
Meet the PrioVR: Next-Gen Motion Sensor Suit for the Oculus Rift

"Here comes another addition to the breathtaking, yet horrifying future of virtual reality! The PrioVR! This recently launched Kickstarter project with current fully functional prototypes will allow systems to track movements with higher precision and lower latency than any previously marketed motion technology could. The PrioVR tacks motions of one’s hands, legs, torso and head by placing multiple sensors on them. It already perfectly translates walking, sword-swinging, punching, kicking and crouching into the virtual realm. Coupled with the Oculus Rift and maybe even Virtuix Omni the trio will become a conduit into virtual reality that us mere non-DARPA mortals have never even come close to experiencing." - Valentin Kuelmin of Geekenstein

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OC_MurphysLaw3939d ago

Ok...I know its cool tech but honestly..I kinda just want to grab a controller and not have to "suit up" to play a game.

Shadonic3939d ago

What if it was like Tron, minus actually dieing in real life and stuff.

OC_MurphysLaw3939d ago

OK well if you are taking away the real life death then I am totally in! LOL

thejigisup3939d ago

Cool tech, but I believe itll be niche, there's gotta be good application for me to be interested. You guys remember the power glove right? Its bad!( the wiz) gives me a real steel feel. Perhaps a good gundam seed game could. The possibilities are endless but many have failed so im not getting my hopes up too high

thejigisup3939d ago

Side note, could this possibly lead to larping for true hermits bc if so you may have just cornered a market


Morels: Homestead Established for PC VR

Morels: Homestead, a relaxing game in which you can create your own unique homestead, is available now for PC VR.

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F1 23 Will Support PC VR But Not PSVR 2

Electronic Arts has confirmed that while F1 23 will support PC VR it will not support PSVR 2 on PlayStation 5.

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ApocalypseShadow410d ago

That's fine. GT7 would overshadow it anyway at it has open wheel and regular cars.

Should have been spending their time updating Squadrons with better resolution, frame rate, haptics, etc as there isn't a game like that on PS VR 2 yet.

But it's EA. They don't think.

Babadook7409d ago

I agree. It would sell better on PSVR2 right now.

Knushwood Butt410d ago (Edited 410d ago )

A wasted opportunity, but I don't buy EA / Codemasters stuff anyway. Grid Legends just came out on Plus and I haven't touched it. Why would I when I have GT7 and PSVR2?

Abnor_Mal410d ago

Not into F1 racing, but still a missed opportunity.

ApocalypseShadow410d ago

That's where opportunity presents itself that they could offer something else that other developers haven't offered yet. Yeah. There's No Man's Sky. But a space game with a story would be great. Like the old days with Colony Wars.

Abnor_Mal410d ago

Exactly, they could have possibly lured more players just from the inclusion of a vr mode.

I miss Colony wars and G-Police, Low-Fi I hope will scratch that itch when it releases. We also need a vr War/Starhawk game.

Knushwood Butt409d ago

Just watched the trailer of Low-Fi. Most definitely on my radar.

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Forgotten VR Gems: Robo Recall

Here's a forgotten VR gem for you from 2019. Epic Games' action-packed Robo Recall, which is also available for Quest 2.

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Babadook7430d ago (Edited 430d ago )

Although I never owned an oculus, I played the demo for this at an electronics store. Pretty impressive in an early goings of VR title.