
Square Enix Shares Details and First Screenshots of Dragon Quest X’s Upcoming Expansion

Today Square Enix Shared some details and the first official batch of screenshots of the upcoming expansion of Dragon Quest X titled Sleeping Heroes and Allies on the Road Online.

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Crystallis4019d ago

Ag, why cant they release these on Sony's platform?

Goku7814019d ago

Perhaps playing it safe? FF on everything else.

Abriael4019d ago

They're avoiding direct competition between their two MMORPGs. Final Fantasy XIV is on Sony's consoles, DQX is on Nintendo's. Personally, I think it's a good business decision

Crystallis4019d ago

agreed. i love DQVII on the ps2. Shame haven't played a DQ since.

3-4-54019d ago

We really need this game in the US.

If not the MMO, at least a single player version of it.

No point in creating all that gameplay, art, music and story and not letting millions of us experience it.

Drithe4019d ago

Even though I LOVE the DQ series, it would not do well here in America. Play FF 14. You will love it.


Japan's Aerobatic Team Blue Impulse Paints the Sky of Tokyo in Glorious Dragon Quest X Trailer

Today Square Enix released the newest expansion of Dragon Quest X, titled "Heroes of the Sky" and they're celebrating in a very special way

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Dragon Quest XII, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake & Many More Games Announced by Square Enix

Square Enix is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Dragon Quest franchise and announced a ton of new games for the popular JRPG series.

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TheColbertinator1217d ago

Dragon Quest XII is my most anticipated game now.

Sonic-and-Crash1216d ago (Edited 1216d ago )

i really hope to correct the music(or at least its repetitiveness) ...ooh man the game was very good but the continiuous music so damn annoying i couldnt stand it ..it was ruining the whole game

pecorre1216d ago

The music was horrible in DQ 11. It's the only time in my near 30 year of gaming that I turned the music off in a game.

Elda1216d ago

LOL! While playing DQXI I had to turn the music off as well because it was too repetitive & annoying.

1216d ago
FallenAngel19841217d ago

I wish they’d rerelease DQVIII on consoles. They could also try localizing DQX offline

It’s nice to see this series embracing worldwide releases now

It’s funny to see DQXII boasting that the choices the player makes will matter considering how things have always been up this point


septemberindecember1217d ago

That Octopath Traveler style DQ 3 remake looks pretty good. Here is to hoping Square uses that for other franchises (*cough cough* Final Fantasy 6)

NecrumOddBoy1216d ago (Edited 1216d ago )

*Cough* FFVI and Chrono Trigger

1216d ago
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Today Square Enix announced its financial results for the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2021.

Today Square Enix announced its financial results for the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2021 and spelled its plans for the medium term.

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Darkborn1230d ago

Good for square Enix. It seems 2020 was a great year for everyone in gaming and even with the avengers fiasco, they still made record profit.