'NecroVisioN' (X360/PC) Screens

NecroVisioN is a next-gen First Person Shooter that starts in the rage battlefields of World Word I and leads player to much darker and brutal underground world of vampires and demons. Check our these latest screens.

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Gamer136622d ago

Could be a killer game, but i like the look of this game.

schnodder6622d ago

looks a little bit like call of duty with vampires. but we'll see.

USMChardcharger6622d ago

could be good. not many games if any has touched on WW1...and then to throw vampires on top of that. hope they do it right.

justin6622d ago

it seems ok, but it better be pretty good to compete with all of the other FPS that we have.

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PapaBop15m ago

SWG was so far ahead of it's time, if they took the sandbox of that and modernised the combat, it would blow the minds of a whole new generation of gamers.


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