
MWEB GameZone Reviews MLG Mad Catz Pro Circuit Controller

MWEB GameZone's Holden ZA takes an in depth look at the features and performance in a comprehensive review.

With a modular design that allows users to interchange elements of the controller to their own preference, the MLG Pro Circuit controller is understandably dubbed as one of the most innovative controllers currently out on the market.

steve30x4019d ago

I wonder what the triggers are like on that controller. I find the triggers too stiff and narrow on my Xbox 360 controller so after a few hours of gameplay my trigger fingers feel a bit sore.

jeffgoldwin4018d ago

Never heard of that before. You know you don't have to squeeze triggers with a death grip right each time right?

Or after a few hours, you should prolly go outside at that point anyways. : )

steve30x4018d ago

I dont press the trigger button that hard. I dont have the same problem with the PS3 controller.

jeffgoldwin4018d ago

o gotcha, sorry to hear that : (

only thing I cud think of for u to try wud be to change over to pc k/mouse for a few hour break


Review: MLG Pro Circuit Controller | Xboxer360

Rich of Xboxer360 writes, "The MLG Pro Circuit Controller, released by Mad Catz, has been developed for MLG Pro players and comes exquisitely packaged showing off its MLG influence in a rather nice red and blue display box. The package also comes complete with a carry case so you needn't think that this display case will become the pad's new home when it's not in use. The case is rather basic but serves its purpose – ideal for transporting your new best friend to and from events or even a friend's house, you will most certainly not want to be without it!"

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Mad Catz MLG Pro Circuit Controller Review: From The Perspective Of A PS3 Gamer

The Mad Catz MLG Pro Circuit Controller is, as far as I know, the first of its kind. A controller completely customizable and wired for professional gaming and tournament play is seemingly the ultimate console hardware accessory, but does the Mad Catz MLG Pro Circuit Controller live up to the hype for a PS3 gamer that's gaming on the Xbox 360?

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Larry L4452d ago (Edited 4452d ago )

I've been wanting to read some reviews of this controller. Fairly informative, though I wish it was specifically for the PS3 version (or both), as that's the one I'd be buying.

I had a feeling this controller was too good to be true. And I can't trust big site reviews on a product like this.....you know, with advertising deals and all that.

I had a strong feeling MadCatz wasn't going to be able to replicate the quality of Sony's first party d-pad. No company's even come close imho as a gamer who's played on every gaming platform since the late 70's. SNES was a close second I'd say.

When will third party controller makers learn to rip-off Sony's design? The d-pad buttons HAVE to be seperate, not only on the face, but INSIDE, otherwise inputs aren't accurate, and just like in this review, you go to input a left or right direction, but you instead jump. I've NEVER used a 3rd party controller that doesn't have this problem. If I could grant one wish for XBox owners, it would be that MicroSoft contracted Sony to make their controllers.

I thought from the images that this MLG conroller got it right with a seperated d-pad, thank you for showing that it's really not seperated, it's just an illusion by seperating it on the outside only. My request to you would be, after you get a new PS3, review the PS3 version of this controller to see if it's got the same issues. It MUST have, considering it's the same parts aside from the face buttons right?

InfamousHero4452d ago

Yeah, I wouldn't even bother as I'm sure it has the exact same problems. Plus the PS3 controller got it right the first time.

mayberry4453d ago

Good, straight forward review! bottom line is, madcatz have made a very "tech heavy" "pretty" controller that has firmware issues a d-pad issue that they will take their sweet time addressing.... so I will take my sweet time buying it!


TheParanoidGamer Review: MLG Pro Circuit Controller (PS3)

TheParanoidGamer Writes: Ten years ago, Sundance DiGiovanni and Mike Sepso founded Major League Gaming, a professional electronic sports organisation headquartered in New York that sought to elevate videogames tournaments to viable competitive and spectator events. In the last decade its Pro Circuit has hosted and broadcast countless national and international championships, awarding victors with monetary prizes exceeding tens of thousands of dollars. These competitions illustrate that playing games is more than a casual undertaking to some; it’s an opportunity to fund an education, or secure a future.

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