
Battlefield 4 on PS4 and Xbox One: a Simulation of How it Should Look at 900p and 720p

There has been a lot of talk on the fact that Battlefield 4 has been demonstrated running at a resolution of 720p on Xbox One and Ps4, and while EA DICE says that the final resolution isn’t yet finalized, and that they’re targeting to have the same resolution on both next generation consoles, many are still wondering what the real pixel count will be.

Here are several screenshots simulating how the game should look on next generation consoles with both 720p and 900p resolutions, and a direct comparison between them.

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spiceonpsn3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Guess we'll have to wait till the game devs start knowing the hardware they work on a little better. There is still work until they optimize the graphics for consoles. I mean, just remember how the first games looked on the xbox 360 and ps3 and look how long they've come since then.

ambientFLIER3944d ago

Yes.....Just look at Forza 2 compared to Forza 4. Looks to be a whole generational leap between them, yet, same hardware. Also Halo 3 to Halo 4...

ShinMaster3944d ago

True, kinda like Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 3.

P0werVR3944d ago

But remember, both Sony and Microsoft are claiming this time around, either console are created to be taken advantage of earlier then late.

So big ups, probably this will beat the PS2 era, if anything NOTHING has come close to PS2.

NewMonday3944d ago

I can see the difference, even though it is only 900p, this will be important in spotting enemy movement

ambientFLIER3944d ago


yes, but the xbox360 was relatively easy to program for this gen, and yet, there still was a big difference in launch games versus the last couple years..

NewMonday3944d ago


I know you put a lot of work into this, but it would have been better to make a gif switch between the two, comparing between the same object on the 2 screenshots dose show the difference, objects can be obscure on 720p but clear on 900p

ajames3473944d ago

@newmonday: you'll see absolutely nothing with a gif, since GIFs completely fake colors and compression :D

NewMonday3944d ago

Then a side by side focused on objects should do, I looked at the full screenshots linked at the bottom and they do show the difference

UltimateMaster3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

It's weird.

In some images, there's almost no difference.
But in other images, there's a clear definitive difference.

I'm guessing you'll see the difference when it's on your big HD TV.

NewMonday3944d ago


For me it stands out with complex images, this will make a difference on reaction time.

0ut1awed3943d ago


I wouldn't expect a Uncharted 1 to 3 leap this gen though. That was simply because of the cell processor that took years to utilize fully.

the PS4/X1 is simply a PC in terms of tech so optimizations over the years, you bet. Uncharted 1 to 3 difference? probably not.

It's not really a bad thing though. It just means devs are going to have full optimization of the systems much sooner.

The_KELRaTH3943d ago (Edited 3943d ago )

All I know is that if I run a game like BF3 on my PC at native 1080p then drop the resolution to 720p with the TV upsampling to 1080p there's a huge difference in image quality - and taking screenshots doesn't demonstrate the TV's upsampling effect.

UnholyLight3943d ago

Yeah you're right @ambientFLIER, but I think Forza and Forza 2 was when the guys at Turn 10 were still trying to go for a more pure physics and real life simulation type gameplay.

Forza 3 came around and they sort of made it more Arcade/Simulation with some real graphics but I think you get what I'm saying? Honestly I think if you look back PGR3 had better graphics than Forza 2 even though PGR3 was supposedly sub hd scaled up

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3943d ago
FamilyGuy3944d ago

I still feel like PS4 owners are getting short-changed by this parity BS. It REALLY annoys the f outta me.

On topic, I can clearly see the difference and this is a 720p/900p comparison rather than 720/1080p comparison. If it comes out at 900p that would be cool but those 720p pieces are murky/muddy in comparison to 900p. Not every shot, just the ones that are closer to the character, with the exception of that glass/window covered building, it's obvious on that one despite the distance.

It's the textures that become a letdown at 720p, they're blurry and if you can't see it well lucky you. I expect more outta "next gen". I see it and then that statement about making PS4 and X1 versions the same resolution annoys me. Most PS4 games are 1080p so this being less would be the X1s fault, point blank, period. Going lower still than even 900p would be a slap in the face.

BX813944d ago

Why is the Xbox one's fault? Let's say both end up being 720p and the devs say they had to make it the same but the ps4 could have done 1080p. Do you honestly think it's the fault of the Xbox one or the devs? Get real bro.

Mystogan3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

It annoys you because you guys think the PS4 is some sort of magic machine, That can run any game at 1080p at 60fps and then blame the X1 when confronted with the reality.

The only way you see the difference is because of the lines. Just take a look at this picture without the lines.


FamilyGuy3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )


"Do you honestly think it's the fault of the Xbox one or the devs?"

That is quite literally what I just said, Yes, Absolutely, 100%. It would be the developers of the X1s fault for making their system weaker and MS as a whole because of their parity request/mandate sitting on top of that. There would be blame aimed at Dice as well for allowing one consoles short comings to dictate the quality of their game on another console.
It's ridiculous and it annoys me.

@ Mystogen

There's no "magic" involved, it's called better hardware that's setup in a way that's also easier for developers to work with. It's also called LOOKING AT THE QUALITY OF EVERY OTHER PS4 GAME!
The accusation of fanboyism is the weakest argument people come up with on here. The entire picture you linked to looks like crap because it's all at a distance, like I mentioned in my first statement. It's the close up stuff that has the most detail yet it stays blurry in the 720p spots. If you can't see it, that's you, I can see it and it's disappointing, lines or no lines.

P0werVR3944d ago

I believe you guys should take a rest from reading these posts, because obviously you don't know better.

You guys are delusionally expecting too much out of Sony when in fact NOTHING in a box as small as a console can push that further.

What you need to do is compare games current gen to next and put your mind to rest.

kornbeaner3944d ago

But that is expected of a multi-plat games. Current gen it was okay to hate on the PS3, because it was industry wide, so who cares? But now that it seems that the PS4 might be superior due to extra band-width, it's not all of sudden okay to make fun or broadcast that the XBone is not quite the machine the X360 was during this gen compared to the PS3.

It would be bad business since a lot, if not all the multiplat developers and publishers simply made more money on the 360 opposed to the PS3.

But that's what exclusives are for, they are there to take advantage of the hardware and that is where the PS4 will shine, just like the PS3 did during this gen. As long as the PS4 performs the same as the XBone, than I'm okay with whatever the devs have to do to in order to deliver the same performance across both platforms.

FamilyGuy3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

I'm not okay with that @ Korn

I'm fine with them not pushing boundaries to get every ounce of power out of a particular system, what I'm not fine with is them scaling what they can do back. Do you see the difference? If they already know they can have the PS4 version running at 900p for example and then drop it to 720p because the X1 couldn't handle 900p that situation is what bugs me.

I know 60fps is a hard thing to stabilize on these consoles and it's the main focus for most FPSs but if they have that in-check on both console while at difference resolutions they should publish them that way.

We're only stuck with intention parity because the power of the hardware is "close" but there is no forced parity in any other systems. No one is scaling back Wii-U games for parity with PS3/360 version, or scaling back PS4/X1 version for parity with Wii-U. PC games aren't being scaled back so they remain on par with PS4/X1 games either so why have parity at all?

All games should scale to the hardwares capabilities, not the competing hardwares capabilities.

Docknoss3944d ago Show
Ju3944d ago

It's not gona happen that this game will be 720p. I can't even believe they can't reach 1080p. Given the PS3 version has less players, but the demo runs absolutely smooth. There is absolutely no reason a PS4 version can't run 1080p. If they are not there yet, they are simply behind. My PC version runs like sh!t compared to the PS3 version. But what, I have some crap running there and should probably wipe it clean...but the thing is, I tried 720p (High) and it still lags like crazy. Probably a problem with the (AMD?) drivers?

tuglu_pati3944d ago


i dont think there is gonna be any parity BS. If the PS4 really is more powerfull than the XB1 the games will show it.

FamilyGuy3944d ago

1080p everywhere, even 6 months back in that link above me. PS4 definitely capable of BF4 in 1080p.

Look more into that article an you see them saying Killer Instinct was 1080p on the show floor at E3, supposedly running on real X1 hardware, yet now it's confirmed to be 720p...

H0RSE3944d ago

"If they already know they can have the PS4 version running at 900p for example and then drop it to 720p because the X1 couldn't handle 900p that situation is what bugs me. "

- And how do you know that them scaling back was for the reason(s) you suggest? There is always going to be a balancing act between quality and performance, regardless of system. Perhaps you are right that the PS4 could've run BF4 at 1080p, but at what cost? If you think it would have also ran at 60fps, you're fucking delusional. It's less about what a system is capable of and more about what is practical/optimal. If a scale back to 720p vs 900p resulted in higher performance more to DICE's liking, then I fail to see the problem here.

Until they start offering console gamers advanced video options, allowing players to pick and choose settings for quality vs performance, they are essentially at the mercy of the devs - it's one of the drawbacks of a closed system.

FamilyGuy3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

PS4 has no problem doing 1080p, many of those PS4 games in 1080p are 30fps though. BF4s goal is 60fps so I don't "expect" 1080p but I do believe that it can do better than 720p. Like I said in my very first statement, "900p would be cool", as in fine, good, acceptable. 720p would mean (obviously in my opinion) that their intentions for parity are holding the PS4 back.

You could EASILY google all the PS4 games that are guaranteed 1080p and see that it isn't an issue for the PS4, the 60fps desire is the only thing that will hold that back.

This is such a pointless debated, you all already know the PS4 is more powerful, not "magically so" and not "as powerful as a high end PC" either, just more powerful than the X1, in addition to being easier and faster to develop for. Why is it that you guys don't get that, because of this fact, PS4 versions SHOULD BE, better than X1 versions?

I'm annoyed that intentional parity is fully ignored when comparing any other console yet for X1/PS4 and 360/PS3 it's the "goal". Why tf it that a "goal"? The only people not annoyed by this are the ones buying the weaker console.

H0RSE3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

"PS4 has no problem doing 1080p, many of those PS4 games in 1080p are 30fps though."

- then it arguably does have a problem doing 1080p, since performance (framerate) is arguably as important or more so than visual quality. I, and would wager many others as well, would rather opt for a "proper" next-gen experience, with 1080p@60fps, than essentially a really pretty looking current-gen experience.

Being a PC gamer, I have played games at 30fps, 60fps and well over 100fps, and I am convinced that although having a game look spectacular is very desirable, framerate is king, which is why benchmarks are based around framerates. I would gladly adjust my settings to make a game look as appealing as a bag of smashed assholes, if it warranted a substantial boost in performance.

LordDhampire3944d ago

Ps4 might be stronger but its not 720p to 1080p stronger, if anything at 720p it should run at a smoother framerate during high action scenes like explosions and the tower falling

BallsEye3943d ago

Stop being so sure ps4 is so much stronger. 90% of games on eurogamer were still running on PC's with ps4 controller. Games keep on getting downgraded graphics (look at most recent full res build of KZ or drivclub)



(driveclub runs at 30 fps and zero AA)

Even Mark Cenrys (the architect of ps4!) game Knack



looks like a ps3 game upped to 1080p and is struggling to hold 30 fps. Now is this XO fault that these exclusives are having such big problems? If you would be a little longer in this world, you would learn that sony likes to show off amazing trailers on launch with out of this world graphics (hello kz2 gameplay demo)and then gradually decrease it. This is already happening with ps4 titles and if you don't see this you are seriously blind. If you are not planning to buy both consoles, you better wait for the release and comparisons before you decide. I'm gonna get ps4 next year, XO this year. A real gamer can't miss a chance to play on any of those beautiful machines.

Rubberlegs3943d ago

People need to stop the blame game of one console hurting the other. X1 and PS4 are both x86 architecture now just like PC and this will make it far easier especially for the PS4 compared to the PS3 when it comes to porting games over to consoles.

Sure BF4 is capable of running at 1080p on the PS4 but not at 60fps. They are shooting for 60fps and I honestly don't think you will ever see a game like BF4 trying run at 1080p with 60fps on either next-gen console.

ShutUpDonny3943d ago

It always depends on the size of the screen and the distance you are sitting from it. On a computer screen at 2-3' it's a major difference. On a 42" TV at 8', I really don't think it will matter. The human eye is not THAT good.

UncleGermrod3943d ago

To be fair, if the ps4 could handle it. they would do it. Maybe they couldn't optimize for it yet, and they will for the next game. Bottom line, it sounds a little weird to "blame xbox". Like it's some person you know who screwed you over.

CrusRuss3943d ago

@ FamilyGuy

PC gamers have been putting up with crappy quality multiplat games for years because of inferior console hardware. There's little incentive for devs to cater to anything but the lowest common denominator. Now it's your turn to feel the pain thx to xbone.

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tehnoob33944d ago

Although I agree with your point, I dont think the new consoles will have nearly as much of a difference due to how easy it is to get power out of the architecture(which is a good thing). These consoles will reach the peak of their potential very quickly (3 years max imo). That means we'll get good looking games very quickly.

bganci3944d ago

Since the xbox one console it self up scales to 1080p, any idea how that could effect the final product?

LordDhampire3944d ago

Scaling, is like just stretching what you already have

Volkama3943d ago

Good scaling does more than stretch the image. It uses complex algorithms to calculate the extra pixels. It can't insert extra detail into an image so it wont be as good as native 1080, but it can be a lot nicer than a raw 720p image.

TVs inherently scale images anyway, and these days the quality is quite good but it can introduce significant display lag that you'd expect a console to improve on (what with it's purpose being games).

The 360 had a better scaler than the PS3. The One has a better scaler than the 360, but the PS4 probably does too. Sony don't talk about it as much.

If one of them scales to 4k better than the other it could be quite an advantage 3-4 years in.

Beastforlifenoob3943d ago

Yeah but PS/ONE, uses the X86 processor architecture (the same on PC's) so that means developers already know alot about the architecture ( Ps3 had cell architecture which had never been used before and therfore developers had no idea how to use the technology and thats why games looked better later.

The difference is going to be far less over the next 8 years than it was in the last 8 years (e.g. Deep down or KZ: shadowfall will still look like a game that comes out 8 years later but ofcourse slightly worse)

Volkama3943d ago

Yes and no. Devs are familiar with the x86 architecture yes, but they're also used to having a 3-4ghz CPU to crunch the main thread, with token processes split off to other cores.

Breaking things down to efficiently spit through 8 1.6ghz cores is going to take some learning, and the GPU compute units will take some learning too.

UncleGermrod3943d ago

I expect the same type of diff's. Some 360 launch games actually looked like they running on original xbox hardware. Clearly that is not the case for either console this time around

Rhaigun3943d ago

It's not all that weird. People keep forgetting we're talking about a cross gen game here. A good comparison would be Call of Duty 2 vs Call of Duty 4. Call of Duty 2 came out near the launch of the 360, and we all know what it looked like. About three years later, 4 came out and was tons better.

MiHX23943d ago

Ummm..What is the difference here? /confused

JsonHenry3943d ago

Wow. Those screens look ugly compared to what I've been playing.. :/

Better luck next time EA. I know the consoles can do better than that by far.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3943d ago

Anyone saying they see a difference is lying to themselves and on team Sony. Pretty funny to see 900p championed now because it will be a Sony side version that is 900p.

Yet Ryse is 900p and it's a huge problem for the Sony faithful. Yet 900p is going to be the bomb for BF4 because it's on PS4.

Lol.. pretty funny.

Freedomland3943d ago (Edited 3943d ago )


Irishguy953943d ago

you have no idea what you're talking about

malokevi3943d ago

It might be because I'm a turdmonkey, but I see absolutely no difference.

In motion on an HDTV, the difference will be even less noticeable. Game will look amazing in motion... as BF always does (beta aside)

This is probably my most anticipated launch title. Can't wait for some 64 player 60FPS metro.

BoriboyShoGUN3943d ago

Yeah Battlefields a rough game to deal with at the launch of a console. It will be a shame if its not 1080 was really hoping to see a beautiful Battlefield on the PS4. But after playing the beta on the 360 im just hoping it looks nothing like that.

solar3943d ago

wow. did i just time travel back to 2005 here?

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3943d ago
jlo3944d ago

Yesterdays resolutions on tomorrows consoles.

Abriael3944d ago

In the end resolution isn't the most determining factor in how good a game will look. I'd say the screenshots demonstrate it fairly well. Sure, there's a difference, but effects, shaders and lighting are more determining.

Hufandpuf3944d ago

lighting and shading aren't as effective when all you see are pixels.

Ju3944d ago

I can't really see where this game is a shader show case. It just looks bland. But it plays great. No matter what they have done with the game - whatever they have "engineered", it just doesn't "shine" through in the game. Destruction is great, costs probably a lot, but the final "picture" isn't "pretty".

creepjack3943d ago (Edited 3943d ago )

Wrong, resolution is THE most important factor for graphic fidelity. Go play on a gaming pc for a while then try to go back to 720p. It's as obvious as being punched right in the throat.

It speaks volumes on both of these "next gen" consoles when they are still stuck in last gen resolutions. This could be the weakest console generation, in relative terms of course, of all time.

lonz3583944d ago

That's what $400 will get you with some games. No worries here.

_QQ_3944d ago

you get what you pay for.

Mystogan3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

It looks for 99% the same. You literally have to squint to see the miniscule difference.

Without the lines you can't even tell the difference. Just take a look at This pic.


Ju3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Oh, please, watch the AC4 game play videos - in full 1080 - an open world game with plenty of NPC and life on screen, and then compare this with BF4. If BF4 can't show more, than Dice screwed up, simple.

Hellbringer3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

I think that Anti Aliasing is more important than just the resolution. SGSSAA would be very good. Post Processing methods like FXAA and MLAA are really bad for the image quality.

JOHN_DOH3943d ago

The higher the resolution, the less AA is needed because there's less jaggies.

ambientFLIER3944d ago

Resolution matters a whole lot less than a smooth framerate, art style, shaders, anti aliasing, etc...a 720P game will all the bells and whistles will look better than a 1080P game without all those things.

Ju3944d ago

Don't even go there. I am not getting a next gen console for 720p games. This is not acceptable for me.

creepjack3943d ago

Agreed Ju. This is supposed to be next gen, not a slightly upgraded current gen.

NarooN3943d ago

If you want 1080p with all the bells and whistles, build a gaming PC instead. It's pretty simple.

solar3943d ago

wow, i agree with Ju for once. :)

BoriboyShoGUN3943d ago

Its crazy because in some games the next gen is so apparent (KillZone) and (Assassins Creed) but Battlefield is a nasty beast that takes a hell of a lot to get its full potential.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3943d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3943d ago
Blastoise3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Can't see any difference

Abriael3944d ago

exactly. That's because it's minimal :D

It's a good game of spot the differences.

tigertom533944d ago

I agree I looked really hard at the hd images and it looked the same but put lines lines around the images...

Abriael3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

The difference is so minimal that the lines are the only way to give you a guidance on where the different resolutions are. Without the lines, you would not know unless you examined them pixel by pixel :D

I actually tried different solutions, and this one was the only one that worked.

Edit: Here's a version with no lines. Can you spot where the different resolutions are? :D

dantesparda3944d ago

Go look at the Digital Foundry pictures, you can easily tell there. These are horrible for comparison. This game definitely benefits from higher resolutions

Abriael3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Actually the pictures on digital foundry fake the comparison a bit by featuring mostly extremely long distance objects, in which the difference is indeed a bit more visible.

This comparison offers much wider mix of short, medium and long distance objects. Which is why the difference is (realistically) less evident overall. The results on long distance are the same.

dantesparda3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

And how do you know this? Or is this just some $hit you're pulling out your a$$? Cuz i could tell of close up objects in the pics

nukeitall3944d ago

That is because we are hitting diminishing returns.

Don\t worry about the graphics, and focus on the game play, presentation and artwork. Those are the things that will give you superior experience, not resolution and the latest rendering technique!

dantesparda3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Says the guy that is all for the graphically weaker system

nukeitall3943d ago


Your console of choice, a PS4, is significantly weaker than a PC as well. Does that diminish the value of the PS4?

I didn't think so!

Only fangirls, think of it as such!

OlgerO3943d ago

my laptop is not able to go above 720 p though so maybe the same goes for you

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3943d ago
BattleTorn3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

At first I thought the article was showing 720/900 because they suggesting those were the two separate resolutions for the Xbox One and PS4 respectively. (Good it wasn't)

The differences were extremely noticable on the guns, and vehicles.
I really hate saying this, but I found the difference marginal otherwise, on the vegatation and enviroment.

Abriael3944d ago

Why do you hate saying that? I'd say it's a good thing.

Caleb_H3944d ago

They could've put those lines anywhere and I wouldn't have seen the difference. Still don't know why you would spend $100 more for the same/worse console, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

ambientFLIER3944d ago

Probably because you prefer the feature set on the xbox over the PS4, or maybe you prefer Live over PSN, or maybe you want to play Halo or Forza, or maybe you like the idea of Kinect???

But sure, let's all only focus on price and theoretical pixel pushing performance...

3944d ago Replies(8)
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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot851d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250850d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface849d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop850d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno850d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel851d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps850d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888850d ago (Edited 850d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33850d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888850d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH850d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad865d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

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KingofBandits957d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"