
Worst graphics in a PS3 game yet? Enemy Territory Hands On

PSU Writes:

"Looking for another title to add to the "PS3 version gets gimped" list? One of the first things we noticed going from playing the Xbox 360 version to the near complete PS3 version was the graphical quality. The draw distances are impressive and the vehicle cockpit modeling in the PS3 version is great. However while the Xbox 360 version sports smooth character models and high quality textures on environments and vehicles, its PS3 counterpart was decidedly lacking in this area, consisting of low-res textures, jaggies, texture popping, frame-rate issues, clipping and one of the worst sniper rifle bugs ever.

Below is an image of what happens when players use the Covert Ops class equipped with the sniper rifle. When using the zoom, it seems as though the game forgets to remap the higher resolution textures on the enemies and objects. After the event, we were told that Underground Studios is still tweaking the sniper rifle, but there probably won't be much of an improvement."

CaliGamer6001d ago (Edited 6001d ago )

Let the trolling begin, too bad this game is too late for anyone to care if it's good or not. Hope the person who decided to release this game now gets a tongue lashing because their timing couldn't be worst.

Worker: "Yea, lets release the game while people are still playing GTA4 and waiting for MGS4, and also, let's do a half a$$ed job on the PS3 version. That should sell copies."

Publisher: "Brilliant!!"

LOL, so lame.

Edit:@Alexis.... I really don't know if your comment was directed at me but if it was I would invite you to read my post again as I never said anything about a port or even brought up that discussion.

But if indeed this is not a port as you say then it goes to show that the developers of this game really drop the ball releasing this game around the same time as GTA4, another multiplat. Fact of the matter is that there is no reason this game shouldn't be just as good or better than its 360 counterpart as it has already been proven it can be done.

Either way as I said, this game is too little too late in my opinion, just funny that all this time and they still had problems. Makes the game that much more irrelevant IMO.

Alexis Machine6001d ago (Edited 6001d ago )


What i find strange is that this game isn't really a port. Didn't someone somewhere say that there are two separate developers working for each of the two versions? Which would mean that the end result of the PS3 version, 'gimped' or not, was built from the ground up on PS hardware and not the result of shoddy porting.

wouldn't it???

Insert => nope, not directed at you, just to lazy to start my own comment.

And it's mr Machine to you buddy boy.


Bathyj6001d ago

Stop trolling Alexis. Just because it was made from the ground up doesn't mean it will be good.

It really depends on the dev doesn't it?

Is it their first game on PS3? Did they bother learning the ropes or doing their homework in the early days like Insomniac and Naughty Dog? Or did they just say lets make a mediocre shooter, how hard can it be?

PS3 isn't some magic box for instant results. It requires someone who knows what they're doing and puts the effort in.

God I'd have thought this was pretty obvious by now, why am I having to explain this.

SL1M DADDY6001d ago

It is a port and to say otherwise is just stupid. We're talking about a game that is crap anyway and taking a look at COD4 (a game built from the ground up on PS hardware) developers like this have only one person or group to blame and that is themselves when they dare to release crap like this. To be honest, they could have just canned the PS3 version and saved themselves some face in the end. Now we all can add yet another lazy and pathetic dev to the list of others not willing to learn new hardware and rise to the ranks of Insomniac, Infinity Ward, Naughty Dog, Polyphony, Ninja Theory, Team Ninja, Criterion, Media Molcule, and many more.

Alexis Machine6001d ago (Edited 6001d ago )

Yes you're right. It is shoddy development, i fully agree

No, you're wrong, it isn't a port. Underground Development is working on the PS3 version and Nerve Software is working on The Xbox version

Dont believe me?
Check it out : http://xbox360.ign.com/arti...

Edit : and to bathyj who feels the need to explain it all. One question: Who asked you in the first place?

TrenchaunT6001d ago

This game is definitely too late. I was looking forward to it LAST summer (since I had played the original Enemy Territory and I love the Doom3 engine). Now I've already pre-ordered GTA IV, I'm waiting on UT3, and I've gotta save money for Gears2 and Fallout3. I don't see much of a way to fit ET:QW in there.

TresTrendu6001d ago

ID software didnt port this over i dont think. Cause john carmack said he wouldnt work on the ps3 until they released some good tools to work with. So i beleive they let some other dev port the game over.

Bathyj6001d ago

Alexis Machine

I just couldn't stand by while you were going through life thinking you were right, and worse, misinforming others.

HadeShade6001d ago

Someone explain to me how this is not a port? It was NOT built from the ground up. It was ported from the PC.

godofthunder106001d ago

what is the big deal,it's not like every game is like this.i have a 360 and i never had a problem with it and i love it but some times the same game looks better on the ps3 and some times the same game looks better on the 360 and it's a fact.i don't care if a game i like has graphics that looks a little better on the ps3 because it's not a big deal because it want hurt the game play and the graphics on the 360 would still be close to the graphics on the ps3.
i still can't understand why do some people fight like a bunch of kids when a game looks better on 1 console then the other,like they are right now because graphics doesn't make a good game. to me graphics isn't a big deal ,it's the last thing i look for in a game because with out a good story line and game play the game would sux even if the graphics was 10 times better then they are now,i'll pick a game with graphics like the super nintendo if it had a good story line and game play before i'll pick a game that has graphics that look like real life with no good story line and game play.people need to understand that graphics isn't what makes a good game and start getting along instead of acting childish and fighting over what system has better graphics..
both systems been out a while and people should have stoped all this fighting awhile back.the truth is that the 360 and ps3 are both good systems.developers already said that the 360 does somethings better then the ps3 and the ps3 does somethings better then the 360 and some fanboys still want admit it and act like they know more then developers do.
people need to stop and think.both systems been out about 2 years and so far they are about equal in power and the games are about equal in graphics,so what if the graphics on this game looks a little better on the 360 then the ps3 like this article claims,it still want hurt the people with the ps3 they will still be able to enjoy the game and they shouldn't even care about it because some games looks better on the ps3 then the 360 so it breaks out even.

SL1M DADDY6001d ago

What are you smoking? Can you pass it along so I too can live in the dream?

Good god man figure it out. It is a port from the PC version to the PS3 and 360. The 360 hardware is more like the PC so put one and one together and you get two, or at least in my world you do...

Not a port... You're dreaming.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 6001d ago
NoUseMerc6001d ago

Here is another image I forgot to add that shows how bad the sniper scope looks:


Fishy Fingers6001d ago

Damn Merc, thats f-ugly.

I had it running max on my PC and frankly it looked pretty poor on that but no where near this bad. Is there any AA being used at all?

sonarus6001d ago

It comes out with may right along side haze so i don't think anyone was really considering this

Ri0tSquad6001d ago

It makes Enemy Territory look like Uncharted.

NoUseMerc6001d ago (Edited 6001d ago )

I have played NFL Tour...and that was pretty bad, however I would have to put them side by side before making a choice. lol.

solar6001d ago

yikes. thats horrible! releasing Quake looking like that would be a disgrace to its name.

picker3326001d ago

Uhh that sniper scope look's like from a psp or something.

& this game is old as hell on pc.

This game is not gonna sell good!!!

Skerj6001d ago

Dude, don't dog the PSP like that. That looks like it's from the PS1 era, that's a megatexture!?

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Quake Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes, "Alongside the Wolfenstein and DOOM franchises, there are the Quake games. Known for fast-paced and insane multiplayer deathmatch action, there was a time Quake was best known for its single-player design.

That all changed as time passed (i.e., after Quake 3 Arena). Multiplayer deathmatches were never the same.

As other FPS games leaned more into improved narrative and storytelling, id Software delivered a genre-defining multiplayer experience.

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MadLad765d ago

Quake 3, and the iterations, will always be one of the best multiplayer series releases.
As far as campaigns, I think 1 and 4 are great, but that 2 was garbage.

Quake Champions was a joke on and didn't capitalize on much of anything that made the series great.


AMD Catalyst 12.4 WHQL Released

DSOGaming writes: "AMD has released the WHQL version of their Catalyst 12.4 drivers. These drivers introduce some new features to the AMD Radeon HD 7900, AMD Radeon HD 7800, and AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series, such as Windows XP 32/64Bit support, Level of Detail (LOD) Image Quality enhancements when Super Sampling is enabled and significant performance enhancements (up to 80%) when MLAA is enabled. In addition, there have been various fixes for Skyrim, RAGE, Enemy Territory, and STALKER: Call of Pripyat."

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The History of Quake | Mad Overdose

MadOverdose.com writes: Quake. A name synonymous with gamers and truly an important part of gaming history that alongside Unreal Tournament, helped develop competitive online multiplayer into the juggernaut that we know it as today. Of course, online gaming has grown substantially since the games original release and now spans a multitude of different genres. But this article is just going to focus on the series that bought it to the mainstream audience. Developed by id Software and released June 22nd 1996, Quake would spawn a legacy of games that would forever change the way we think about online gaming. But where is it now?

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TheDopeFiend4974d ago

Quake......2 took up LOADS of my time when i was a teenager, it was the first online game i played, the memories

Kleptic4974d ago

I started online gaming with Doom 2 back in like late 94 or whatever it was...My parents had just bought a Gateway 2000 486 desktop around that time, and I got it for Christmas...a few friends in town also got it, and we'd play 1 on 1 dial up for literally 8 hours at a time over christmas break...

that same computer was a terd at running Quake 1...I had it, but it was frustrating as it would chug so hard that even as a kid i couldn't play it much...My parents upgraded to a Dell something or other in 97 just a few months before Quake II released...and i was set...it had a Nvidia Riva 128 gpu (this was back when Voodoo cards ruled the planet) and was my first experience with accelerated PC graphics...but I later found out that the Riva 128 did not yet support OpenGL...and I was stuck playing Quake II for nearly a full year on software rendering...and was pissed haha...

but eventually a driver was released, and there was no looking back...I can't say I liked Quake II more than the Romero based shooters before, especially atmosphere wise (I wanted hell back)...but playing Quake II on dial up through kali.net was some of the absolute most fun I had ever had...I've been a shooter fan ever since...

I love reading articles like this...reminds me of the first games i played, and why I love this hobby so much...I think I am very lucky age wise, that I grew up in the perfect window of when gaming really got its legs...

Picnic4974d ago (Edited 4974d ago )

'Believe it or not, Quake was originally conceived as an RPG, focusing on melee combat and set in the medieval ages'

Yes I can completely imagine that. I can't remember the first 2 games too well but Quake 3 definitely has a medieval feel with its huge open symmetrical courts leading off to maze-like smaller passages and antechambers. One level features twin moats in to a small castle. There's at least one very futuristic level but the game definitely appears inspired by medieval times as well which, I feel , adds to its mysteriously brutal atmosphere.

Kleptic4974d ago

I got this book with Doom 2 for christmas the year it released...I wish I could find it, I still have it somewhere packed up...


The last 30 pages or so are a huge interview with Romero and Carmack about Quake's development...this was back before the internet was really anything yet...they don't usually put such in depth exclusive interviews in strategy guides anymore...but either way, they talk about its 'rpg' nature and where the title was going, all before it was changed into a shooter overall...and its awesome...

To me Oblivion turned into almost exactly what iD was talking about with Quake...Quake was going to be frist person, but almost all hand to hand combat with 'spells and magic' available eventually...and that you would literally have to cut an enemy apart in order to kill them, not just shoot them with a big gun...If you ever find this book, or get a way to read that interview, do it...and play a few hours of Oblivion, its insane how many things Oblivion does that Carmack and Romero spoke of 10 years before...

Relientk774974d ago (Edited 4974d ago )

Quake 2 is an awesome game

Mista T4974d ago

I wish iD would make a true Quake game. If successful, it could become a multiplayer king this gen

kramun4974d ago

The first Quake set the bar as far as fps games could go at the time. And the shambler was scary as f**k.

meetajhu4974d ago (Edited 4974d ago )

It also set the bar for 3d graphics and it was the first game to support gpu(graphics card) and introduced OpenGL. Infact it was the first true 3d game with 3d world. Can't wait for RAge

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