have nothing to do with this gen

first off
ps3 was not miles ahead of xbox360
xbox had better GPU while ps3 had much better CPU
and both share the same amount of ram and both are DDR3
and ps3 was hard to work with because the cell is very different than pc/xbox360 CPUs
so it was easy to to bulid games on xbox and port it to ps3 instead of trying to get the extra power in ps3 hardware
and only exclusives was able to show it full power

but now ps4 is much stronger in both GPU/RAM than xbox1
and share the same CPU with Xbox1
both are using the same hardware with ps4 using the stronger specs
and on top of that ps4 is as easy to work with as xbox1 or even more
so it pretty easy that ps4 will pull ahead in multiplat games (if dev's are not using Parity)
and of course will pull ahead even more with exclusives

instead of insulting other users a little research
for the 100 time ps3/360 share nothing in commen with ps4/xbox1

also MS are indeed using a policy that ask for parity
and sony was pissed about it as well

JasonKCK4002d ago

Doesn't Sony also pay for content? There was an article a while back People here have short or "selective" memories.

Ezz20134002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )


did you read your link ?!
that's not parity at all
sony pay those Dev's to get their games on ps+
to offer it for free on ps+
which is awesome and push Ps+ even more
and give gamers reasons to pay for ps+

do you even know what Parity even mean ?!
parity mean that all games should look and play the same on both consoles
which i and most find very wrong
for reasons i said in my above comment

JasonKCK4002d ago

Can you? or did yo just miss the point entirely?

Blaze9294002d ago


"also MS are indeed using a policy that ask for parity and sony was pissed about it as well."

"Microsoft's third party guidelines dictate that all games released on the Xbox 360 must launch "at least simultaneously" with other systems and must have "at least" the same features and content. It reserves the right to block release if those guidelines aren't met."

@Ezz2013 again (you with 7 bubbles somehow):

"do you even know what Parity even mean ?!
parity mean that all games should look and play the same on both consoles "

hmm, but you, Ezz2013 - just linked me an article about "all games released on the Xbox 360 must launch "at least simultaneously" with other systems and must have "at least" the same features and content"

But just said parity means that all games should look and play the same on both consoles. Play and look the same /=/ (does not equal) "launch "at least simultaneously" and "same features and content"

YOU yourself, clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Ezz20134002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )


so out of my whole comment which indeed have nothing but FACTs about why this Gen is not the same as next gen
which only show that you have no idea what the hell are you talking about
and what worse you got "Intelligent" for such a wrong misinformed comment like yours show how this site work
and then you have the nerve to tell me how i got 7 bubbles ?! wow just wow
and you ignored all that and only talked about that last part about Eurogamer ?!
you didn't even bother admitting that you are wrong about ps3/360 situation being the same as ps4/xbox1 situation

did you also read this from the article :
"I think they want to dumb it down and keep it as pedestrian as possible so that if you want to do anything for Blu-ray, or you have extra content above 9GB, or you want to do anything of that nature, you'd better sure as heck remember that Microsoft can't handle that"

"I think what [Xbox Europe boss] Chris [Lewis] and the other representatives at Microsoft are doing is protecting an inferior technology,"

that pretty much mean games play the same as having everything equal which also wrong
since if one of them can offer more why should they dumb down the game for the other console then
you didn't see any thing wrong with Microsoft policy here ?!

and even if you ignore the article that won't change that your whole comment is simply wrong in everything

AndrewLB4002d ago

That would be a violation of law under the federal trade commission and Sony would sue (and win) if there was any evidence of this. Much like AMD winning $1.25 billion from intel doing something similar about 5 hears ago.

Do you have direct knowledge of Microsoft doing this? Because it's not wise to knowingly lie about a company committing an illegal act. Doing so is called libel and could land you in court right quick. Don't believe me? Some Apple critics will beg to differ.

Blaze9294002d ago


Hmm, quote beginning with: "I think"

another quote beginning with: "I think"

You wanna know what I think? I think, you're an idiot. See what I did there? Okay.

Ezz20134002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

you know what i "think" ?
i think you run out excuses and can't admit that you were wrong
and you don't deserve that "intelligent" bubble on your "not-so-Inelligent" laughable,wrong,misinformed comment
nor any of your bubbles with the way you talk
so you go with insults
that only show how weak you are

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Magicite4002d ago

I want every console to show its true potential, parity is stupid.

Pogmathoin4002d ago

Muff, wiiu is not in the equation... But sucks that they will still do that..X1 is nice, but PS4 should look better... More Naughty Dog games please....

solar4002d ago

you console mates always claim gameplay > graphics, yet here you are again arguing over it.

colonel1794002d ago

For one, Third party publishers will always use the "we want the same experience for everyone" BS. On the other hand, MS will NEVER let any publisher release a game that is better on the PS4. They never let them with the X360, and they will definitely continue that trend forever.

The only way I see third party publishers really taking advantage of either console, is if one of them sells like 10x better than the other. (Like how 3DS sells 100K vs 5K PS Vita in Japan). Other than that, just expect first party developers do that job.

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truegamerkt4002d ago

Well it looks like m$,will continue to hold back gaming

BG115794002d ago

Even PC game has been holded back by MS. Let's hope AMD's mantle and SteamOS will change this.
Game Windows Live is getting abanboned little by little. Change is coming.

HighResHero4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

I have a PC but I think I'll keep my Playstations AND probably get a PS4....
You understand how people can have gaming PCs and still like Playstation hopefully.
I like that I will be able to actually own copies of most of my favorite titles.
If you think people take fanboyism too personally then we are in agreement though!

MysticStrummer4002d ago

There are plenty of PC fanboys in the world, so your comment confuses me.

SignifiedSix914002d ago


If you only believe MS is holding PC gaming behind, you're obviously a bias fanboy.

If you were smart, you'd know both consoles are holding PCs back. And it'll be like that for the rest of time unless consoles someday become modular.

Pogmathoin4002d ago

I love that you people adamantly deny being a fanboy while staunchly calling others out, eh mystic? Agree? I love my $ony, M$ and laptop....

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kratos_TheGoat4002d ago

you can say the same things with ps3.third party will make their game all equal x1 is still powerful just ps4 has the edge

AceBlazer134002d ago

this cancer to gaming needs some chemo

Gozer4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

Until the ps4 can create a game that is on par graphically with Ryse, I wouldn't worry too much about the X1 holding anyone back.

Majin-vegeta4002d ago

Umm SF completely destroys it.Either you're blind or need glasses.

ABeastNamedTariq4002d ago

My mans, have you seen The Order? Even if it was a trailer, the devs themselves said that they are going to surpass what was shown.

Oh and, Killzone.

Gozer4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

Lol, Ryse wipes its ass with Killzone SF. You have to be pretty blind to see otherwise. If Ryse was for ps4 we would never hear the end to the praise of its graphics. You and every other sony fanbot on this website are just jealous.

@ abeastnamedtorque
The Order hasn't been shown yet. So until it is proven to look better, no need to even bother. Ryse is currently the graphics king of next gen so #dealwithit.

You are just trying to downplay Ryse because you are a sony fanbot. Seriously watch these 2 video and ask yourself which one looks better, everyone do that. Its obvious Ryse looks better, and that 1080p fluxiating 60fps v/s 900p and 30fps-
Killzone SF

MysticStrummer4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

Why do people keep saying Ryse is the best looking game? I really want to know what it is these people are looking at. There are better looking exclusives and multi plats on both consoles.

ABeastNamedTariq4002d ago

I'm talking about from a graphics standpoint -- not gameplay, if that's what you're saying (since we haven't seen any of The Order's gameplay). In my opinion, The Order visually looks better than Ryse. But Ryse is still very pretty.

Still, have you seen the gameplay images of The Order that were released in the newest issue of GameInformer? Come on! Lol.

Oh, and, you shouldn't use YouTube as a source of comparison. Video quality is crappy and compressed, and you can't appreciate the 60 frames p/second Killzone's MP offers.

christocolus4002d ago

i do like ryse graphics.i feel its really awesome.and im looking forward to more info on the story ...and fans need to stop complaining about this holding back multiplat exclusives will be more and look better..where is the proof?are the games out ?let alone the consoles?instead of playing prophets why not let the consoles get out and stay out for at least 6months to a yr before proper analysis can be made on their game quality and quantity....and besides most comments here make it look like the xbx one games wont look better over time..these first batch of games are launch titles most moved from while sony has stuff cooking to take better advantage of the ps4 i.e the order , capcoms deep down,media molecule,infamous, nxt nd game ,next ssm game etc in the works also remember ms has devs doing same i.e 343 ,rare , good science,remedy,lionhead, blacktusk, insomniac games sunset ovrdrive etc in the works and even crytek stated they had started ground work for ryse2...both consoles will push out the best over time and we will see it via the products of their first and second party devs who take advantage of both consoles chill out , stop whining and allow the devs do their job.


abusador4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

Kz and infamous crap all over super linear, 900p Ryse lol Ryse is only special to fanboys. Third parties bumping ps4 version due to xbone will happen.

By the way killzone isn't fluctuating so stop the fanboy ness. Almost every single game locked in frame rate has a time or two where frame rate might dip a little due to craziness or number of explosions, assets on screen etc. Cod is 60fps game but this also happens on occassuon, stop using your biased fanboy spin on things. Kz sf mp looks better than anything I seen on both consoles and is 1080p, 60fps locked frame rate. Like any other 60fps game,

By the way honestly just bcus you say something looks the best, doesn't mean it is Lol Infamous def. Looks better and is open world, killzone also looks better imo

Freedomland4002d ago


"Lol, Ryse wipes its ass with Killzone SF"

Just like highend PCs and nvidia cards on which Ryse was shown wipe their asses with X1.
After that Ryse specially downgraded just to be playable on your beloved X1.

Tooly4002d ago

haaaaaaaaaa @gozer you lost the argument before it start ryse haaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaaha

HugoDrax4002d ago

And Tomb Raider on my PC craps all over the X360/PS3 version and would crap all over the XB1/PS4 version when it happens. Your point? Really you guys are disgusting for worshipping a company who could care less about you lol..

Brix904002d ago

Ryse doesnt even hit I would say PS4 is wiping its ass with Ryse...the only reason people giving this game do much praise is because it's made by Crytek.

Ezz20134002d ago


thanks for the videos that indeed show how much better KZSF look while having 1080p NATIVE

DigitalRaptor4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

@ Gozer

inFamous: Second Son... open-world game, which has so much more going on that Ryse does. Non-linear, day and night cycle, dynamic weather, destructible environments, insanely fluid gameplay and animaions as well as being more detailed. Plus it has a higher native resolution, and runs at a higher frame rate.

Killzone: Shadow Fall... same deal. open-world style levels, much more going on screen than Ryse, with amazing looking environments, textures and particle effects. Higher native resolution. Higher frame-rate.

The Order: 1886... We might not have seen any gameplay yet, but it was just confirmed yesterday that the gameplay is exactly the same quality as we saw in the trailer (character models, LOD, weapon effects animation etc), which is mind-blowing. And again, the game has so much more going on, despite being just as linear as Ryse.

Real time PS4:
And again:
There is no Xbox One exclusive that looks on par with inFamous: Second Son. And Ryse is only impressive when control is taken away from you in the slow-motion parts such as an execution. I'd watch that Ryse video again.

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arexw4002d ago

This is exactly what the sonyponies deserve. The bashed the xbone and claimed that ps4 is divinely powerful and xbone is pure crap, when they comparing mazda with another mazda, and the pc being a lambo. All them sony pony deserve to have their version downgraded, i dont even feel bad.
In fact my dream is for microsoft to buy all the sony studios, naughty dog, polyphony, ssm, mm, all of them, and then sh** on the sony ponies and laugh their rich ass off, now all sony fangirls get is shi**y ports that get downgraded cos msoft has the big bucks. That would be amazing indeed, to see what the sony ponies would say then, oh gt is arcade dont matter, oh and killzone is bland and boring who cares.
AHAHAHA if i would win the lottery id invest everything and come back later and buy all the sony exclusives, just to trash the sony pony shit talkers. Then theyll claim indies is where its at, forget last of us 2 its all about the indies!!!

coolasj4002d ago

Bookmark this post, and come back in a few years. You'll be so embarrassed.

ABeastNamedTariq4002d ago

LMAO, so what you're saying is, you wish MS had all of Sony's first party studios so you can have their (fantastic) games on your console of choice?

Lol you be trolling. I give you a -1.

MizTv4002d ago

It's people like you that are happy to get ripped off

Brix904002d ago

Keep dreaming buddy only in your wildest dreams.

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kickerz4002d ago

Only people holding back gaming is you lot. So Fn negative. Can't u lot just enjoy gaming. You all think ps4 is so powerful, I would like to know how many of you dweebs have development kits. All I'm seeing at the moment is amazing looking games coming to both ps4 and Xbox 1. To me that's all that matters, not slightly different specs.

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chrissx4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

As a future Ps4 owner this sucks. but there's gonna be some real great exclusives that will make full use of Ps4s immense power. I'll tk that as a lil compensation

InTheLab4002d ago

That's fine. It will once again be up to Sony's 1st party to outclass everyone else for another gen.

MizTv4002d ago

I agree
It's been like that for 7 years now

MCTJim4002d ago

Exclusives are a nice bonus...only thing I am really interested in, is I say bring on the consoles and let us get down to playing.

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The Last of Us joins PlayStation’s 30th Anniversary celebrations

Playstation writes: "As The Last of Us Part I launches into PlayStation Plus, enjoy TLOU-themed Avatars, PlayStation Gear discounts, and PlayStation Star challenges."

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crazyCoconuts11h ago

What a great game this was. Man we could use some more of these...

darthv727h ago

Does this game support cross progression? I still have not beaten the first (I got sidetracked with lots of other games) and Id like to pick up where I left off through this version.

Zeke686h ago

Yes, if you mean PS4 to PS5 to PS5 Pro. Same save can be imported.

Zeke686h ago

To clarify, I played it on PS3 OG version. Imported that save to my PS4 remaster, imported that one to the PS5 remake. Hope that makes it more clear. ;)

Zeke685h ago

@darth72 Oops sorry, my wife you told me the remake DID NOT support old saves. She said I restarted the game and usually she have a great memory. So sorry, it seems I was wrong about the remake! :(

CobraKai3h ago

Sick that your wife actually paid attention to your hobby.

CobraKai3h ago

Sad that this deep into PS5 and not one new ND game has been released.


Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 Review -- Gamerhub UK

Squashing bugs has never felt so good.

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