
PS4 and PS Vita Get a Trailer, Shows a Day with PlayStation, Social Features and More

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan and Asia concluded its 2013 press conference with a trailer dedicated to the PlayStation family.

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black0o3922d ago

the remote-ply is PS4/Vita killer app

ErcsYou3922d ago

ill be honest, i didnt really care about the social features when they were first announced but this gave me a whole new perspective.

Vitalogy3922d ago

And pople seem to be forgetting that you'll be able to send/read pm's via other mobile devices such as tablets and/or phones which is pretty awesome.

sincitysir13922d ago

Holy f©©k i got goosebumps


Not to sound like a fanboy or anything, and I know this is a sony article, but xbox users have been able to do this for at least 4 years now. Its good that you are able to do it with the playstation now though.

Army_of_Darkness3922d ago

Can they make a going to work version? ? Might give me an even better understanding of all this happiness!

abzdine3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )

yeah man it is almost scary with all possibilities PS4 is providing.
I never imagined the social features to be this advanced.
Microsoft haven't shown anything like this with their new console which makes me think that they're lying one more time and trying to lure the sheep with words.

Sony WON this generation before it even started, hands down!!
Now everytime i leave my home in the morning i will take my Vita with me to play PS4 on my sparetime at work

ShowanW3922d ago

@Abzdine... A lot of this stuff can be done with the 360now...

Of course there are some things the 360 just can't do....

Microsoft doesn't have a handheld... So of course no remote play
But messages could be sent from mobile for years now.

You may want to get a 360 and try some things out before you go spewing off, and looking very ignorant.

Know what a competing can and can't do, before you point fingers and tease...

mewhy323921d ago

Man alive!! The PS4/Vita are awesome together. A must have, that's for sure. I have to admit that I was never that interest in the Vita until now. I'll probably be picking one up.

ErcsYou3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

@Showan. So sending messages is a lot of stuff?. Lol. You should do a little research before you start attacking N4g members. Neither console this gen can stream video to all mobile devices. Watch the video again and you will notice that the message system is the least exciting feature shown.

johndoe112113921d ago

GOOD GOD.....DAMN YOU SONY!!!!! Do you have any idea how many extra working hours I'm gonna have to put in between now and December just to enjoy christmas???? I'm getting it ALL!!!!!!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3921d ago
FamilyGuy3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )

OMG this trailer was EPIC. It showed so many features and ways you could utilize the PS Consoles. Right after being blown the f away by the Vita Tv announcement we get this amazing trailer to finish off the show.

I really liked the idea of them hosting and streaming a Killzone competition with the ease of a simple button press.

It was great how they also confirmed (for those still confused) how Remote Play can be used while away from home to continue playing your PS4 games while you're out somewhere that has a wifi signal.

Getting Vita Tv day 1, I have no use for a handheld console but it has exclusives I've really been wanting to play and at a $100 buy in this is just pure fan service. In addition to that this thing just murdered the Ouya or any other indie game playing console. It just does so much more

Sonys been taking all the right steps and this just completed their circle.

I need to quit gushing over this so I can calm down and go to sleep lol.

Jughead34163922d ago

XBOX ONE's first ever commercial featured no gameplay. It was all about the multi media/Kinect features. Sony included everything. This remote play thing is awesome. I'll admit, my Vita has been mostly just collecting dust, but in a couple months it will be hard at work.

imdaboss13922d ago

SOny is just killing their competition right now.. They are making all the right moves.Trailer was amazing..im even more hyped for the PS4 now..

Evilsnuggle3922d ago

If it was a game console war SONY just drop the ATOMIC BOMB on xbone one 80 .WAR OVER!!!!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3921d ago
ABeastNamedTariq3922d ago

I'm loving it, I'm loving it.

Gotta get me a Vita soon.

Also, I'm REALLY looking forward to hearing more about Wonder Flick. I put my fist in the air when I saw Level-5, the character,.and the overworld.

Friggin PlayStation, man. <3

FamilyGuy3922d ago

I saw Wonder Flick a couple weeks ago when someone had mentioned Level-5 had a IOS game. I pegged it back then for the game they'd be bringing to the PS4. I hope they enhance it control wise.

Dark Cloud 3 will just have to wait...

Wizziokid3922d ago

Now that was an awesome trailer

majiebeast3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )


You can see how much Sony hardware has improved now that he is running the shop its much more united.

Also look Sony showed it as a games console that has media capability not the other way around, thats how its done.

Pancit_Canton3922d ago

You can tell Microsoft and Fans are crying DEEP DOWN with all the disagree.


And I must say for some reason that little footage of deep down looked even better than newest trailer.....I think this game alone will make xbox-only gamers jump ship...or at least consider owning both systems.

Evilsnuggle3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )

Hell yea all the XBOTS its not a real game it's CG it's a tech demo . Deep down looks kick ass some XBOTS said demon souls copy . I hope it will be a demon souls type game

Pancit_Canton3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )


Play Beyond and Make.Believe... DEEP DOWN!!

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