
Direct Feed Footage from Level-5 RPG Wonder Flick

"New direct-feed gameplay footage from Level-5's new cross-platform RPG have emerged from the studio's recent Vision event."

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ABeastNamedTariq3972d ago (Edited 3972d ago )

I'm soooo excited for this! Looks like it's gonna be great.

The touchpad on the PS4 is going to be out to good use for this.

Plus, you can play it on your phone!

itBourne3972d ago

My heart was instantly crushed when they showed this = (. I was like oh level 5 on ps4, MAYBE its a Dark Cloud or Rogue Galaxy sequel. Figured it wasnt, but I was ok with it, cuz I figured yah its probably a Ni No Kuni sequel, so still sweet. Nope not that either... instead a game originally designed for the mobile market.

Mr_Danski3972d ago

Wow, This does look good.

Second that to looking forward to this on PS4.

abusador3972d ago

Gameplay reminds me so much of ni no, im sold.

Salooh3972d ago

I for one sick of wairing for dark cloud . No support from me. I only bought Ni no kuni with a letter to the developers that i supported them for a sequel. But they didn't listen so i'm not buying any game they make until they make dark cloud 3 or at least a HD collection for the vita and ps4.

3972d ago Replies(1)
itBourne3972d ago

I would also be happy with an hd port of the first 2 Dark Cloud games omg, I would sink 100s of hours into them again. I still stand by my opinion, Dark Cloud 2 was the best rpg ever made <3

fsfsxii3972d ago

I won't buy any game from Sony because i gave them all my money to make TLG. And it didn't happen.
Nice logic.

Blackcanary3972d ago

this is one game i won't be getting. this is nothing like ni no kuni.

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Level-5 PS4 RPG Featuring Nobuo Uematsu Music: Cancelled?

"Wonder Flick, a Japanese RPG by Ni no Kuni developer Level-5, was originally for mobile systems, but was also announced for release on most current consoles, highlighted of course by the two most powerful among them, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This was about two years ago, then nothing happened. Today, the company has posted a notice that service for the mobile version will be terminated in September." -PSLS

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knifefight3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

That's not a positive sign at all. :/

Would love some Level-5 on my PS4.

bouzebbal3364d ago

never heard of this before today.

DarkOcelet3364d ago

If the insider is to be trusted. Then Ni No Kuni 2 will be revealed at E3. Which would be sick!

sonerone3364d ago

Would be flippin' awesome

bouzebbal3364d ago

that would be pretty big..
i have seen that insider's tweet, it's too big to be true.
i'm more hoping for revivals of old franchises during this e3.
so much potential in the old franchises.

Relientk773364d ago

I will flip out if we see Ni no Kuni 2 at E3 and will get it day one.

comebackkid98913364d ago (Edited 3364d ago )

Not partial to catch 'em all's, would prefer Dark Cloud or a new ip.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3364d ago
blackblades3364d ago

To be honest I forgot about this game, it's not confirmed is it.

MegaRay3365d ago

Wait. They cant just cancel it silently >:(

Mikefizzled3364d ago

Level-5 games announced on Xbox:2
Level-5 games released on Xbox: 0

I don't think this means its dead though. I know Insomniac shutdown Outernauts on Facebook/Kongregate but later brought it to iOS and Android.

DonkeyDoner3364d ago

service end in september for smartphone
so yeah this game got cancelled
been waiting for this game on console though

tyranex3364d ago

It didn't look great anyway.

Bring Dark Cloud 3!!

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Wonder Flick: iOS and Android version – new screens and trailer

Check out some new gameplay screens taken from Wonder Flick latest trailer

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TomahawkX3897d ago

Really hope this game isn't a pay to win game. I just want to pay 10-15 or whatever and be done with it.

FamilyGuy3897d ago

Love Level-5

I wonder how different the console versions will be compared to the phone version though. The phone version is obviously very touch-screen heavy, the PS4 track pad cold do it or it could be done via camera based motion controls but I hope they have something more in-depth for console players.
I like the art style and chibi characters, it's pretty, colorful and cute.


Wonder Flick Trailer

Sony put up the official trailer for Wonder Flick on their Japanese PS YouTube channel.

CanadianTurtle3958d ago

Kind of reminds me about Dragon Quest in terms of presentation. There's even a monster in there that resembles a slime.
I'm actually really looking forward to this on the PS4. I'm guessing this is going to put heavy use on the PS4 touchpad

DeadlyFire3958d ago (Edited 3958d ago )

Reminds me of Dark Cloud personally. Which was also developed by Level 5.

leahcim3958d ago

I will get the Vita version.

thanks level 5

3-4-53958d ago

This game would be amazing........if it didn't rely on the stupid flicking gimmick.

Why do companies take amazing art and music and mix it with dumb gameplay, and then make games with GREAT gameplay have crappy art styles ?

DunDee9103958d ago

OH wow, finally I have a successor to Dokapon Kingdom. My girlfriend will actually play this game with me. I'm getting it for PS4.