
Videogame Consoles are Dying. Just Ask LG.

The evolution of television and videogames has tended to take a parallel course over the years, but the two have up until now been rather mutually exclusive. Electronics giant LG would appear to be pretty serious about gaming, so much so that it is incorporating a videogames console into its latest release of Smart TVs.

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raWfodog4010d ago

Exactly. That whole argument is contigent on consumers preferring LG tv's to the variety of models out there. Now, if every TV were to offer the same capabilities then that "might" have the "potential" to be a threat to consoles.

PoSTedUP4010d ago

last gen
PS2= 150m
xbox= 24m
gamecube= 22m
total= 196m

this gen
wii= 100m
total= 259m

nope, growing.

saladthieves4010d ago

It's kinda like saying the human race is on the brink of extinction when people in your neighborhood start to die one by one :/

Ps4Console4009d ago (Edited 4009d ago )

If Pc's can't topple us console gamers tv's got no chance , we seen them come and we seen them go and this is no different .

FunkMacNasty4010d ago (Edited 4010d ago )

It seems like this is pretty much along the same lines as what the Xbox One tried to do with disc-less digital downloads. And we all know how gamers reacted to that.

Also, look at the games available... most of them are 2 years old, there's no pricepoint for using the cloud gaming service, and there's no details on whether you own what you download or whether your renting the software liscence..

Yea, I'd rather spend my money on a Ps4 before I buy into a cloud gaming service available on my TV.

GamerXD4010d ago

Nice try LG. After PS4 broke PS2's launch record, yeah. Definitely dying. /sarcasm

secretcode4010d ago

As likely as it is right now with the super awesome preorder numbers (mine included), be fair. The launch record isn't broken until the thing actually launches.

Concertoine4010d ago

Ps2s launch record was beaten by wii first

JuleyJules4010d ago

Launch numbers are great but the key is sustaining numbers after that if there's a lag between games. Convincing last-gen owners to switch is not easy.

Ozmoses4010d ago

hahaha, what the hell would LG know about the video game industry??


BillytheBarbarian4010d ago

They said that about Sony. Look how that turned out.

Ozmoses4010d ago

Totally different industry back then...

LG has been around for awhile now... If they wanted to get into video games, they would have done it by now...

They have nothing to bring to the market... Nothing at all.

KonsoruMasuta4010d ago

Well, LG isn't getting involved in the game industry.

What they plan on doing is making deals with developers, like Ubisoft, and having them stream games to their smart TVs.

It's nothing but a cloud based gaming service.

4010d ago Replies(1)
Sam Fisher4010d ago

Hmm, the only thing lg makes good is..... Washing machines.....-_- thats it....

PaulFiend4010d ago

Well, they produced these long time ago: http://www.thestrong.org/on...

So, they were involved anyhow, but yeah, streaming is not the way I want to experience my videogames...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4010d ago
chrissx4010d ago (Edited 4010d ago )

Nah video game consoles aint dying. There's so much life still left in console gaming. Just check out Pre-order numbers especially that of Ps4

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Darkegg254d ago

When they announce tekken x street fighter, let me know.


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CrashMania345d ago (Edited 345d ago )

The Arkham games are largely excellent, a shame they are being followed up by that god awful looking suicide squad game.

RaidenBlack345d ago

All 4 Arkham games are just amazing...
With the Gotham Knights turning out sub par, hope the Suicide Squad fails as well... So that both Rocksteady and WB Montreal goes back to creating good single player DC games ...
A batman beyond game maybe?

anal_vegan_moans344d ago

Having the game fail would make it harder for them to get funding for their next game, please don't wish this on them. They already delayed the game a whole year after backlash, so we still have to wait and see how it will turn out.

GhostScholar344d ago

I think asylum and origins were great. City was good. Knight was horrible.

345d ago
Ezio2048345d ago

You can't expect a game to match 96-94 meta apple for apple. Different era and different gen. No need to diminish either game's achievement. Arkham City and Spiderman 2 are both amazing sequels that improved upon their already incredible first parts.

Tacoboto345d ago

To back that up, there are major websites that adjusted their review scales.

IGN used to have a 100 point system; now it's a 10 point system. I remember GameSpot back in 2004 was razed for giving Halo 2 a 9.4 when IGN gave it like a 9.7 or 9.8

darthv72345d ago

Arkham Asylum was great, but when City came out... wow what a total overhaul that was. Nothing has had that type of night/day difference in scope and scale since.

SM2 is looking to be a great game in itself. Definitely an upgrade over the previous entries. Just from the opening battle with sandman, it gives me god of war 2 vibes with how that one opened with the battle with colossus of rhodes. That is still one of my favorite sequels of all time.

Zeke68344d ago

Thanks for the spoiler how the game starts loser...

darthv72344d ago

Zeke... you've had plenty of time to play god of war 2.

GaboonViper345d ago

And right on cue, here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece, not gonna work, this game is gonna be beast in success.

BehindTheRows345d ago

From the same folks who gave it a 10/10 no less.

Aloymetal345d ago

'' here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece''
You know that train is never late.

isarai345d ago

Oh look, another trash article from Videogamer

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