
The Top 5 Games that Demand a Sequel - InRetroSpect RAW

In this episode of InRetroSpect RAW, Dan, Pete & Kris argue over which games demand a sequel. Hear Pete confuse us with Prince of Persia timelines, Kris drops the ball with an unprecedented late swap and find out which game makes Dan threaten to leave if it isn’t included.

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Hellsvacancy3941d ago

I'd like to see another Tenchu, I miss that series

Lord_Sloth3941d ago

COMPLETELY agree. Got a 360 just for Z.

Krimmson3941d ago

Remember everyone, Sega thought it was a better idea to invest in Aliens: Colonial Marines than Shenmue 3.

ScubbaSteve3941d ago (Edited 3941d ago )

I never played the Shenmue games, but I've always wanted another Valkeria Chronicles on a main console. So I'd be happy to lend you all my pitchfork when you rise up against Sega.

Lord_Sloth3941d ago

And accidentally invest in Borderlands 1 and 2 at the same time. XXXD

Sam Fisher3941d ago

Im glad im not the only person that liked otogi and part 2


Why I Can't Get Enough Of Shadow Of The Colossus

The beauty of the Shadow Of The Colossus lies in the vast world with emptiness. Read more to know how this game stand out from other games.

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Shadow of the Colossus and Ico should be remade in UE5. I know Shadow of the Colossus was in 2018 but I say remake both of them for PS5 and PC.

isarai40d ago

The remake and Blupoints in house engine is more impressive as a whole than anything ive seen from UE5 so far. Id rather they stick to their own engine.

Cacabunga40d ago

SoTC doesn’t need another remake.. last one was awesome


Fine let it be Bluepoints engine. The whole point I was trying to make was I would love them both to be remade for PC since the PC never had them to begin with (I threw in PS5) and now that Sony is bringing over their games it would be awesome.

FinalFantasyFanatic40d ago

I wouldn't mind a PC port even though I own it on PS4, it really doesn't need a remake though.

DarXyde41d ago

Shadow of the Colossus is kind of a perfect game, at least to me.

Man, this has me nostalgic. I know how I'm spending my Sunday evening.

robtion40d ago

It's really timeless. Put SOTC together with The Last Guardian and ICO and you have one amazing trilogy. I think Fumito Ueda is a genuine auteur.

chicken_in_the_corn41d ago

I tried the remake but couldn't get into it. Time to give it another go.

Elda41d ago

I tried both versions of the game & I can never get past the 4th boss.

Inverno40d ago

Well if anyone else can't get enough of this game you should check out Project Tribute. Basically a fan remake with all the cut colossi for PC.

isarai40d ago

HOLY CRAP!!! why have i mever heard of this?! They even got the worm! Of all the cut ones the worm was the most fascinating to me

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Shadow Of the Colossus Retro Review – A Colossal Experience in a Beautiful World

Zachary M. Cain said: Shadow of the Colossus is hailed as one of the best action-adventure titles of its time. The game was originally released for the PlayStation 2 all the way back in 2005. It was so good in fact, it got a remastered version in 2018 for the PlayStation 4 and was well received by old and new fans alike. Let’s revisit this iconic classic in 2024 and see how well it holds up to its past reputation.

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Tomb Raider I, II, III Remastered Review – To The Freezer ⏐ Nerdy Bird Games

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