
The world of Rain – new video

Sony today released a new concept video of the upcoming PSN title 'rain'.

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9 Best Exclusive PS3 Games To Download Before They're Gone

From Xfire: "Just in case you missed it, Sony recently confirmed the rumors that they'd be shutting down the digital storefronts for their older consoles. In particular, the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation Vita.

With the news now official, it might be a good idea to get your hands on the best exclusive PS3 games. Otherwise, obtaining these titles might become more difficult once the store closes later in July 2021."

Fist4achin1273d ago

Holding onto physical copies of Heavenly Sword, Puppeteer, Resistance 3, and Afrika(not listed in article).

DEEHULK881273d ago

Forgot the PS3, which was one of the worst designed consoles since Saturn

Stanjara1273d ago

I agree, but those games should have been ported by now on ps4/5, they are great.

1273d ago Replies(3)
XxINFERNUSxX1273d ago

You can always play them on PC using RPCS3: https://rpcs3.net/ Just have to torrent then games, also they will look so much better on PC as well, especially if you use reshade 🙃🎮

LucasRuinedChildhood1273d ago

Which begs the question: how the **** have Sony not been able to get this sorted by now. The PS5 should be powerful enough.

1272d ago
shabz6661273d ago

It’s a crime that MGS 4, killzone 2 and 3 are locked only to that system.

1273d ago
coolfool1273d ago

Does anyone remember Folklore?

Fluke_Skywalker1273d ago

Great game, I hate myself for selling it tears ago.

Fluke_Skywalker1273d ago

Just went and bought a copy off ebay 😅

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Rain Review | JiG

Yonashi shows a surprising amount of depth within a minimal design here; the artwork, clue presentation and other extra touches make Rain unique enough to please, earning an unreserved recommendation.

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Rain Review | GameDynamo

GameDynamo - "Rain proves you don't need complicated mechanics to craft a compelling game.

As the nameless protagonist, you take on the role of a young boy, who sees a ghostly image of a girl from his bedroom window. She's being pursued through the streets by monstrous creatures. "

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