
This is Without a Doubt the First PlayStation 4 Trophy List

Hardcore Gamer: A few days ago, we posted news that the first ever PlayStation 4 trophy list had likely leaked for "Tutorial Shooting Game." Although it sounds like quite possibly the most exciting game ever created, the trophies were as generic as its title and didn't give us a whole lot of insight into the next-gen awards. We now, however, have trophies for a known game.

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admiralvic4010d ago

At least we know something about this game, but I really wish Sony would stop teasing us and throw up Killzone Shadow Fall, Drive Club or Knack.

KwietStorm_BLM4010d ago

What do you mean about teasing us?

FamilyGuy4010d ago

I think he wants to know more about those games as trophy list give you an insight on more of the activities associated with a game.

This Playroom list let me know a few new things. Can't wait till they add more to it with the already mentioned free dlc from devs support.

Ripsta7th4010d ago

Try to make trophy/achievements useful next gen. When i had gotten an xbox back in 08 i thought u could biy stuff from the xbox marketplace w achievement points

FamilyGuy4010d ago

When achievement points first started I thought they would translate into microsoft points, it seemed like a great idea. By the time MS actually did anything similar (recently just happened after all these years) they got rid of the "points" system in favor of real money.

princejb1344010d ago

can this day end and fast forward to November 15

grumpc4010d ago

Won't fifa 14 be the first known trophy list? Since It's out on ps3 currently...

BLAKHOODe4010d ago

I don't remember where I saw it, but they said trophies/achievements on next-gen versions of games could be different than they are on current-gen.

grumpc4010d ago

Oh okay fair enough, could be interesting.

admiralvic4010d ago

Well, these posts are based off the literal first trophy lists, since the version uploaded IS the PlayStation 4 version. We also sometimes see changes / revisions between versions and regions.

Spelunker Collection PS3 had this trophy...

Dark tourism
Finished the first level without blowing off the ghost in "Spelunker" (Console)

Where as Spelunker Collection Vita removed that for this trophy...

Reached the final goal in "Spelunker" (Arcade) without using all keys

You can also see that in Rayman Legends, which are pretty different. The point being, this is 100% a PlayStation 4 game and the version uploaded was PlayStation 4, thus it's the first 100% (Tutorial Shooting Game could have been an error, since we know nothing about it) official trophy list for the PlayStation 4.

Soldierone4010d ago

I wish they would implement the reward system that was in beta then dispersed. Hell if all we earn are avatars and digital stuff, i'm fine with that. I just want to earn something.

KwietStorm_BLM4010d ago

That reward system was pretty under cooked. That's why it was canned. But yea, I wouldn't mind seeing it come back, reworked.

Soldierone4010d ago

Yeah no doubt, but they had lots of positive feedback from the forums. It just needs to be revamped to an extent, and not lie about rewarding trophies. Reward trophies, who cares?

They also had a program going with houseparty that worked well too. They could cross promote the two programs. Have set weekly goals to earn things etc... The more points you earn, the better stuff you can get. I mean one free game in return for someone telling people about PlayStation all year seems fair.


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The Best PS4 Camera Games

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dennigo3069d ago

i have a ps4 camera, my son loves the playroom but these article is just plain wrong these aren't the best games, these are the ONLY games to use the camera, they Forgot the only good game, tearaway unfolded and they forgot the move game blue estate.
very bad article anyway.


10 Worst PlayStation 4 Games So Far

The following list contains the worst games the PS4 currently has to offer. Some of these games are genuinely awful from start to end, some would be acceptable were it not for different technical issues that really make these games nearly unplayable. Sony fans take this note; you will want to stay as far away from the following games as possible.

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PixelGateUk3102d ago

Playroom? it's free. That's a bit of a cheap choice :P

iDadio3101d ago

The whole list is clickbait nonsense, Driveclub had its problems sure but it is a far cry away from being one of the worst PS4 games available. It seems like a hater list based on what is/has been popular to criticise.

PhoenixUp3102d ago

Of the decade? PS4 isn't even 3 years old yet.

Why not just list some of the worst games of the decade on EVERY platform?

sammarshall1023102d ago

I agree with Knack, The Order and Godzilla

xfiles20993102d ago

Besides being Short I liked The Order most of the games on this list I liked This is a pure hate article

Playable_Gamez3097d ago

And you don't have hatred for the Xbox One?

xfiles20993097d ago

If I hated the Xbone I would not of bought one

Playable_Gamez3097d ago

Most of your comments I have seen sum up to be Xbox sucks PS rules for the most part.

xfiles20993097d ago

Well to be honest compared to the PS4 it does suck and compared to the PC they both suck.

Playable_Gamez3097d ago

To be honest, I get just about the same experience on both platforms.

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gangsta_red3102d ago

Wow, never even heard of Hardware: Rivals.

I'm going to go ahead and crown The Order: 1886 as the Batman v Superman of the video game industry.

kraenk123101d ago (Edited 3101d ago )

Batman vs Superman...the movie most people actually liked but critics hated..a fitting choice!

gangsta_red3101d ago

More like most people including the critics hated but fanboys defend to the death...most definitely a fitting choice.

kraenk123101d ago

You can hate all you want but the vast majority on Metacriric liked the movie. And you know how metacritic works...the haters usually are the ones screaming the loudest.

gangsta_red3101d ago

Comic fanboys are a whole different breed.

But when you have critics and fans in unison panning it and talking about the same flaws as others saw for instance in The Order then there is definite truth to be told, not hate.

jb2273101d ago

I haven't seen it yet personally as I really can't stand Snyder & I think he's great at translating visuals from page to screen but pretty awful at translating characters & stories. Have you seen it? I know you are a big Superman fan...I know a lot of the fans are loving it but I think that is mostly down to just seeing the trinity on screen for the first time, and once the honeymoon period is over a few of those folks may change their tune.

gangsta_red3101d ago

I could seriously rant a whole page on what was wrong with that movie scene by scene. I did in the Filmwatch site, but I dropped a few spoilers over there.

jb2273101d ago


I may have to run that down & see what you've got to say about it. I made the mistake of hitting a list for the movie on Whatculture & they straight up spoiled the ending w/o including any kind of spoiler tag, so between that and the ridiculous amount revealed in the trailers themselves, I'm pretty sure I know every beat of the film already. Movie studios need to get smarter about editing, both in the movies themselves (I've heard that BvS had many issues in that regard) & the trailers revealing everything.

I'm still gonna give it a shot at the cinemas but my expectations aren't too high...


I take back drive club and the order and give you the worst p4 title of all time duck dinasty and might not be playing the room but my kids love that game maybe u don't play it but others do

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