
LocoCycle Xbox One gameplay is insane

VVV: "With heavy hitters such as Forza Motorsport 5 and DriveClub dominating our coverage as of late, it's easy to miss some of the genre's under-looked games. One of those happens to be the psychotic bike beat 'em up LocoCycle, Twisted Pixel Games' latest creation featuring a three-wheeled female robotic machine gun-wielding motorcycle with a hapless Spanish speaking buffoon called Pablo (what other Spanish stereotype would have sufficed?) being dragged along for the ride. Cue lots of shooting at black enemy cars and beating bad guys with the bike's special karate kicking moves. We're not making this up.

Taken from the Xbox One version, which will be available at launch as a downloadable digital title, we managed to capture some off-screen footage from the bizarre title at Gamescom"

GiantEnemyCrab3922d ago

I keep forgetting about this exclusive with everything else getting so much attention. This looks like fun and might have to pick this up digital.

P0werVR3921d ago

Never really payed attention to this, but that looks fun!

NukaCola3921d ago

You play the bike and the human is the weapon. QTEs mixed with racing and over the top gameplay. Definitely a cool title. Is this full retail or indi/XBLA?

XboxFun3922d ago

This game is bat-sh*t insane. Love Twisted Pixel, these guys need to get handed the Conker keys and make a game with that guy.

Automatic793922d ago

This is another reason why I love the lineup Xbox One offeres. There so many games getting the spotlight and this game deserves more but it will be a hidden gem. Twisted Pixel has created some great games. I will definitely pick this game up at launch can't wait.

christocolus3921d ago

its like the disagrees are auto generated...default response to any positive xbx news......lmao

xDHAV0K24x3921d ago

The story since 2001 smh

Goku7813921d ago

This game looks like fun, no question.

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Happy Birthday, Xbox One. These were the worst games of your first year

GameZone's Matt Liebl: "Last week, we celebrated the PlayStation 4’s first birthday by listing the best and the worst games of its first year. Seeing as how today marks the one year anniversary of the Xbox One’s release, I think it only fair to do the same with Microsoft’s console. So happy first birthday, Xbox One, these were the worst games of your first year."

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3497d ago Replies(2)
Foehammer3497d ago

Don't think Ryse belongs on the list, it was greatly underrated.

christocolus3497d ago

same with max. enjoyed both games.

vishmarx3497d ago

im pretty sure a lot of people enjoyed driveclub killzone and knack too but theyre bad games and thats that
ryse absolutely deserves to be on it

NerdStar73497d ago

Exactly, enjoying something doesn't mean it's good, only that you like it. Some people enjoy Lil Wayne's music, but he's a pretty crap rapper.

SniperControl3497d ago

Personally, i love Driveclub, i think it's one of the best racing games out there, same goes for Shadowfall, a very good FPS with amazing graphics, Knack was ok, not brilliant but OK, more of a technical demonstration than a game.

OculusRift3497d ago

That's like your opinion, man.

Picnic3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

It was as linear and repetitive button mashing as can be. Originally set to be a Kinect game- for Xbox360.

Visually it was pretty - great art design - which only makes it feel more of a missed opportunity.

As a launch game goes, though, I'd give it up to 7/10 and if visuals are weighted more heavily, up to 8/10.

I can't say fairer than that.

Fireseed3497d ago

Personally I though Max and Ryse were at worst average games, but certainly not bad. However Fighter Within deserves some kind of award for being the first truly all around crap game of the new generation.

Zichu3497d ago

Only played Max on that list and it was quite enjoyable. Not the best game ever, but definitely quite fun.

I wouldn't play the rest though. Just not my kind of games.

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Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Publisher sale details: 2nd-9th Sept 2014

Neil writes "It's time for another Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Publisher sale. What Xbox One and Xbox 360 bargains are in store for you this week?"

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DeathOfTheFanBoy3580d ago

Just finished 1000G on Child Of Light, brilliant game but takes a while to get going, well worth £8

Akira20203580d ago

I love being a cheap f^ck who waits to buy games until they go on sale! Now to sit back on my unicorn skinned sofa with my servant and play games on my 150" TV while drinking Cristal from the Holy Grail signed by Harrison Ford.

Resident Evil 4, $4.99.....woo hoo!

Clown_Syndr0me3580d ago

Id get Family Guy if I hasn't already 1k'd it.
Found that game surprisingly fun, and actually quite hard to find in store now - especially at a good price.

XxMajeSteRxX3580d ago (Edited 3580d ago )

Warframe is also free right now,you can find it in the new released section
of games ,that is xbox one

XxMajeSteRxX3580d ago

I never played it, so don't knw, dwnloading it now,heard is only multiplayer tough

green3579d ago

Thanks for the response. I started downloading it this morning before heading out to work. Will try it later on.

Volkama3579d ago

It's a free to play game, so expect it to remain free for the foreseeable future.

The currency is less free of course.

3579d ago

New Indie Gala Every Monday Bundle - Get LocoCycle For $2

The Indie Gala Every Monday bundle just got a major-name game pretty quickly after release for a mere $2. For two dollars, you can get LocoCycle, Metal Drift, Ignite, Collateral, Zero Gear, and Race Injection.

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ValKilmer3699d ago

Here's an idea: Why don't you give me half the money your were gonna to spend on LocoCycle, then we'll go out back, I'll kick you in the nuts, and we'll call it a day!