
Sin & Resolution: Xbox Achievements

When Microsoft initially unveiled its achievements system for the Xbox 360, it was seen as not only a way to show off your gaming skills, but as a means of lengthening the enjoyment and value that every game has to offer. "I'm going to get every achievement for every game I own!" cried enthusiastic gamers, eager to rack up the points and enjoy video games in an entirely new light.

Then the Xbox 360 launched and Perfect Dark Zero asked players to gain 1,000 kills with the sniper rifle. The dream was dead.

eraroha5946d ago

I have to admit I am addicted to achievements. Its one of the better points of Xbox Live.

Also all the compalining about the $50 yearly fee for Xbox Live has to stop. Its worth every penny.

bumnut5945d ago

ps3 online gaming is free, and so is pc.

why should 360 be different? it does not offer a better service and everything on there is too expensive.

brothersimon5945d ago

Nope PC is dead, PS3 sucks for online service so 360 has the rights to charge for offering teh BESTZ


SL1M DADDY5945d ago

PC dead? Please...

Here, let me direct you to the open zone --->

Anybody that defends MS charging for online play is a douche.

dan-boy5945d ago

that's why sony are incorperating their own system! i'm not bothered about gamerscore, but i do like to hear the achievment unlocked sound when i get it! plus, it's good when you complete a level or game!

but it's how they are put into the game that counts! becoz pdz had a 1000 sniper kill, it does'nt mean that the system failed, just that rare did'nt really think about it properley! great concept imo

NO_PUDding5945d ago

I am happy however that the PS3 achievemnets will onyl eb for home. It makes game develoipers lazy. I can't believe Sony are implementing their own. It's completely destroying one of their underlying ethics that work.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5945d ago
FCOLitsjustagame5946d ago

I have found achievments to do pretty much what they said (means of lengthening the enjoyment and value that every game has to offer)....if the game is to my liking that is.

Perfect Dark Zero was a horrible experience and I had no need to get achievements in it. But other games like COD2, Gears of War, COD4, Mass Effect, Lost Odyessy, Bioshock and others I have played far more then I probably would have had their not been acheivements.

I loved these games but I tend to move on once I "finish" a game. With acheivements I never really "finish" the game until I get all the (single player) acheivements so I tend to play it a lot more times. Having a goal out there that can be acheived and marked as acheived does motivate me. I never played a game on the hardest setting in the past because there was no need. You beat it, the end. Now its like "did I get the acheivement for beating it on the hardest difficulty? No. I can beat that on the hardest, that wasnt so bad." and I play it (unless I think I have no hope of beating it on the hardest, or the game just doesnt hold my interest).

Acheivements are a little thing, but I think they were a stroke of genius. Not that MS was the fist to do it. It seems like the old Madden and NCAA games (when they were good) gave you ingame achievments and trophies. I see it as an expansion on that. Soon PS3 will have achievments as well. So people other then me must enjoy them.

That said the article is correct that not all developers use them correctly and there are a lot of cheap or unmotivating achievements that I tend to skip (like MP or absurdly long collect-a-thons that you cant complete without multiple replays of the same level)

brothersimon5945d ago

Adding achievements was a dream come true tbh, it's best thing added to next generation.

Superiorrior5945d ago

Again like every other comment, your oblivious to almost the last decade of gaming, again your an idiot.

Achievements have been around for a bunch of consoles usually targeting games like they now do, but in the wake of achievements there were Rewards, where you would actually get something useful out of it instead of some gamer points to add to your gamer points.

kingme715945d ago

Achievements have been around since the dawn of gaming, just in a much simpler form. Being able to put your initials in the high score list on arcade games was often enough draw to motivate gamers to practice up or keep playing... of course some guy named a$$ seemed to always have the high scores everywhere I went :)

Still, I think the best draw for an achievement is some type of in game reward. Flag collecting in Assassins Creed was just a waste of time.

Covenant5945d ago

I remember a lot of arcade high scores belonging to "@ss," "poo," "suk," "dik" and the like. :)

OutLaw5945d ago (Edited 5945d ago )

I thought it would be easy to get all the achievements. But I realized I couldn't do it. I have 15000 plus achievement points out of maybe 56000. The worst was Blue Dragon, I finish the game and only got 60 achievement points out of 1000. But hey as long as the game is good achievement points is just a nice bonus. When I purchase a game I really don't think about achievement points.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Coming to Game Pass July 24

Everything you need to know about Modern Warfare III coming to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.

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darthv723d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Will be interesting to see what sort of numbers GP users draw in come tomorrow. It is believed that this is one many have been waiting for.

3d ago
thesoftware7302d ago


That is not accurate; this game is old, and most people who want it have already bought it. You might get a small number of subs, but we will mostly see a good influx of players(not new subs) from people with Game Pass who will try it, which is what happened with D4.

CoD: BO 6 will be the test for actual sub numbers.

darthv722d ago

That's fair... seeing as many have been saying they want CoD in GP. My comment was more of , now that its here... what can it do. Im sure there will be other titles in the franchise that will either entice or turn off different users.

Bathyj2d ago

No one's buying a console and signing up for a monthly bill just to get this game to avoid buying it. That's ridiculous. Besides everyone bagged the crap out of this on release for the 4 hour campaign.

andy852d ago

Sweet. Never got round to it on release. I'll give the campaign a go

chicken_in_the_corn1d 22h ago

Severly underrated game. Big improvement over 2.


AC Remakes Can Save Ubisoft Like RE Remakes Saved Capcom

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "If Ubisoft plays its cards right, the Assassin's Creed remakes could achieve what Resident Evil 2 Remake did for Capcom."

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RaidenBlack20d ago

AC1 Reimagining and AC2 Remakes first ... then Black Flag and others.

just_looken20d ago

It was talked about awhile back that the Singapore branch the ones that made skull bones are making a black flag remake. It has at that time 3 months of work put into it.


Terry_B20d ago

You believe something good would come from Ubisoft? Did you sleep the last 10-15 years?

just_looken20d ago

Right ubisoft has been on life support for awhile everyone of there ip's has had huge shift's in population/sales and fan base.

Right now its all about xdefient but that game is still fixing netcode issues 3 years in.

-Foxtrot20d ago

The only time they should be remaking the first game is when they are ready to reboot the series after a long break and want to get back to their roots. Start a new re-freshed timeline which they've convoluted.

just_looken20d ago

Though capcom has had sales for there re games lets not all forget the huge elephant in the room which is mod support.

The first resident evil remake was made by fans taken down by capcom then they stamped there logo on it after that mods came in made the replay factor way better than the original.

But when they made them all in house then came the cuts for the modern audience followed by re4 mt's then they went after the modders even in really old titles trying there best to crush mod support. Then you got the horrible drm crap pc port of village and that dumpster fire online re game.

So capcom has made money on remakes but after awhile there shine is not so bright

I hope ubisoft does not copy capcom as they would turn that dial from a 8 to a 11 add in there own mt's to older titles with time savers live service bs or worse black flag with stamina meter's.

MeteorPanda20d ago

don't you dare touch the first ac game. Your woke team would ruin it's charm

AndrewM19d ago

Woke has nothing to do with anything you fucking weirdo.

MeteorPanda19d ago

They wouldn't understand how to remake the first ac games, they'd ruin them with real life politics. Happy?

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CEO Yves Guillemot on Ubisoft’s Upcoming Portfolio, the Future of Assassin’s Creed

Guillemot discusses his vision for Ubisoft’s upcoming slate, the future of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, the good and bad of the games industry, and more.

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RaidenBlack29d ago

Multiple AC Remakes are on their way

fan_of_gaming28d ago

I'd like an Altair Collection, with Altaïr's Chronicles + Assassin's Creed + Bloodlines. I also wish Discovery would have been included in the Ezio Collection or offered as DLC for it.

Psychonaut8528d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Can’t imagine someone whose opinion I care to hear less. Unless it’s a “AAAA” interview, then that changes everything. /s

Demetrius28d ago

Damn I know we gone be waiting a while for those remakes, 😫 the classic ac games deserve, it would be dope if more devs did this, get the remembered gems closer to a technical level they pictured back then

