
Metal Gear Solid turns 15 – here are 15 facts about the game

Metal Gear Solid released in Japan exactly 15 years ago today. Here are 15 interesting facts about this timeless game.

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Bleucrunch3945d ago

Been a fan ever since I could remember...Here's to hoping its around for another 15 years and goes stronger with each iteration. Oh and in my opinion I do not like the movie idea...they are going to screw it up some how and that will piss us fans OFF! Movies based on video games are hardly any good. Just ask Doom, mortal kombat and oh yea prince of persia...smdh!

Nyxus3945d ago

Yeah, I'm worried about the movie too, but if it's bad I'm not going to let it bother me. It's all about the games, in the end.

porkChop3945d ago

Actually the first Mortal Kombat movie was pretty good. That's probably one of the better video game movies to date. It was very much like the games too. The sequel, Annihilation, was pretty horrible though. There wasn't a single good thing about it at all.

porkChop3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Yeah, and they celebrated the games 15th anniversary by being total dicks and just randomly dropping the voice actor that brought the series protagonists to life. I get if you want to change direction or something, that's fine, but at least let the guy know. Hayter apparently found out about the official voice change with the rest of us. That's fucked up man.

punisher993945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )


Personally Im fine with the change because I always believed Kojima should have always kept Big Boss's voice different from Solid Snake's voice anyway. But since Kojima chose not to do that from the beginning, he really created a big mess today by making a change.

Nyxus3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Big Boss is already voiced by two different actors (same as Ocelot). I have faith in whatever they decide is best.

Bleucrunch3945d ago

@Nyxus, I don't have faith in how they went about this whole change...very classless on their part which is a character trait they haven't shown to us in the past. Just not cool bro!

thecowsaysmoo3945d ago

If Meryl was hiding underneath the sink, then how come it didn't show up on my radar, Kojima?

punisher993945d ago


lol You busted him. But honestly, there is no way Kojima can really explain that part. lol

Nyxus3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Well you could think of an explanation. The Solition radar is pretty sensitive, as it doesn't work in caves or similar locations, so maybe it wouldn't detect someone in a cabinet under a sink either.

XboxFun3945d ago

I like the fact that part 5 is coming to the 360. Can't wait to play it, looks fantastic so far from the trailers shown.

TongkatAli3945d ago

How bout this fact. It exposed the United States government, everything in that conversation between Raiden and the President is 100% true on how the government works.

That is my most memorable Metal Gear cut scene of all time.

rawshack3945d ago

Bro that's mgs 2. This is the first one we going on about

Bleucrunch3945d ago

Yes we know bro but tt doesn't matter that is still one of the best cut-scenes though.

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Agent7595d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle95d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.