
Raising 'Cade: Hydro Thunder

Hardcore Gamer: Hydro Thunder, while certainly aged, brings back all that was fun and memorable about arcade racers. Tight controls, fast paced action and a difficulty level meant to draw quarters out of all but the most seasoned arcade racer veteran are all present in this timeless package.

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PlayStation: From A to Z – The Letter “H”

Ken McKown writes: The From A to Z series lets our editors go back and take a look at games from past generations that are classics, overlooked gems, or just titles they remember fondly. The idea behind this is to pick five games from each letter of the alphabet, once a week to showcase. This delivers 26 weeks and 130 games to talk about. Hopefully it sparks some conversation, and of course plenty of memories.

Our first series will focus on Sony’s first entry into the console business, the PlayStation.

Let’s continue with the letter “H”.

breakpad3330d ago

good articles ..nostalgia filled


5 Ultra Atmospheric Video Game Levels

Axl of WTG: "There’s something intangibly cool about a video game world that drips with atmosphere. There’s some combination of sound and visuals that knocks you out when it’s mixed perfectly, leaving you awed, intrigued, or just plain terrified. Over the years, there have been a slew of unforgettable worlds imprinted upon our memories, just like the worlds of the storybooks and films we grew up with."

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Anon19744263d ago

In terms of atmospheric game levels, who can forget those creepy, otherworldly, WWI type levels from The Darkness? Those were friggin' cool. Looking forward to giving the 2nd game a try when I have some time.

JC_Denton4262d ago

I hope you enjoy all 4 hours of The Darkness 2!

BattleAxe4262d ago

I was going to mention The Darkness also, but I personally thought the entire game in general was one of the most atmospheric this generation. My picks are:

1. The Darkness
2. F.E.A.R.
3. CoD4
4. Rainbow Six Vegas
5. Uncharted 2

calibann4262d ago

Red Dead Redemption.

Playing cards indoors with 4 fellows.

Rain and thunder outside.

Dat cosy.

isarai4262d ago

LOL these are some horrible choices to be honest. Demon's/Dark Souls, ICO/SotC, NIER, STALKER series, and just about any Zelda game just to name a very few, destroy anything on that list in terms of atmosphere

Menchi4262d ago

Tower of Latria... How on earth that isn't there, I don't know. In fact, the entirety of Demon/Dark Souls. They're both absolutely amazing games for atmosphere.

And Amnesia! My God, that game deserves a medal

pandehz4262d ago (Edited 4262d ago )

When you mention atmosphere and you dont have Metro 2033 then the article is a fail



For one single level in the game then watch this (EPIC SPOILER ALERT)


Every level is atmospheric and from sound, lighting, animation and everything in between is just designed so damn well.

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Hydro Thunder GO! Now Available for Windows Phone 7

The first release in Microsoft Game Studios’ ‘Must Have Games’ line-up, Hydro Thunder GO!, is now available to purchase exclusively for Windows Phone 7 handsets. Developed by the team that brought the critically acclaimed Hydro Thunder: Hurricane to the Xbox LIVE Arcade last year, Hydro Thunder GO! is a modernised remake of the classic arcade racer.

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thereapersson4778d ago

Games like these are what make me want a Windows Phone. I wish Android was serious about gaming support... there aren't many serious games like this available.

mcstorm4778d ago

Downloaded the Demo for my HD7 and it is a really good game Looks amazing (for a phone game) WP7 has had a slow start but the 2nd half of this year is really going to help the OS take off with Mango update and games like this coming out.