
PS Vita TV, Sony's smartest piece of tech in years

We are given a better explanation on what exactly the Vita TV is and how it'll benefit you.

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miyamoto3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

So we have a new next gen HOME console coming out this year?

The PS Vita TV.

I love gaming on the big screen but...

I still think PS Vita with mini HDMI out is the best thing Sony should have done besides the PS Vita TV. Like my PSP 3000 has A/V out and it can connect to any TV.

And I don't wanna have to buy nor carry a Dual Shock 3!

Can I use a PS Vita or DualShock 4 as controller for PS Vita TV?

PS vita is supposed to be a console, controller, screen all- in-one solution like the PSP 3000.

Throw in the 720p or 1080i HDMI display output and media streaming tech and you have one helluva portable gaming machine with the redesigned PS Vita!

Should I wait for PS Vita 3000, Sony?

mewhy323973d ago

This is a great idea. Another trump by Sony. Being able to second screen to another tv for the PS4 is a really really good idea. I'm sure that it won't be long until the mongers at micro$oft copy this idea. But you'll have to have an xbone live gold account to use it LOL.

darthv723973d ago

It reminds me of the PSP GO in a way because it can plug into a TV and use a DS3 (like the GO).

And it also reminds me of the prototype UMD drive sony was working on before they came out with the PSP 2000/3000. That was supposed to be a USB device that you plug into the PS2 to play PSP games on a tv.

It may not be a fully revised Vita with tv out but it is still and neat idea.

miyamoto3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

Look at my disagrees!
People we need discussions not angry disagrees, LOL! Man up abit.


PS Vita TV Adapter...
PS Vita TV Adapter...
PS Vita TV Adapter with extras in it...

is a nice way to look at this whole bloody thing.

I will now let it sink in a bit in my head.

Now it makes sense to me.

Even if the small form factor is aimed at Japanese gamers I really hope its around $75 to $80 in NA.

Bye Bye Ouya!

ShwankyShpanky3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

And your post was a "reply" to miyamoto in what way exactly? Oh, it wasn't. It was just riding coattails on the first post. Lame.

TotalHitman3973d ago

I love this idea. No PS3/4 or Vita is needed. Buy PlayStation Vita TV, buy some Vita games and your set to play Vita games on a TV. This could be big if Sony market the product right.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3973d ago
iamnsuperman3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

The only issue with that is price. Price is still a big problem for the masses and Sony needs to sell more systems so companies like Ubisoft and EA will develop more games for it (as well as indies) building up the library so more people buy the Vita.

This is smart as it is a very low entry price for people wanting a media system. It combats like likes of Apple TV and Chromecast as it offers big games too. Combine that with the relatively low entry price means people who are not ready or sure to pick up a next generation system could pick up this as games are being made (quite regularly) for it. It then gives people a taste of Vita games which means they could buy a Vita if they want to go more portable (more justified if they have a large library already which this device could offer).

Then you have the PS4 connectivity side of things which means people who don't buy a system immediately but get this as it is a low cost multimedia system would stick with playstation as it all connects together (big thing for consumers. Another tick in the box).

Sony's main mission is to get more people buying Vitas (as it isn't selling well) and this is what this does (like a trojan horse). Sticking a HDMI on a Vita doesn't change the fact people do not want to buy it. This device is all about the masses and keeping the masses with Playstation and Sony

black0o3973d ago

I was thinking the same thing, they wanna expanded the in-base for vita and they can't drop the price anymore for now

and also it support both DS3 and 4 which is win for console owners that luv to ply on big screan and can't stand handheld

and down the line when gaikai launches its gonna be another story

Maddens Raiders3973d ago

Warpath. Sony is on it. I haven't seen them this aggressive and hungry since the PS2 days. The potential for viral marketing due to the inherent capabilities of the Vita is simply brilliant.

dredgewalker3973d ago

The problem with adding hdmi output to a vita will probably add more cost to the unit itself. This is actually a very smart move by Sony. This might even serve as an introductory model to getting a vita handheld. For $100 you get a small console that adds additional functionality to your tv.

miyamoto3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

This is why I love good discussions.
We see things from all angles.

PS Vita TV could sell at $75 to $80 in NA
New PS Vita could sell at $150 here in NA

not bad

i hope it supports Gaikai too

dredgewalker3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

I respond politely to people who have genuine concerns and questions. To be honest I also wanted the hdmi output for the vita too since its always good to have that option. Maybe we'll get that feature in another revision.

Saigon3973d ago

I think why I like this so much is because Sony just told me that have more choices to game from anywhere. I don't have to purchase multiple PS4s; I can game on the go; I can game on vacation; I can game from anywhere in the house that has a TV and the device connected to it. I have to admit, at first I did not like this idea, but I am coming around to the possibilities...

kneon3973d ago


"i hope it supports Gaikai too"

I expect it will be a Gaikai client, it's likely that the technology they are using for streaming PS4 games is the same as Gaikai under the hood, it's just that they have substituted your PS4 in place of their servers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3973d ago
Dan_scruggs3973d ago

I'm not seeing the logic here. Sony Announces a new model of PS Vita and then announces and very good reason not to buy it. Also you wont even be able to play many of the games on your TV because the PS4 doesn't have the touchscreen capabilities of the Vita. This will make the Vita library even more limited for TV play.

dredgewalker3973d ago

Do your research please before spouting anymore nonsense. Most of the touchscreen capabilities are gonna be addressed by the dual shocks l3 and r3 buttons. Also the DS4 will be supported upon PS4 launch and that controller has a touchpad.

miyamoto3973d ago

hello DualShock 4 has a touch pad, mate. And DualShock 3 L3 and R3 buttons will compensate for touch functions like in dragon's crown Ps3 version.

all bases are covered. Sony ain't stupid you know.

Tapani3973d ago

Dualshock 4 has a touchpad and two extra triggers to cover the touchpad behind the ps vita. They cannot announce all those touch-based games now for PS Vita TV, because it's coming out only in Japan, and PS4 (read= dualshock 4) will be out in February there.

GraveLord3973d ago

These 2 new products are aimed at 2 different markets. If you like portable gaming, you won't buy this, you already have a Vita.

Conzul3973d ago

But can you mirror your Vita screen onto a larger TV screen? Methinks that is the question.
If not, then it's still the same market.

TimeSkipLuffy3973d ago

yes, it will be limited. Even the additional buttons on the vita won't compensate the touch functionality. Devs would have to create patches to replace the functions. But it will be great to play all the indi titles and psp\psone titles. Gaikai might add ps2 games as well. There you have a console with a vast library of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3973d ago
GraveLord3973d ago

Are you stupid? You don't have to carry a Dualshock 3 or Vita TV. It's meant for TV USE.

The portable Vita with a screen will still continue to be sold.

nunley333973d ago

and you wouldn't be carrying a ps3 DS3 for vita tv,it's for home use.If your out and about,you would just use your vita like normal.

PSjesus3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

Very well written from gamesraddar
this device well be essential for any gamer who travel alot,and ll make PS brand bigger than ever

OrangePowerz3973d ago

I kind of prefer the Vita TV over a redesigned Vita with HDMI out. It will be cheaper for me to buy the Vita TV over trading in my current Vita to get the new one because the trade in price at best would be probably 80 bucks

Jaqen_Hghar3973d ago

At Gamestop maybe. A man would recommend selling on Ebay.

kayoss3973d ago

From a guy who couldnt even use the correct word to trash talk. It's "You're" not "your".

edgeofsins3973d ago

A lot of people say the Vita performs bad in sales. I guess making the newer Vita offer the new features in itself would have been a great selling factor.

ovnipc3973d ago

another crap from sony. I never like handhelds yea the vita is cool but if I connect to a TV for that its better the x1 or ps4, not a vita, a vita is for video game on the go, being at home playing on a 5 inch led it stupid, better to play xbox or pc.

edgeofsins3969d ago

A Vita is for gaming before anything else. People really like the $100 for a near PS3 experience on their TV, as well as the extra features it has.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3969d ago
malokevi3973d ago

When I read about this, and considered the applications, this morning, I was very impressed.

Basically it's #1 function will be to hook up to a second screen in the house. Essentially enabling a single PS4 for two screens without having to move the console. Rather smart. MS is probably kicking themselves.

Snookies123973d ago

Not to mention it's small. So you can take it to friends' houses and play your PS4 games remotely from anywhere with an internet connection. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.

TimeSkipLuffy3973d ago

I would
love to play my ps4 games in a hotel because I travel a lot. Only problem: Internet usually sucks...

P0werVR3973d ago

The only thing I have an issue with this feature is whether this has always been in the design or is this just a recent feature being added.

Can anyone confirm when is this release or when were any news in the past on it's development?

It's at least important to me because it'll only work as good as it should IF it had time for to be designed. If it was just recent then this is nothing than a mere respond to what Microsoft is doing and not operate as good.

Similar to their deal with Viacom out of the blue.

rainslacker3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )


Releases Nov 14th in Japan.

I really don't think there was much involved in having to design this. It's just a vita motherboard, likely the new redesigned one, in a small box with HDMI out(something they already have on dev kits. They probably just needed to update the OS to adapt it's functionality. I believe Vita already supports bluetooth so it would have been easy enough to add DS3/4 support...and hope it comes to the regular Vita too.

The Vita itself was designed around remote play, so doubt that will be an issue. They've already shown it working, and I've used it myself from time to time.

There may be some hiccups with the software at launch, but Vita itself is pretty solid right now.

Only thing I would want more on it is a wired Ethernet port for home use.:)

jp_footy23973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

Hi malokevi,

Do you know if ps4 games will be able to be played at 1080p? I know that Vita games will be outputed at 720p, but what about PS4 games?...


rainslacker3973d ago

According to Sony's spec sheet on it the max video out is 1080i. PS4 games will likely play at their native resolution if they are below that, as it's just a video stream and there is no heavy work going on in the device itself.

AznGaara3973d ago

Not just in your house either. Its through wifi so you could theoretically take the VitaTV to your friend's house. Hook it up to his TV. Connect through his wifi, connect to your Ps4 and have a good time. lol.

Anon19743973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

That's what I saw as the main take away for this device as well. At home, I have a main PVR and a box that connects to the PVR in another room. This is the same idea, a PS4 extender that allows you to play your PS4 in another room without needing to move the unit. It's a fantastic idea. The fact that it plays Vita games and streams media almost seems secondary to me, but is still a shrewd move to move Vita software.

For $100 I'll certainly be looking at picking one of these up down the road. I currently have a 2 PS3's, one on my home theater in my den and one on the TV up in the living room. Being able to extend my PS4 to another room without shelling out another $400 is good news, and I'm already a Vita owner so it's nice to be able to plug in my Vita games to play on the TV if I so choose.

Death3973d ago

If it works well as a remote access spot to play your PS4 games. If it does not, then what?

Darrius Cole3973d ago

I move my PS3 ALL THE TIME. Constantly going from the one room to the next but now that is out the window for less than $100.

But doesn't it play Vita, and PSP games natively on its own? I thought I saw that. If it does then it's a full stand-alone console, as well as a PS4 extender.

This is the best idea I've seen from a console maker in years. When they start putting that in bundles with a PS4 then it is going to sell monstrously.

I wonder why they paired it with DS3. Does anybody know if it will work with the DS4 as well?

rainslacker3973d ago

Yes, it's a full Vita without the OLED screen. Comes with 1GB of on board memory and takes Vita memory cards and retail games. Can use it to download PSP/PS1/PSVita titles, as well as stream games from the PS4, and I'd imagine PS3 games that support remote play. I'd imagine this will be a big part of Gaikai when they launch that.

I wouldn't be surprised to see them launch a line of TV's with these embedded in them too.

And yes, it'll work with the DS4.

Sony really wasn't kidding when they said they had an announcement that was beyond anyone's wildest imagination the other day. Can't believe Sony was able to keep something like this from leaking out...it's so unlike them.:)

kayoss3973d ago

I dont think i would want to carry xbox One anywhere. That thing will hurt my back.

joeorc3973d ago


"When I read about this, and considered the applications, this morning, I was very impressed.

Basically it's #1 function will be to hook up to a second screen in the house. Essentially enabling a single PS4 for two screens without having to move the console. Rather smart. MS is probably kicking themselves."

Yupper's, this have been a goal , to expamd the playstation Eco System, because when Sony was Also creating the Playstation Suite, which is now playstation Mobile. They were looking at being able to make existing Android Powered devices, being able with just a download APK. to be able to be used as an extended Arm of the Playstation Eco System. the key is Microsoft is also doing that with SmartGlass. the New xboxone can have upto 16 smart glass enabled devices connected to the xboxone. Sony's idea is along the same lines, but using Android stack instead of Windows OS off the bat. Having two more dedicated PSVita powered Hardware platforms though does give more developer's directed platform uniformity on hardware. than just the many types of smart devices out there. But with both dedicated and smart devices being able to be used.

Sony's remote play was not just going to be the PSVita only, but it was going to be the main device for such platform targeting for mobile gaming on the go for a playstation Eco System.

It was one of the thing's Sony's engineers was talking about many years ago in 2003 when they wanted to build up a playstation Eco system of moving the playstation experience from just the living room to the Mobile space. this is just the many, years of Evolution to this idea.

InSpectre3972d ago

The wife and I have two PC's in separate bedrooms. I'm thinking about getting a PSVTV for each of them so we can have PS4 content anywhere we need it. I'm psyched!

I love the idea of having my PC and PS4 content right on my PC as well as the PS4 in the living room. Freaking cool!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3972d ago
GreenRanger3973d ago

They should let this thing play digital PS2 games.

WeAreLegion3973d ago

Agreed. I'd love if it could stream PS3/PS2 games from the PS3.

sAVAge_bEaST3973d ago

This will stream Gaikai, when it launches.

Yep3973d ago

Not in the slightest in my opinion.

I think PS Vita TV is a terrible idea.

In summation, it's a device with the PS Vita System UI that allows you to play PSV, PSP, PS1 and Media content only on your TV. Also since it has the PS Vita UI it is able to play all PS4 games via remote play powered by Gaikai.

First of all, between the PSV, the new model, and PSV TV, they're going to end up confusing consumers unless they can find a way to explain the uniqueness of all three. But who are they marketing this to? Is PS Vita TV supposed to be a substitute for getting a PS Vita? If so, great (Cheaper), but how will it look playing the PS Vita on a, say, a 32" TV screen? It'll most definitely look worse playing Borderlands 2 on PS Vita TV than on PS3, PC, or Xbox 360. You also forfeit true portability as the device doesn't have a screen. Is it supposed to make the PS4 more portable? If so, can't we already just take the PS4 console with us if we're going on vacation or is it really worth the added portability (also does it even stream in the same resolution)? If I already have a PS Vita, is the ability to play on the TV really worth the extra money?

It just doesn't seem to even have an actual market. I think scrapping the PS Vita, making all PS Vita exclusives PS4 games from the start, and making a new device (with a screen) with the sole purpose of allowing you to access PS4 games on the system (Via remote play), would have been more ideal. Pretty much, I think Sony would have effectively created a portable GamePad for the PS4 albeit with a smaller screen. Sure this would further perpetuate the stereotype that Sony just borrows ideas from Nintendo, but at least I think it would have made them more money perhaps.

Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe this is just what Sony needed.

1lawrence3973d ago

it has an lcd screen what r u talking about

Yep3973d ago

Wait a minute, no it doesn't. I'm surprised you even got "agrees". If it did, it would be redundant and wouldn't be so cheap.

BLow3973d ago

ITS AN OPTION!!! Some people like me don't like handheld gaming. This let's me play Vita games if I choose. It also allows you to stream from any TV in your home with 1 system. If your can take this out of the home then your can take this(which can fit in your pocket) as opposed to taking a $400 console around with you while your on VACATION. It's called convenience.

These companies make most of there MONEY FROM SOFTWARE. This is just an OPTION to get more people to buy more games which means MORE MONEY. More people to enjoy more games is not a bad thing. This is just a cheaper option than actually buying a Vita to enjoy its games. If it's pointless like you say then it won't sell. Who knows. Time will tell.

Yep3973d ago

While I disagree with the convenience point (it really isn't hard to put your system in a suit case or even a bag and bring it with you on vacation. I just did it with my Wii U a couple days ago.), you make a good point in your second paragraph. Hopefully this things sells well enough to make the increase in software sales worthwhile.

Death3973d ago

They don't need to scrap the Vita, they just need to make more games that show what the Vita can do instead of ports. It's a great device that Sony is really missing the market on.

Yep3973d ago

More games is something I can agree with.

TimeSkipLuffy3973d ago

for that to happen they need to sell more vita units. Vita TtV could do the trick

Death3973d ago

VitaTv isn't compatable with Vita games that actually utiize the Vita's features like the touch on the back of the unit or the touch screen. Comes with the Dualshock 3 and not 4 either so I'd like to know how remote play with the PS4 is affected.

OrangePowerz3973d ago

Look at it from this way. I'm often away and sometimes several weeks but I dont like giving up gaming during that time. With thr Vita TV I can potentially only pack that tiny device and a DualShock and play my PS4 games on a tv when I'm away from home.

Its less hassle compared to taking my normal home console with me as it is a lot smaller and less likely to break.

Yep3973d ago

Is it really worth the extra cost though?

OrangePowerz3973d ago

I rather spend 100 bucks on the Vita TV and take that with me, especially for when I travel by plane as I usually have anyway a full backpack with me in case the luggage get`s lost (not uncommon) and the laptop bag. Given how often my luggage got lost so far (always got it back some time later) I wouldn`t want to put my console in there for that reason and that the bag might not be treated very well.

Campy da Camper3973d ago

I have a 55 LED in my living room. This is where my ps3 is and where my ps4 will go. Every night I want to lay down and keep gaming in bed on my 44" plasma but I'dhave to unhook the unit and hook it up in the bedroom. Then the next day unhook it from plasma and hook back up in living room. This device will eliminate that process. That, to me, is worth $100.00

Darrius Cole3973d ago

I disagree with you here on almost every point. You mentioned

1. Confusion between PSV, PSVita new model, PSVTV
2. Resolution
3. True portability
4. Having an actual market

1. Its's a simple question of screen. If you want a portable screen by the PSV or the PSV(new model name). If you don't need a portable screen you can buy the PSVTV and save yourself some money.

2. 480p is 480 x 720 = 345,600 pixels
720p is 720 x 1280 = 921,600
A PSVita screen is 960 x 544 = 522,240

So, a Vita screen is a little more than half of 720p and 1 and half time 480p. I think that is plenty of resolution, especially, for people who know that they are playing Vita games. Lots of people watch standard def content on their HDTVs now.

3. True portability - First, I don't think it is designed for people who want to take their games with them and don't have a Vita. Second, and more importantly, I think it adds to the appeal of the Vita. If you have Vita, you may not want to be looking at that small screen while you are at home.

4. This turns the Vita into a $100 home console, and it extends your PS4 to a second screen. That is two major markets right there. If you have a PS4 and 2 tv's you probably need one. If you only have $100 and want a console or want to buy one for a kid etc. That is another market.

I think this is a master stroke by Sony.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3973d ago
OC_MurphysLaw3973d ago

I think the PS4 feature sounds interesting... but wonder about latency with anything like this kind of tech.

iamnsuperman3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

in the home it should be unnoticeable. Remote play (as it is right now with PS3 and Vita remote play) has unnoticeable latency within your own Wifi (it has to have some but I didn't notice any). I am unsure about it outside your home network which is wear a problem may lie (depends on network speeds)

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Sony Music Entertainment Japan, Aniplex, and Pocketpair jointly establish Palworld Entertainment

Sony Music Entertainment Japan, subsidiary Aniplex, and Palworld developer Pocketpair have announced the establishment of Palworld Entertainment, a joint venture that will be responsible for developing the reach of the intellectual property and for expanding commercial business endeavors, including the global licensing and merchandising activities associated with Palworld, outside of the game.

17d ago Replies(1)
Eonjay16d ago

Does this mean that Palworld is getting an anime?

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Crazy that they’ve formed a partnership of sorts, but the game itself still haven’t been released on PlayStation

badz14916d ago

It's still in Early Access. If it ever goes gold, there will definitely be a PS5 version, might even be a PS4 version too

Abnor_Mal16d ago

I still have no clue what this game is all about, to be honest.

badz14916d ago


If games like ARK is not to your liking, then Palworld wouldn't be your cup of tea either...I think.

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10 Best PSP RPGs Of All Time

The PS1 and PS2 both had strong RPG libraries, so it’s not a huge surprise that the PSP saw numerous excellent RPG releases, covering original releases, ports, and spinoffs/sequels to major franchises.

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jznrpg27d ago

Great list but needs to be 12 you don’t have Star Ocean First Departure and Second Story!


New Sony Controller May Let You Draw Your Own Buttons Using Conductive Ink

Sony has published a new patent about a controller that can be completely personalized by a user, including its shape and layout.

TFJWM31d ago

It is just a patent if it is new tech you file it

S2Killinit30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Dont get me wrong, I love that Sony does these research into new tech and all, after all it led to something as fun as the Dualsense, but im just asking why this particular tech would be useful in any way.

Profchaos30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Interesting idea likely something that will never actually be produced but Sony's simply securing the paten

Profchaos30d ago

Common practice really so many companies pattern troll because they either intend to make a product or just want to hold onto the rights of the idea there's some insane ones out there especially at the dawn of the internet.

You can have no intent to use it but this is just saying you thought of it first

kylegeorge8830d ago

yeah no, the controllers need the hall effect before investing more time and money into quirks.

BlackDoomAx30d ago

But how will they sell as many controllers if they do that?

fsfsxii30d ago

Maybe consider your personal hygiene before blaming someone else for your controller defecting

DustMan30d ago

I doubt @FSFSXII even knows what hall effect is. What a turd.

y2mate30d ago

great idea, but will it fully distributed to other continent ?