
Randy Pitchford: Sony and Microsoft Have Nothing to Worry About With The Steam Machines

Before and after the announcement of the upcoming Steam Machines by Valve many wondered if the contents of said announcement were going to make a dent on the traditional home console market. According to Gearbox Software President Randy Pitchford that’s not going to happen.

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Thatguy-3103952d ago

Consoles are a lot more mainstream. This caters to the people that play on pc

Abriael3952d ago

See, my problem with it is that it's hard to see to whom it caters. As a PC gamer, I feel completely uninterested. Why would I want to play my PC games, made for PC, on something else, with a controller?

-Foxtrot3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

"Why would I want to play my PC games, made for PC, on something else, with a controller?"


and why would console gamers want to game on a PC like product with a dodgy controller that's not like something they are used to and probably never will get used to since they will be spilting their time between that, the PS4 and possibly the Xbox One/Wii U.

I don't think Valve has thought this out very well

elhebbo163952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

I dunno there is probably a middle catagory of people who like the idea... personally the controller is the only thing that interests me. everything else is like "couldn't I just buy a mid-end gaming PC?"

ShinMaster3952d ago

SteamOS/Steam Machines compete with Windows PCs, not consoles.

Mystery Solved.

Fishy Fingers3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

You don't have to use a pad. You'll still be able to use your preferred input method that you use now and if they deliver on the performance increase over windows, THAT will be my reason as a PC gamer to use steamos (making it a Steambox). At least as a dual boot with windows 7. If I'm already playing on steam on windows, why not cut the middle man opt for those extra free frames per second :)

starchild3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

Guys, this is for gamers who are interested in PC gaming, but have tended to feel a little intimidated by some aspects of PC gaming.

I have seen lots of concerns expressed over the years in which people said they were intrigued by PC gaming, but they are used to a controller and they want to play from the comfort of their couch in the living room. They also want the UI and all that to be straightforward.

Valve is simply trying to streamline PC gaming to make it more appealing to a wider demographic.

I think it has a very good shot of doing exactly that. Consoles will be fine, but this WILL likely expand PC gaming.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3952d ago
Einhert3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

NO it caters to people who would like to get into PC gaming but who are put off by the complexity of it.

It caters to people who want a device as powerful as a PC that can be placed comfortably in the living room under a TV.

As for the controller it is on the cusp of new technology that none of you have had the chance to experience, its not a tracking pad like on a laptop, it uses advanced static feedback and developers have said good things about it while none of you have had any experience with it.

It is basically an open sourced console and there is a market for it, I would like to think Gabe Newell has a better grasp on the industry than a few yobs on N4G that badmouth anything that isn't Sony.

Abriael3952d ago

"It is basically an open sourced console and there is a market for it"

So said the ones that made Ouya.

3952d ago
starchild3952d ago

Abriael, I usually respect your comments, but this one is a head-scratcher.

You honestly don't think Ouya and the Steam Machines are comparable do you?

Ouya is a cheap box made by a no-name start up whose purpose is to play simple android games. The Steam machines are backed by one of the most successful companies in gaming and have the obvious purpose to make PC gaming more appealing and straightforward for people previously intimidated by PC gaming.

Fishy Fingers3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

Ouya wasn't manufactured by one of the biggest names in gaming with a 2000+ back catalog of just about every game from small indies titles to AAAs with a billion dollars to back it up.

It's a far cry from kickstarter.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3952d ago
ForgivenZombie3952d ago

I believe it's the opposite, I think they're trying to get console gamers comfortable with the pc platform by making it feel very similar to a console.

BABY-JEDI3952d ago

You know. The guy who gave us all the shit fest called Alien Colonial Marines! Surely you haven't forgotten about this already?

pwnsause_returns3952d ago

he was also the guy who forced sony's hand on pushing for 8GB GDDR5 http://www.playstationlifes...

Brix903952d ago

Especially after launching at the terrible price of $899.


Fishy Fingers3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

Should of scrolled down the homepage some more :)

Xi3′s Piston “not a Steam box,” branded as a $1,000 console


But yeah, terrible price still. Feet of engineering though.

Brix903952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

@fishy fingers

I see what all the disagrees are about now. I thought the piston was labeled a steam box.

Fishy Fingers3952d ago

Fair mistake to make. It is called Piston after all and just like any PC, you'll be able to put SteamOS on it. Effectively making it a steam box.

Clearly bit of marketing on their part to ride some Steambox rumour mill coat tails maybe.

3952d ago Replies(1)
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PSVR2 App for PC Now Live on Steam

Push Square writes: "A dedicated PSVR2 app has been published to PC platform Steam ahead of expanded compatibility for the VR headset going live on 7th August 2024. The application will be available the day before, and it guides you through the setup of the device for use on PC as well as acting as the place to update the headset and its Sense controllers when patches become available."

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Neonridr1d 8h ago

still can't order the adapter and we are less than 2 weeks away from August 7th.

anast4h ago

It's bring more needed games to the PC ecosystem. It looks like PC only has 1 VR game.

porkChop4h ago

What are you talking about? Most VR games are only available through PCVR.

anast3h ago

They can't be that good if the only game they show is Alyx.

porkChop33m ago

JFC you're uneducated. It's just a promo image. Are they supposed to release thousands of promos for every VR game on Steam? Why don't you just go to the Steam store and take a look at the VR games? You can even mod non-VR games on PC like GTA V or Cyberpunk 2077 to make them fully playable in VR.


Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Plus Game Gets Physical Limited Edition for Steam

You heard it right, folks. A Limited Edition for Steam in 2024.

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FinalFantasyFanatic18d ago

I wish this would happen more often, there are a lot of Steam games I would buy limited physical editions for if they existed.


Valve Might Be Working On Adding An Android Emulator In Steam

As per the latest discoveries by a popular SteamVR dataminer, Valve is rumored to be working on adding an Android emulator in Steam.

Chocoburger20d ago

Interesting, I currently using Bluestacks on my PC, it works okay, but not all games are compatible, and some work but with glitches, so it would be nice to have an alternative option.

FinalFantasyFanatic19d ago

I've had more or less the same experience with Bluestacks, so having a Steam equivalent, which may work similar or better (or even if it plays some stuff better than Bluestacks) would be wonderful.