
Microsoft's Penello: No way is Xbox One giving up 30% power advantage to PS4

XMNR: Much of the focus in the console war between the PS4 and Xbox One has been the perceived power advantage Sony's console has over Microsoft's. Following a published interview with Rev3Games Thursday, Microsoft Director of Product Planning Albert Penello explained why there's no way the company is willing to give the competition a huge performance advantage.

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abc12334039d ago

"Penello then brought up similar instances where Sony and fans of the Playstation proclaimed superior performance with the PS2 and PS3 before concluding that, "in the end, games on our system looked the same or better."

Haha, four words: The Last of Us.

cl19834039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

Your comparing an exclusive to what?

@ abc below

He stated the games on both systems looked the same or better, I'll go ahead and mention Gears because they all had the same type of shading, quite frankly I dislike that type of shading.

abc12334039d ago

Any game on the 360. If games on the 360 looked the same or better then there should be at least one game that can match TLOU...

Maddens Raiders4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

@abc1233 - There are way more words than just those as well. Uncharteds, GOW3, GT5, KZ's, LBPs, Motorstorms, MGS4, SuperStardust, Journey, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain, etc, etc..

"While a free speed boost is of course nice, this isn’t going to make up the massive performance lead granted by the PS4′s GPU, which has 50% more compute units (cores), and thus 50% higher theoretical peak performance."

This is just another MS pr spin job. The next thing Panello will say is, "we've actually packaged a PS4 into each XBOXONE."

abzdine4039d ago

Penello needs to buy himself glasses..
thanks for the laugh btw

NewMonday4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

"Microsoft's Penello: No way is Xbox One giving up 30% power advantage to PS4"

like he has a choice in the matter

and the PS4 power advantage is actually

GPU 50% more
shaders 50% more
fill rate 100% more
RAM is 8G totally on 170gb/s
architecture has both hUMA and HSA

and the GPU can do CPU tasks

abc12334039d ago

@Maddens Raiders: Yeah I know, but I just thought those 4 words would be enough to end it then and there.

@cl1983: Yes that is what he said, but why does that go against what I'm saying? Multiplats had no bearing on the performance of the hardware last gen considering the different architectures, that's not the case this gen. How does Gears come close to TLOU?


"Microsoft's Penello: No way is Xbox One giving up 30% power advantage to PS4"
He is right because the amount is at least 40% without counting the hidden hardware surprises Sony didn't announce yet. And the games wil look at least 200% to 300% better thanks to the magical expertise of Sony first Party studios like Studio Santa Monica and Naughty Dog.

Mister Penello, it is easy to talk, but can you prove with ACTS?

360ICE4039d ago

Well, for yeah. It's a fallacy, though, if he wanted to make the point that 360 could compete in the power department, because the PS3 is well known to be hard to work it. PS3 exclusives smashed 360 all over the place in the graphics department, even if Halo 4 and Forza Horizon looked very nice indeed.

Muerte24944039d ago

Math is universal for a reason. It helps us explain/understand things that otherwise wouldn't be explainable. This is done through physics, matter, and formulas.
We're not saying theoretical performance from Xbox One isn't possible, just it has yet to be proven. PS4 numbers (RAM) are proven aka constant as oppose to ESRAM (190gb/s min - 204gb/s peak *theoretical).
This was company playing the "number don't matter" game earlier this year. Now you're throwing bloated esRAM numbers and slight upclocks. 10% increase to the CPU and 6% (clock not shaders) increase. That's still only about an 8% increase overall in performance. PS4 is still 42% more powerful. But hey numbers don't matter.

scott1824039d ago

Multiplats looked better on the 360 generally and played better, the 360 had advantages that developers liked, it was much easier to program for. Ps4 doesn't have that Problem at all it sounds like...

JokesOnYou4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

"People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their [hardware] skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious."

-Looks at wii u games, then ps4 games and X1 games..yep, he nailed it.

u got owned4039d ago

Penello: "I'm stating that not everyone knows all the facts. There are still a lot of important details about the platforms that are still unknown..."

hummmm!!! double GPU anyone... Makes me wonder.

NewMonday4039d ago


hello, ever hear of OpenGL?

directX is not "secret sauce", it is only relevant to MS platforms because they don't allow anything else, what developers want is low level access and the PS4 gives them that.

the most recent KillzoneSF MP previews at PAX are absolutely fantastic and absolutely nothing running on consoles comes close in graphics.

and in the graphics department DriveClub totally dominates Forza.

joeorc4039d ago


he also stated this:

"We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against."

And his Arrogance is very one sided, because OpenGL is just as viable of a standard in Graphic's API

ProjectVulcan4039d ago

OpenGL is great. Tiled resources Microsoft banged on about as if its a revolution and exclusive to windows and Xbone? Well that feature was in OpenGL first anyway!!!

Elimin84039d ago

@ Maddens Raiders... I seriously LMAO on this comment!

"we've actually packaged a PS4 into each XBOXONE."

ABizzel14039d ago

It's too late, You already gave them the advantage when you let them have a more powerful GPU which is the most important part of a gaming console.

They can over-clock all they want to try and match the PS4, but the PS4 can do the exact same thing and we'll be back from the start.

raytraceme4039d ago

SO I guess this guy forgot what sony's 1st party did with the "alien tech" that was the cell. What Sony's ICE team can do is equally or even greater than MS and their team. MS uses DX while Playstation uses opengl plus their their own stuff over it to get closer to coding to the metal.

andrewsqual4039d ago

Yes its called Unreal Engine 3. Here is a list of games that used it http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

And Penello waited 4 months after the console reveal to say this why?
Remember, you can't spell reversal without reveal.

thechosenone4039d ago

Penello has resorted to lying now I see. I've now officially lost all respect for this company.

Freedomland4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

Why Microsoft pleading their case like nobody would believe them.
Actually they gave a real hard spin to their policies and now they are doing same with the hardware, using the language and terms no layman will understand and even well versed in computer feel puzzled.
Remember that when Sega came up with a term Blast Processing related to Genesis against Nintendo and it proved to be a marketing stunt and don't forget 64 bit stunt of Jaguar.


All X1 fanboys be ready to compare all X1 launch titles graphically with the E3 showing of the same games and you know what i mean here.Nvidia vs AMD.
Disappointment is not an option.

strifeblade4039d ago


What hidden surprises in sony's architecture? not one tech site has even questioned anything about sony's revealed architecture while numerous techsites know msoft has not fully revealed their specs. Every tech sites states the ps4 architecture is off the shelf.


gaffyh4039d ago

PS4 IS more powerful than Xbone in every technical way. Fact.

PS3 was more powerful than 360 overall. 360 had advantages in certain areas, such as unified memory and a better graphics card.

Conclusion = PS4 games will look better than Xbone unless a developer rushes a PS4 version and takes time on Xbone version.

Death4039d ago

It's incredible how many experts there are here at N4G. Have you seen a PS4 with your own eyes? Have you seen the XboxOne? Can you explain why the actual experts aren't sure what all the customizations mean on the XboxOne?

Graphics don't mean shit. Blu-ray didn't do shit for games. You can Last of Us all you want, but the fact remains it isn't the hardware that made the game what it is, it was the developers. If you knew anything about PC tech, games running on a 7700 or 7900 can "look" the same, the difference will be how many fps you can play at. There is no game that exists on either platform that wouldn't look exactly the same on the other console. Biggest difference maybe a frame or two per second.

Forget "code to the metal" and any other illusions of power you think you know. The difference at the end of the day will be native resolution and frames per second. HDTV's limit resolution more than anything. Comparing PC numbers to the consoles is ignorant at best since resolution is reduced. This leaves fps as the biggest defining factor. It is highly unlikely we will be able to see the differences between Xbox One and PS4 games. Why not wait and see before we "know" something.

joshuatobi4039d ago

Im a playstation guy and adding everyrhing up they may have a second gpu in the wings considering they had drm and were probably counting on the extra money from software sales to offset losses since they were guaranteed money because people had to buy new. Now they dont have the drm so it would be a catastrophic loss if they implemented the second gpu but might be willing to do it since sony is whipping their asses in preorders and want some respect from gamers. I think they are gonna most likely absorb the losses and add that gpu so they have another marketing thing to say, one up sony and see if its enough to turn a profit down the road

pixelsword4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

"People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their [hardware] skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious."

"-Looks at wii u games, then ps4 games and X1 games..yep, he nailed it."

-Looks at windows 8, the fact that Windows programmers have yet to make a worthwhile game besides Solitaire, and... oh, let's throw out an old game like God of War III for good measure.

Granted the 360 had a lot of great games, but his statement carries very little weight in reference to overall achievement on the 360 versus the PS3 in terms of scale and graphics. I do believe that the Sony talked the most garbage and delivered the least of what they talked about (120fps, 1080, for example) but even that does not take away from what Sony achieved already.

So I'm afraid I have to counter with:

not really.

DOMination-4039d ago

Crysis 2/3 on 360 looks as good as any ps3 exclusive. The PS3 was the more powerful console on paper and some games showed that but the gap between them in final end product is not as huge as is being made out

MazzingerZ4039d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

"People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their [hardware] skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious."

1-SONY has more expertise in creating games
2-It's not "people" who lauds SONY for their HW but developers themselves
3-it goes beyond just graphics, the "smartest" 3rd party developers in the world built the PS4 HW indirectly as the architecture is built based on their feedback as well, SONY took its time to visit them and ask about their dream HW for next gen, they had someone that spoke their language and they respected: Cerny

We should stop comparing coming gen this way, it's not just about graphics this time or sell numbers but dev times, PS4 is told to be as fast to develop as the PS2, you know that was they key fir the PS2 success, so the possibility of some smaller studios( or indies taking the next step)to develop only for PS4 is there just like some multiplatform releasing first on PS4 as they will be ready faster, then port to X1.

Consoldtobots4038d ago

not another generation of these effin retards living in denial......

this is why MS and their fans are better off IGNORED!!!

FamilyGuy4038d ago

I really like this quote

"If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious."

It actually IS obvious

Killzone Shadowfall is gorgeous, has large environments, highly detailed character models, realist cloth texture that sway in the wind naturally, at 60Fps and 1080p

DriveClub looks more realistic than any other racers so far. The car models are nice and the subtle color tones makes it look more true to real life but on top of that realistic lighting effects blow other games out the water. Day, mid-day, night, rain, it all looks phenomenal. The light that the headlights produce when you're on a track at night are above anything I've seen in a racing game. The sense of speed while racing on the tracks, the glare and partial reflection seen on the on the window are amazing too.

Infamous Second Son, open world, extremely high detail in the character models, lighting effects caused by the powers, the realistic looks of the wet street when it's raining and the reflection off that wet street surface. The particle effect seen when Delsin uses his powers, the speed of the game play shown: attacks and movement, the lighting effects of the sun.

Knack - Just wait for large, bright explosions and reflective surfaces, some enemy attacks when they're using glowing weapons. It's obviously not as big a deal as the others but it has it's moments if you're watching. During Sony Feb reveal when they show Knack being played on the Vita there's a very quick explosion, watch how the room lights up and the reflections on the floor and wall surfaces. This is an example of the unexpected beauties in Knack.

Destiny, Everyone agrees that the game looks phenomenal right? Everything we've seen has been game play from the PS4 version. There is no PC version whatsoever so don't try to claim it's PC graphics, it's only been shown running on PS4 dev kits.

Tech Demo of Deep Down needs no explanation, at TGS they'll be showing a playable copy.

Tech Demo of The Dark Sorcerer, running on PS4 spec'd hardware. Also needs no explanation.

Penello.. the differences ARE obvious.


mewhy324038d ago

OMG. Just do the math. It's probably more than 30%. I mean the bone fans and marketing execs are really getting desperate.

The_Con-Sept4038d ago

Microsoft's PR team is really flustered. holy crap I can't believe the crap they are spewing! Bringing up the past as if it is a future.

A wise man once said: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

And Sony has set out to have us achieve greatness. Too bad Microsoft is too busy seeking 1.

YNWA964038d ago

50% more fanboy too! Yes! Awesome :)
C'mon guys, just enjoy the games, these pointless arguments have to stop sometime...

RyuCloudStrife4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

I though the PS4 was 50% more powerful?

Gozer4038d ago

Lot of butt hurt sony fanboys in this thread. Nothing can change the fact that Ryse looks better than anything for ps4.

mcstorm4038d ago

Wow wtf is this site turning into. Who really gives a carp what console has better graphics the one and ps4 will have the same multi platform games that you will not be able to see the difference in when you are playing one or the other as you will not be playing them side by side.

Buy the console that has the most gamea you want it is really that simple. If you want games like forza, halo you need a one if you want get, kz ect you need a ps4 if you want Mario Zelda ecr you need a Wiiu if you don't want any exclusive games but want bf or cod buy the console that more of your mates have so you can enjoy it online with them. Really people its that simple.

Rainstorm814038d ago

funny how people say N4G is a Sony fan site yet the first 5 comments have at avg 200 disagrees

starchild4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

I thought console gamers didn't care that much about graphics? At least that is what we PC gamers always hear from them.

But graphics related articles always get by far the most comments and the fiercest fighting. Why is that?

I don't get it. The difference between the PS3 and 360 was very small, while the difference between either console and the PC was huge.

Why does it matter if a couple of exclusives by a handful of very talented developers looked better on the PS3? Certainly that only effects those games. If you enjoy those games then you also get to enjoy some great graphics in those games. But it doesn't change everything else about the platform.

Personally it all seems a bit silly for Sony fans to try and rub marginal graphical advantages in a few games in the faces of Xbox fans. If you REALLY cared about graphics, you should be gaming on the PC, period. All the best looking games are on PC and the graphical advantages are across the board in every game, not just a couple of exclusives.

+ Show (36) more repliesLast reply 4038d ago
Snookies124039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

The Last of Us really was a gorgeous game. Halo Reach/4 did a good job of impressing me though considering how old the hardware was. That goes for both Halo and Last of Us.

Thatguy-3104039d ago

halo reach does't come close to Uncharted 2/3 or The Last of Us

Snookies124039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

@dboyc310 - When did I ever compare Uncharted, or even Last of Us to Halo? I was pointing out that both series for their respective platforms are really good looking. Given the fact that Halo is a bit more open than Uncharted is though, it looks really good for what they're working with. Though I'm not knocking Uncharted, I love the series, just stating a fact.

Elit3Nick4039d ago

especially considering that halo reach/4 are sandbox fps games with large maps, with uncharted and TLOU since they have much less play space they can focus on better textures and effects. Halo looks amazing for its size.

Manic20144039d ago


That just seems like a completely bias opinion. Both halo and TLOU is great. what you said is completely bias, try looking from both sides not from the system you favour.

malokevi4039d ago

Halo 4 looks fantastic, as does TLOU. Two different artistic directions, two different types of game, two different platforms. Direct comparisons are meaningless.

kabala4039d ago

Show me a game on the 360 that looks better than TLOU then show me a game on the PS3 that looks better & run better than Halo 4 with 2 player campaign co-op, 4 player campaign co-op, forge, online multiplayer. Throw Gears, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six Vegas in the mix. Bottom line both consoles played to their strengths.

Volkama4039d ago

I actually find naughty dog's games have a horrible grainy appearance over slightly shiny textures. Not sure if it's deliberate (like mass effect film grain) but it's not to my tastes.

Besides that I love their attention to detail on the visuals, but didn't enjoy TLOU enough to finish it. Each to their own though, and I'm sure I'll pick up ND's next release too.

BallsEye4039d ago

Like I wrote elsewhere..
I would agree but the last of us had a huge graphic downgrade from the first e3 demo to the retail version.








While it's a great game, they've BS'd about the graphics. Now if you disagree you better give some arguments and reply. Please look up The Last of us Graphic Downgrade. It's everywhere, even on official sony forums.

HammadTheBeast4039d ago


Pre.rendered screenshots. Do not. Equal. Gameplay screenshots.

And there's the slightest decline in graphics.

SniperControl4039d ago


Wow, just wow, are you really standing by that?

Everyone knows E3 game reveals are all bullshots, remember this.


Hands down TLoU, is better than anything on the 360.

Yomaster4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

The Last of Us looked good for the age of the console it was running on. However, as great of a game as it was, there were times I looked at graphics and thought, "Damn, that looks like crap."

I don't fault the game for it, but merely the age of the hardware it was running on.

Regardless, TLoU, let alone any other console game, graphically pales in comparison to anything on a decent PC GPU. Not trying to run the PC master race card or anything, but calling ANY console game gorgeous at this point is a bit of a stretch. "Good for what it has to work with" is more relevant.

BallsEye4039d ago


No, honestly halo 4 beats every current gen games. Even got plenty graphics of the year awards. native 720p with beautiful AA, something even Last of Us doesn't do. Please check out real screens and real gameplay.

BallsEye4039d ago


No, honestly halo 4 beats every current gen game. Even got plenty graphics of the year awards. native 720p with beautiful AA, something even Last of Us doesn't do. Please check out real screens and real gameplay.

Evilsnuggle4038d ago

I own 360 and PS3 you can't compare the last of us to any other game this gen. in terms if graphics the gap is to huge no game this gen comes close to tlou . I would not believe it if i did not see it myself
With my eyes.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4038d ago
GarrusVakarian4039d ago

Without being biased here, there is NO way he can actually believe that Xbox 360 games look better than PS3 games, basic observation says otherwise. Ive never played a single Xbox 360 exclusive that looked anywhere near as good as The Last Of Us or Uncharted 2 and 3, or God Of War 3 to name a few.

Multiplats on the other hand......

adventureghost1244039d ago

True with both of those statements, however they could have looked better on the PS3 than the 360 if Dev's took the time to learn the PS3 Architecture. Which I know was a pain to program for, but you see how it turned out at the end if this generation. And we will definitely see most if not all titles looking better on the PS4 this upcoming Gen

Machiavellian4039d ago

When people compare graphics do they also compare environments. Scope in a game makes just as much difference than just Eye candy. Case in point would be Killzone SF and BattleField 4. People talk about how good Killzone looks over BF4 but forget the scope of the 2 games. Another thing people forget is the ability of developers. When you have multiplats you see what can be done in a limited time between both systems.

Funantic14039d ago

That has to do with the studio more than the PS3. Naughty Dog does a great job.

Eonjay4039d ago

According to math, which isn't unbiased, the PS4 is roughtly 40% more powerful than the Xbox One. This isn't even up for debate. To be far though, I don't expect Penello to admit that. Why would he? Seriously?

SniperControl4039d ago



ND created those graphics because the PS3 allowed to them to create those graphics.

rigbybot1274039d ago

@SniperControl Actually, it was their talent, and the space of a Blu-Ray disc that allowed them to make their shining masterpieces. The PS3 and 360 were about neck and neck in terms of power; it was just the disc space that set them apart.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4039d ago
Narutone664039d ago

Read title: No way Xbox One giving up 30% power advantage to PS4.
So, it's 50% then?

GarrusVakarian4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

Agreed. All you have to do is go onto Youtube yourself for proof that PS3 exclusives look better than Xbox's. Its not about being a fanboy or being biased, its just basic observation. But i do think Forza 4 is a very very nice looking game.

Although i think in that quote he was referring to multiplats because alot of the time the 360 multiplats looked better than the PS3 multiplats. There's no way he could have been talking about exclusives.

abc12334039d ago

If he's talking about multiplats then he should know that the reason behind that is gone for next gen considering they both have x86 architectures. So now that the X1 doesn't have the advantage of being easier to develop for, how are they going to make up the difference in hardware performance.

aceitman4039d ago

wow ever since Penello stepped in he is talking a lot of smack hopefully we will see who is the one telling the truth , once the systems launch we will see final product on the games and vido comparisons (head to head will do a lot of them ) to see which system is having frame rate issues and graphic details . launch dates cant come fast enough.

GiantEnemyCrab4039d ago

Alan Wake looked damn amazing.

But I have to agree Uncharted, Killzone, TLOU, Heavy Rain set the bar high. I give more credit to the developers than anything else. They have some of the best people in the industry working at these studios.

GarrusVakarian4039d ago

Damn i forgot about Alan Wake, i loved that game so much, and yeah it did look really good graphically.

HammadTheBeast4039d ago

Alan Wake had some amazing lighting for it's time.

In the end, it's all down to the studios.

wishingW3L4039d ago

Alan Wake was kind of decent looking but it had poor frame-rate, it was sub-HD and the animations were absolutely horrible.

WeAreLegion4039d ago

You guys should try the PC version of Alan Wake with mods. Absolutely gorgeous!

Volkama4039d ago

Ah I tried Alan wake recently. PC version all maxed out (without mods). I thought it was visually quite poor, mostly because the animations were terrible. I also didn't like the combat at all. Another highly rated game I didn't get in to. Quantum break looks more to my liking though.

starchild4038d ago

You have to be kidding me about Alan Wake supposedly having poor animations. The animations were just fine. Not the best I have seen, but certainly not poor. Well above average I would say.

In any case the animations definitely couldn't ruin the visuals. That's absurd. Alan Wake on PC is one of the best looking games on the platform. It would probably crack the top 15 if not the top 10 best looking games on PC. And it has some amazing competition with the likes of Crysis 3, Far Cry 3, Tomb Raider, Metro Last Light, Battlefield 3, The Witcher 2, etc.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4038d ago
corvusmd4039d ago

That game was good, but not the Xbox killer you want to believe at all...nice try though


I wouldn't sit here and say that any game on the xbox looks better than GOW or Uncharted 3, but I will say that it took a VERY long time to get that power out.

The XB1 will be my first choice, you probably will not see the TRUE power/difference of the ps4 until around 2015-2016.

THC CELL4039d ago

Hmm I would not say that, God of war looks better than some of the next gen games we seen meh to me all u want God of war, developers will show ms up. Nd will finish it all. Btw ms are blind so there u go.

rigbybot1274039d ago

Yeah. Xbox One is still gonna have gorgeous games. I'm mostly going with PS4 because of Rime, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and whatever Naughty Dog is cooking up.

NextGen24Gamer4039d ago

Penello said:

"I’m not saying they haven’t built a good system – I’m merely saying that anyone who wants to die on their sword over this 30%+ power advantage are going to be fighting an uphill battle over the next 10 years…"

And he also said:

"People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their [hardware] skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious."

That's real talk right there! Common sense stuff.

11+22+13=46 - 4+6=10 - 1+0=1

AngelicIceDiamond4039d ago

"I’m not saying they haven’t built a good system – I’m merely saying that anyone who wants to die on their sword over this 30%+ power advantage are going to be fighting an uphill battle over the next 10 years…"

Hes speaking DIRECTLY to Sony fans with this comment?

Lets see.

Albert Panello: Lead planner for Xbox One and Xbox 360 and also influenced the X1's architecture and specs.


Your everyday N4G Sony fans.

Forget the lottery I rather bet on this.

MasterCornholio4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

Its more like

Albert Panello: Lead planner for Xbox One and Xbox 360 and also influenced the X1's architecture and specs.


Mark Cerny: Lead system architect of the PS4

He said this during gamescom "The PS4 is the World's Most Powerful Console"

Who should we believe?

AngelicIceDiamond4039d ago

@Master The games that get launched and beyond.

acdata4039d ago

one nightmare "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
your "four word" has painted texture and lots of scripted AI & events
ps3 cant handle real game like skyrim GTA IV and ....
lost time i checked after more than 7 years of development on ps3 saint row 4 run in SD resolution and 15 fps

THC CELL4039d ago

Yawn. Last of us beat every single 360 exclusive to date. Also my pedigree chum don't blame Sony blame developers. Rumor has it gta v lead platform on ps3

SpideySpeakz4039d ago

Fact: MS was heavily involved in first content for GTA4 and Skyrim. Microsoft paid 20mil for exclusive day 1 release for GTA4. Skyrim content came first on the Xbox. PC didn't even get this content first even though that's the leading platform. That tells me MS had their greedy hands all in R* and Bethesda's cookie bar.
I wouldn't be surprise if they paid them to make it run shitty on the PS platform.

They've already been caught bullying publishers years ago. MS are corporate snakes.

acdata4039d ago

so it seems Ms paid Blizzard Entertainment to make ps3 version of Diablo3 the worst version, funny.

T24039d ago

How does poor programming reflect on ps3 ? And more importantly how is this related to ps4 with totally different architecture

joefrost004039d ago

I hear you sony fans scream Last of Us to you blue in the face
When in all honesty it suppose to look good
One the game was slow as shit
Two wasn't never really that much stuff going on
And technically you had clipping and serious AI issues
If I remember didn't halo 4 win best graphics of the year last year

rigbybot1274039d ago

@THC CELL GTA V was developed on both PS3 and 360, simultaneously. I agree that The Last of Us beat every 360 exclusive, but the best games of this generation (Portal 2, Bioshock) were on both systems, and ran very similarly.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4039d ago
SpideySpeakz4039d ago

Because MS has policies in place that states every multipat game should run at the same level of fidelity as the competitor. http://www.gamesindustry.bi...

That's why Sony exclusives are vastly better than MS exclusives.

JamieL4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

I think saying Sony exclusives are "vastly" better is pushing it a little. I agree you can say they look better, but ya'll try to make it seem like it's a generation better or something. The difference is not that big at all.

Belking4039d ago

sorry bud, TLOU was god but it wasn't better graphically than some of the older games on ps3. Graphically it wasn't that impressive. Uncharted looks better to me.

aceitman4039d ago

@belkin u have a lot of positive stuff to say about ms and a lot of negative against sony on ur comments , so I take it as u never played tlou, trolling r u.

MysticStrummer4039d ago

Sorry bud, but you're either blind or insane. I just saw TLoU for the first time a few days ago and it's clearly a graphical advancement over any of the UC games, though they all look great.

aceitman4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

does penello put his foot in his mouth with this one,
if its meaningless then why the hell are they bumping up there specs, nice pr move penello.

ziggurcat4039d ago

the funny thing is that before anything was announced on either side, when rumoured specs came out (that turned out to be mostly true), xbox fans were beating the "bu-bu-but power isn't important, only games" drum probably because penello said how comparing specs is meaningless.

now that the xbone specs are pretty much out there (although xbox fans are grasping onto this non-existant dGPU), it's "xbone is more powerful" even though the PS4 remains the more dominant console spec-wise.

they're even claiming that the CPU speed on xbone is faster despite the fact that nothing has been confirmed regarding the PS4 CPU. if recent rumours are true, it *might* be somewhere in the 2.0GHZ range (an FCC report stated that 2.75GHZ was its peak, but there's no way that it'll be anything close to that number).

TheTwelve4039d ago

Exactly. All Albert did was discredit himself by making claims that are obviously wrong to anybody with eyes to see.

stage884039d ago


+bubbles well said.

This Penello guy have obviously never played any of the PlayStation exclusives. The ignorance from him is appalling.

4039d ago
4039d ago Replies(4)
TheHierarchy4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

The last of us looks good but it's character's don't move as real as halo4's. Halo 4's facial animations were number 1. http://youtu.be/GbjA6rB98Yk...

you'ed be kidding your self about halo 4's level of detail. now lets go on to Quantum Brake; that game has number 1 looking characters. they move as good real life it's self...and i don't see ANY game on PS4 moving like how they do. SHOW ME THE PROOF!

fghtrer3fb5erg4039d ago

Haha youre a joke bro! Youre comparing cutscenes lol, Quantum brake was all cutscenes, show me real gameplay bro! All we have seen about ps4 games was real gameplay.

fghtrer3fb5erg4039d ago

Haha youre a joke bro! Youre comparing cutscenes, how dumb is that..

TheDevKit4039d ago


Halo uses real time cut scenes.

StoneyYoshi4039d ago

@ TheDevKit

And The Last Of Us doesn't??

Just watched those halo cut-scenes, and even though they are well done. It is well behind The Last Of Us. I have never been so attached to characters in a video game in my life like i was with The Last Of Us.

Rainstorm814038d ago

The opening cutscenes of TLOU were not only gorgeous but emotionally moving....Literally every time i play the game from the beginning i get chills.

I played Halo 4 and immediately when Master Chief awakens you realize how great that game looks and is probably 360s best looking game.

But when it comes to Facial animations and character animation, most 360 games are lacking especially compared to TLOU or Uncharted, While Halo 4 does look great, its outmatched

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4038d ago
AlphaJunk4039d ago

@abc1233 after 7 years, one Game is all you've gotten? And that's a very different environment with nothing similar on 360 to compare.

ziggurcat4039d ago

1st party: killzone 2, killzone 3, uncharted, uncharted 2, uncharted 3, heavy rain, god of war 3, god of war ascension, MGS4... shall i go on?

3rd party:

l.a. noire, max payne 3, tomb raider, remember me, and dishonored (to name a few) all looked/performed better on PS3.

rigbybot1274039d ago

@ziggurcat Max Payne 3 ran better and had better foliage on 360, but the rest of the games ran better on PS3.

joefrost004039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

You do realize the 360 was a more powerful system but things like cross game chat and party chat and voice messaging during games takes up ram
They had more ram allocated toward system features thats why you have a graphical advantage for the ps3
If MS would have cut those features out like sony did and put it towards games,
The games would have not been close 360 would have looked far better

jetlian4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

actually 360 had more ram even with party chat etc on. 360 games have bigger worlds and more stuff going on!

ps3 was suppose to be 2 times the power and ended up being weaker! same thing sony said about ps2 and it was weak.

1:50 to 2:05

go compare halo to killzone, halo is wide open by comparasion. halo's do 4 player sc online, forge recording etc.

open world games in general struggled on ps3. skyrim even gta4 was sub hd same with rdr.

abc12334039d ago

Open world games struggled? And what about Infamous 2?

joefrost004039d ago

Why do I have disagrees for telling facts
Anybody who disagrees with me tell me what part did I lie about
And if im not mistaken didnt halo 4 win best overall graphics last year
Infamous 2 had a open world but one thing it was slow as shit and you never had that much stuff going on at once

BX814039d ago

Some parts of the last of us didn't look that great. It's a good looking game all around. This gen ps3 had the better looking exclusives but it wasn't like it blew the competition away. It still looked better though. I thought Xbox had some great looking games as well. Alan wake and gears are good examples. I think in the end, overall the ps3 had lesser games I wanted to play but looked great. Xbox had more games I played and looked pretty good.

Docknoss4039d ago

If You sony fans didn't really think this were true you, wouldn't be here trolling and defending the PS4's superiority. I take this as a good thing.

THamm4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

Yes to even admit that there INDEED is a performance gap is something. All this time they claimed that we haven't seen anything and that the X1 is the leader, now they're saying that Sony is ahead but not as much as it was at first.

Chevalier4039d ago

Exactly. Microsoft also said you didn't need HDMI for HD gaming, that you don't need bluray (but now has it) and also that PS3 was only good as a media center yet now wants to be the media center in your living room right? The ones that were going to have DRM and dictate your gaming experience? The ones are making Xbox One into a box that will sell you things with ads? Yeah I totally want to believe what MS says.....

Volkama4039d ago

My 360 doesn't have hdmi, outputs 1080p60 over component just fine.
My 360 doesn't have a blu-ray player, plays games just fine.

Maybe they were right? That was a long time ago though, so either way has little bearing on this next set of consoles.

ZHZ904039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

I don't sit on Neogaf but I got shocked that people at companies like MS like Albert, dear God! They write comments they do read our posts!/off-topic

Anyways I feel like they are trying to convince people like myself to move from PS brand to Xbox brand but they fail to do it, why would I buy more expensive console with inferior power.

Deadpoolio4039d ago

Or uncharted....Hell almost every Sony game looked better than anything the 360 had 1st or multiplat...Sony's studios cannot be touched by MS tiny few stables that make more than just kinect games or are not being used at all

MizTv4038d ago

That's why I go with ps
The best exclusive games
"Real Exclusive games" not "Timed Exclusive"

3-4-54039d ago

My guess:

4-5 years from now PS4 will have a 5-10% power advantage.

Only the BEST dev's will be able to take advantage of it.

palaeomerus4039d ago

Doubtful. Both consoles are so PC like that they'll be getting most of their dev-experience related "power increases" from library updates and GPU driver and API revisions.

It's all pretty much on the table from the start.

moparful994039d ago

Lol^^^ Resogun looks better than anything announced for either console and its from an indie..

moparful994039d ago

Lol^^^ Resogun looks better than anything announced for either console, is only using 50% of the PS4's processing, and its from an indie..

rigbybot1274039d ago

@moparful99 Yeah, indies are ruling the next gen; Rime, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Below, D4, and Resogun notwithstanding.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4039d ago
2cents4039d ago

Hooray, the console war has officially started! Now it gets exciting.

Time for SDF to get into 5th gear and really let it rip.

Oh the joys of gaming.

BallsEye4039d ago

I would agree but the last of us had a huge graphic downgrade from the first e3 demo to the retail version.








While it's a great game, they've BS'd about the graphics. Now if you disagree you better give some arguments and reply. Please look up The Last of us Graphic Downgrade. It's everywhere, even on official sony forums.

strifeblade4039d ago

There you have it sony fanboys, take this info and shove it. This is the big response from msoft you have been waiting for that 30% advantage you thought ps4 had is non existant (remember when ps4 was 50% more powerful? fanboys make me laugh). I have been saying this the whole time- msoft has so many subsystems unknown to us all and the customization of its architecture easily excels sony in some areas and more than makes up for it in others. The cpu is already clocked higher than ps4 lol.

4039d ago
Animal Mutha 764039d ago

I believe him more than any of you armchair engineers.

He doesn't know everything about PS4 and has admitted that but you can bet your ass he knows more about it and the tech of X1 than anyone on here or GAF or SA or B3D or any other f*cking debate for hits website.

He's not trying to score points here or 'save' X1 as you couldnt do that through just neogaf. I respect him for taking the time to address questions and concerns on GAF even sometimes to a hostile and in my opinion disrespectful audience.

If Cerny talked in a similar way I'd believe him as well. These guys are not PR puppets. They are passionate about what they do and they are going out of their way to address their customers directly off the books.

thetruthx14039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

Anyone know why MS reps are now talking up game performance?

That's right you guessed it ***9/29*** :-)

Sony's contractual agreement with AMD will expire allowing Microsoft to reveal the custom silicon and the actual real specs of the Xbox One

For anyone that thought MS linked up with 30 of IBM's best hardware engineers along with AMD in 2010 to put a 6 series Radeon card in the One you're very funny lol

Since Microsoft stepped foot into the console business when have they ever launched with hugely outdated tech :)

Keep in mind this console has to at least keep up for 10 years

15 co processors, 8 for audio, 5 for graphics, and two unknown

If MS decided to go for the overkill they'll reveal W2W with a dgpu

Microsoft can't wait to expose Sony the only question is will Sony keep bragging until October

And the only developers that recently got the final SDK's are Capcom, Crytek, Ubisoft, and EA. Have you been wondering why a game like Assassins Creed or Watchdogs never show the Xbox One versions? It's because by the Sony agreements they aren't supposed to

Battlefield 4 has cloud dynamics

Remember the Need for Speed developers said one version would be better than the other ;)

Either Sept 29th or later in October the most powerful gaming console will truly be revealed :)

HammadTheBeast4039d ago

Sigh. Just. Sigh.

Need for Speed and BF4 devs said it would run better than CURRENT GEN.


Apparently, you morons think the XbO is hiding some super flashy tech.

Then why is it the same price as PS4 (-kinect)?


ziggurcat4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

1. Link to prove Sony is preventing MS from talking about *their own specs*.

2. You're still clinging onto that non-existent dGPU...

3. Again, Sony can't prevent MS from disseminating their own hardware to developers. Nonsense.

4. Yeah, and it was hinted at being the PS4.

5. BF4 has never been shown on xbone. Even at PAX, they were demoing the game on PC with xbone controllers.

6. No because devs have already stated, as well as a rep from AMD before they were forced to retract their statement, that the PS4 is the more powerful system.

7. And it's because ubisoft has a deal with Sony, just like EA has a deal with MS... And how activision only shows CoD on Xbox... Doesn't mean they're not allowed to show it on the other system.

Try harder.

Edit: and please let me know if you need any help dislodging that giant foot from your mouth when you're proven to be wrong.

strifeblade4039d ago

you know whats funny- gddr5 right now has a 25-35 gb advantage over x1 memory and that advantage will grow smaller in the future. But you know what advantage the x1 memory has over ps4? the latency and that advantage will never diminish. So for all those games that use 140-150 gb of ram (probably the majority of multiplats) the advantage lies with the x1 due to the lower latency lol ps4 will only have the advantage when the game actually uses over the 150 gb amount which will be quite rare foir now lol. Havn't you noticed the majority of fans stopped talking about gddr5 because the advantage they thought they once had is not all there lol. The theorital peak of the x1 memory is higher than ps4 memory sitting at 201- but its meaningless sameway that bull**** about ps4 being 50% stronger they forget its only theoretical as we can already see from the games- both systems look on par with eachother.

moparful994039d ago

@strifeblade Sony has engineered their GPU to be able to do onboard compute functions making latency issues a non argument..

They also engineered an additional bus giving direct read/write access to the shared pool of memory.. Mary Cerny clarified that that they easily could have had a terabyte of bandwidth to the memory but determined that Unified memory was the goal.

Do yourself a favor and do research before spouting opinion as fact. Read this article, Cerny manages to in-depth explain the technical functions of this setup clearly without ever once mentioning the competition and without coming off as smug. My money is on Sony's hardware having a significant advantage.

Cueil4039d ago

if Microsoft allowed their fist party developers to let their games drop below 20 fps I'm sure that they could also have squeaked out some extra visuals :-p

4039d ago
palaeomerus4039d ago

Honestly I haven't seen much of ANYBODY get excited about Ryse. I'm not sure that a roman sword brawler is all that exciting a product.

Cueil4039d ago

yes... lets compare alpha code with final code on frame rates >_> that's not how you do things

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4039d ago
nosferatuzodd4039d ago

if that was true then why trying to upgrade Cpu at the last moment i tell you what they saw what ps4 is capable of and got scared

palaeomerus4039d ago

The people who saw at BF4 runing on PS4 hardware at Gamescom didn't seem too scared of PS4's power. They said it looked worse than expected. Of course it hasn't shipped yet but...hype is just hype.

moparful994039d ago

@paleomerus Much like how at GamesCon in the Xbox booth BF4 was running on Pc's disguised as XB1's?? It has been reported that BF4 is running awful on both consoles which speaks far more about Dice than it does the consoles.. Quit trolling.

Persistantthug4039d ago

XBOX One will have 3 GPUs.


Eddie201014039d ago

and a masseuse for happy endings and...
and cookies and warm milk.

Persistantthug4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )


I'll take 3 to go please!


PS.....And I'll take 1 Wii U....just in case.

Eddie201014039d ago

Xbox One nor Microsoft have to give anything...........PS4 and Sony are taking it by being better.

4039d ago
KingTrash4039d ago

Uncharted looks better than The Last of Us. Both are nearly flawless games but if you're gonna talk about the best looking PS3 game, I'd go with Uncharted 2 or 3 for sure.

CRAIG6674039d ago

hahah the last of us?!?!!? it only took what? 7 FU%^ING YEARS.

Rageanitus4039d ago

I actually did not like the Last of Us graphics/style for some reason Uncharted 3, GOW 3/Acension, KZ3 Looked BETTER.

NewZealander4039d ago

you cant use the last of us, thats like me using halo 4, and while both halo 4 and the last of us are amazing looking games its impossible to judge how they would preform on the other consoles.

i played some of the last of us, did it look good? yes it looked great, was i blown away in awe of the best graphics ever? no, it was nice but i have seen better looking games, and it wasn't particularly fun in my opinion.

Comnnsence4039d ago

Why is everyone still comparing on the past? PS3 were and still is more powerful than the Xbox360. The 360 had a full year headstart, therefore giving developers more time to get acclimated with the system, thus able to extract very decent graphics from the system. As you can see, 360 is showing its age now because all games look the same. I'm not bashing the 360 because i did chose it over the PS3, but if your still debating on the past, then why would Xboneless not learn from the past to continue that trend? The developers finally are able to utilize the PS3 function which now is showing better graphics than the 360. Sony learded from their past which is why they invested in better products. This article is nothing but damage control. If power doesn't matter then why keep on feeding into it?

gamer704038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

All the talk about the PS3 being more powerful than the 360 is just a bunch of fanboy hyperbole. The PS3 had poorly allocated ram and an inferior GPU. Fact is, every single game that fanboys hyped up for graphics on the PS3 was not even graphically consistent throughout, and that includes TLoU. Neither consoles featured a game that was graphically consistent throughout due to hardware limitations. This is an irrefutable fact! Developers have also stated that the only difference between the two machines are the trade offs, and which are preferred most.

What I've said here is just pure common sense no fanboy bs, you can disagree all you want but it still doesn't change a thing. In the end it was the developers the made the difference not the hardware. Something that you fanboys need to learn to accept.

listenkids4038d ago

Did xbox original have multiplat games to even compare to ps2? That's 2 consoles you don't put into one sentence.

As for ps3, when they weren't shit ports to it, they looked and played better, fact.

CJDUNCAN4038d ago

The Last of Us looked amazing but multiplats hands down looked better on 360.

tokugawa4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

on one side we have a PR mouth from microsoft

and on the other side a bunch of idiotic fanboys repeating numbers quoted by sony that they know nothing about.

not only that, sony has a history of inflating the performance of their consoles.

for me, it is not that important because i am buying both this year. but, in all honesty, i dont believe microsoft or sony. the proof will be in the pudding.

i.e: the games. until then, i think that they are both full of shit

JsonHenry4038d ago

I think what this guy is getting at is that, once again, we are going to have a generation of gaming where Nintendo looks last gen and Sony and MS will be close to each other in visuals even if one of the two has a slight advantage.

Raiden4038d ago

I really can't wait to see what happen at the end of this month after NDA, What. Wouldthe last of us look like on the 360 i wonder never compare exclusive

marcofdeath4038d ago

The Last of Us still don't look better than the last

50Terabytespersec4038d ago

LOL MS just spent Billions on Nokia for what?
Why they couldn't spent the money and take a loss on the Xbox One??
Now they got to run some phoney tech campaign about how the systems are similar in power.I have been at the edge of cutting edge for over 10 years.
Let me tell you this Bandwidth is everything!
I dont care how fast your CPU's are and how much memory you have ..
I you have no bandwidth your frame rate and detail will suffer ! Especially in HD or 4k ..It is basic Math not BS phoney ad or technical BS they sell you..
If you have 100GB bandwidth and some else has 200GB bandwidth . DO the math DUH

+ Show (51) more repliesLast reply 4038d ago
GarrusVakarian4039d ago

So glad im getting both, can't wait to see what the 1st party devs manage do with each of their respective consoles.

OlgerO4039d ago

Im sure there will be some real gems over the years. and even if the PS4 is 5 percent more powerfull, it will still be the to go to system for multiplats

thisismyaccount4039d ago

It more like 40% or even more.

PS4 :

1x Memory pool, no add. mambojumbo inside the box

Xbox :

2x Memory pools, 15 add. co-processors, 4 Move Engines, 1x High End Audio Chip (for multi stream), extra? gpgpu chip and what not...

PS4 more powerful, less complicated and cheaper.
Xbox less powerful, more complicated and 100$ more expensive.

negative4039d ago

I'll wait and let the games do the talking. Your simplistic hardware comparisons and fanboy biased conclusions mean nothing right now.

With that said, there is no way Microsoft would allow the competition to have that much of an advantage. Relax, though, it's not the end of the world pal.

IcicleTrepan4039d ago

You aren't a hardware engineer nor are you a software developer with experience on both platforms. I don't think your statement counts for anything.

MysticStrummer4039d ago

PS4 was designed with lots of developer input. Which do you suppose they would like better, the more straightforward setup or the more convoluted setup?

Hint : They liked the 360's setup better than PS3's because it was easier to work on.

PS3 was more powerful than 360 but it's more convoluted system made it tougher to work on.

PS4 is both more powerful and simpler to work on than the One.

yellowgerbil4039d ago

it doesn't really matter for years down the line. No one knows how to push the limits of either system.
My money is on Sony. Hardware is about juggling what power and affordability. The kinect is pricey, think that is why they are using things like the older ram type and stuff.

user74029314039d ago

ps4 is more powerful than the xbox one. fact.

waltyftm4039d ago

Easy now, some people cant handle that fact.

user74029314039d ago

Its all good, im just bringing the cold hard facts.

Elit3Nick4039d ago

Oh I didn't realize that you played them both yet, oh wait...

user74029314039d ago

glad you realise this now.

vigilante_man4039d ago

It does seem like Microsoft are starting to accept that on paper the PS4 has the obvious power advantage regarding graphic capabilities (pretty much core in a gaming console).

It is the second or third time he has mentioned this.

I am glad MS are getting 1,000% out of the XB1. And from seeing PS3 exclusives we know Sony developers will do the same.

Well done everyone??

XboxFun4039d ago

PS4 and Xbox One games look exactly alike. Fact.

user74029314039d ago

killer instinct 720p. killzone 1080p

ape0074039d ago


pimp, Forza 5, 1080p 60fps :)

T24039d ago

@ ape - its a driving game ... Seriously how hard is 60 fps on a driving game

ziggurcat4039d ago

oh? because i'm sure i would be able to find several posts from you dumping on PS4 games as looking inferior to xbone, including BF4.

Hercules1894039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

@joecanada try asking the driveclub devs, also fps is more important than realtime clouds and lighting that youre not going to notice when youre going over 80 mph. In a racing game fps means a lot, it gives a better sense of speed.

moparful994039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

@Ape and Hercules ResoGun 1080p 60fps only tapping 50% of the PS4's processing power..

Edit Download that direct feed and tell me that all of those particle effects and buttery smooth framerate isn't impressive.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4039d ago
CalamityCB4039d ago

Didn't realize you had access to the full specifications of both of the consoles which go into full detail.
No facts yet, only speculation based upon simple hardware introductions which the many of were done months ago now.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4039d ago
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