
NHL 14 video review - CramG

A video and text based review of EA's latest and number 23 in the series NHL 14 which is available now for PS3 and Xbox 360.

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EA dominates in Xbox Deals With Gold for 29th July-4th August

James writes - "The latest Xbox Deals With Gold sale is now live and it’s looking very EA orientated! Available right now to all Xbox Live Gold members, the Xbox Deals With Gold for 29th July-4th August 2014 sees discounts in place for a number of EA titles, from shooters to sports games."

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GeofferyPeterson3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Dominates their own (last months) gold deals. These games are old and can be found cheaper elsewhere. (For physical copies)

oKidUKo3708d ago

It seems digital versions always tend to be dearer than a trip down to the shops. This could be more convenient for some people though whether I agree or not.

BG115793708d ago

Plus, EA they can give games. They'll recover all that they lost with the paid DLC.

3708d ago
oKidUKo3708d ago

The Naval Strike maps are well worth picking up and Second Assault. Wouldn't bother with the World Cup game.


NHL 15 - Gamer Releases Custom Next-Gen Graphics Comparison E3 Trailer

CanadianGamer writes : Canadian YouTube user S7Haxorz released a comparison video for the E3 released trailer of NHL 15. In the video, he reproduced the trailer with NHL 14 in a side-by-side comparison of the old graphics engine VS the new one.

The comparison shows the impressive amount of details that the next-gen version of the NHL game features.

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NextLevel3737d ago

People are so worried about graphics. How does it play? Gameplay is next gen.

SynGamer3736d ago

Agreed, though I will say that the NHL 15 animations are A LOT better than '14.

Canadiangamernet3737d ago

Of course, gameplay is the key but still, it's always nice to see what the new consoles have under the hood :)

NextLevel3737d ago

I personally would buy the systems if they just recased the 360/PS3 and called them X1/PS4 for a higher price. It's all about the gameplay.

BattleN3736d ago (Edited 3736d ago )

Ii want to see what the WiiU can produce when pushed to the Max! As for PS4 I was blown away when I saw this trailer. I used to hear that WiiU is not too much weaker than PS4 but this trailer made me realize that there is a major difference in power! https://m.youtube.com/watch... Hyrule Warrior's looks sad compared to Kingdom Under fire 2 but I'll still buy it!


Hockey Nerds Unite! Why Advanced Hockey Stats Should be in EA's NHL 15 - GAME-FOCUS.NET

The last couple years the hockey world has seen the rise of advanced hockey statistics (Corsi, Fenwick, PDO). While not everyone in the "hockey world" is convinced of advanced hockey stats and their relevance in the game, you cannot deny their presence and the debate these so-called advanced stats create in the game’s analysis. Which is why EA's NHL series needs to include advanced hockey stats, pronto!

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ifistbrowni3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

putting stats into a video game wouldn't make NHL any better. NHL 14 is just a silly game. It's so fun to play online and I win most of my games, but even I can admit that a lot of the scoring in NHL 14 feels lucky. I'm not opposed to in-depth stats, but all that would do is give you more things to complain about, "I out-shot my opponent 10-1 when it came to quality scoring chances and i lost 5-2."

NHL 14 is a good hockey game, but sometimes it takes little to no skill to win games. In versus, the computer controls 5/6 players on the ice. You have very little control over what the AI does for you when you're not in total control over the player. The AI standing on the blue line on defense and letting the puck carrier fly right by him for a breakaway/quality scoring chance is very un-realistic (just one example of how clue-less the AI can be).

If i want my 8th gen hockey game to BE realistic (as the author puts it) I don't only want in-depth stat reflection... I want competent AI and completely eliminate the "ice-tilt" feature where momentum sways back and forth between teams. Sure, a lot of people say momentum plays a huge rule in real-life NHL (and i agree that it does), but when im playing a VIDEO GAME I want it to be more about skill and something that i can control. The momentum system EA Sports has in place right now is entirely unfair and makes very little sense.

Ever play really tight defense on somebody, poke checking their sticks, stick lift them and check them like 3 times and they're still maintaining possession of the puck (even though they're getting absolutely bullied)? That's momentum taking any skill that should be required, out of the game. Back-hand goals that float in, 5-hole wrist shots from the blue line goals, goal-line shots that score... These are all goals that should be rare to obtain, not the norm.

Rant over. To sum up that wall of text: I want better AI. I will play NHL 15 regardless, because i'm a huge hockey fan and love playing club with my friends. I just wish EA didn't monopolize the franchise and we could get some healthy competition. HUT is an addictive nightmare.

kechledon3740d ago

Hey, thanks for the comment. I agree that the inclusion of stats will not make the game more realistic and I kind of admit that at the end of the piece. Having more in-depth stats may make the game more unrealistic and prove to be counter-intuitive to my point. That said, I think that if EA were to include those new stats in their game it would probably force them to tighten up the relatively weak computer A.I. as they would have better stats to gauge what they are doing wrong.

I guess my point is that EA should attempt to make the stat sheet at the end of the game an accurate reflection of what transpired in the game, and also make that stat sheet seem as similar to a real life hockey stat sheet as possible. I think the fancy stats I allude to would help make that possible, but I don't know.

Regardless of what happens, though, I am like you-- I am going to buy the game. I am too much of a hockey fan. Thanks for the comment and the helpful criticism. :)

MastaPiff3740d ago

Advance stats!? How about Ea allowing ppl to see even basic stats that the game is obviously keeping track of. For ex. TURNOVERS!!! When I play, especially with my be a pro the coaches advice at the end of every period of every game coaches advice is "watch your turnovers" and it seems to negatively effects my grade but no where in the game am I allowed to see how many turnovers I've actually commited! Turnovers are a basic statistic that is essential to be aware of so that a player might improve upon. Simple or advanced statistics, more is absolutely necessary.

kechledon3740d ago

Couldn't agree more! Thanks for the comment. The stats at the end of each game (the stats the game keeps track of) don't make any sense or don't reflect anything of significance. EA can do better.

mopground3740d ago

yes this shouldve have been in the series by now but, whoever the creative director is of the series seem so unorganized. I mean since 07 they have added new features, taken out useful features(defensive stick in 08), and reintroduced feautres that were in past games.

I mean what the heck is going on over there? I know its a small team with a small budget but, it seems that since 2k opted out that they just become a team with no big plan for the game which leads to a frustrated fanbase which the series has

SpinalRemains1383738d ago

The game doesn't need Fenwick charts and the traditional stats are fine.