
First impressions of FIFA Online 3 | Gameinasia

Gameinasia: Having attended the preview event of EA Sports’s FIFA Online 3, Games in Asia had an early chance try out the football fields of the game at the Garena Stadium. So here is the lowdown on what we have seen.

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FIFA Online 3 gets a World Cup mode, and boosted stats for team China

Want to lead your national team to digital glory this World Cup? FIFA Online 3 just added a World Cup mode so you can do just that.

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FIFA Online 3 M – Mobile version revealed for top online sports game

Developed by EA Seoul, FIFA Online 3 M will be a full game itself (not an information app for FIFA Online 3), including several similar features such as player trading, league modes, and 16,000 players from 33 leagues and 40 countries. With simplified gameplay, Nexon Korea will launch the game before mid-2014.

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demonicale6663803d ago

Mobile version?!, if it's anything like the bugged MESS that is on all the other consoles. Then i wouldn't bother.

And by mess, i mean getting a red card ends the entire game in pro clubs. Pathetic.

zalanis3803d ago

Make it free for vita as well, and i bet they'll have 3m also

Pirates10i3803d ago

The Mobile version is pretty crap compared to the console version. they try to mainstream controls and touch just doesnt work for soccer

3-4-53803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

Single player in sports games will always be superior.

It's YOUR version of the game that nobody can mess with and you can customize it to play exactly how you want, or close to it.

* Online in sports games just seems like a place for arrogant people to brag about how good they are at a video game weather or not they win or lose and then talk crap after.

* The AI isn't arrogant = more enjoyable

* I understand there are legit normal people who just happen to like to play online against a Human to get that uncertainty you can't get with AI.


FIFA Online 3 to be released on October 10

The field will finally open for gamers and football fans for the first time in Singapore and Malaysia in the brand new game.