
The most expensive PlayStation games around – PS1, 2 & 3 games that can cost as much as a PS4

OPM: How much do you think people are willing to play for an old PlayStation game or a rare collector’s editions? A few hundred? A few thousand? Here are some of the most expensive PS1, 2 and 3 games ever bought or sold.

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OmniAtlas3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

I'm still looking for an affordable english version of aquanauts holiday for the ps3. 5 years later and still no such luck.

Luckily ico and sotc was rereleased on the ps3..

sypher3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Same here! Plenty of Chinese language ones but trying to find that Hong Kong english one... has to be the rarest officially released (non recalled) game on PS3? :/

Inception3985d ago

They forgot:

1) Tales of Destiny PS1 = $500

2) Tales of Destiny 2 PS1 = $250

3) Vagrant Story PS1 = $150

But man, that UC2 Fortune Hunter Ed price is overkill! >.<

pecorre3985d ago

I bought Vagrant Story in like new condition on ebay for 35$ earlier this year. PS1 games on Amazon are almost always overpriced.

wishingW3L3985d ago

it happened just like with Persona. You could buy Persona 1 and 2 for like $10-15 on Amazon but then Persona 3 came out, the series became mainstream and all of a sudden the prices from the old games jumped dramatically. And now the same thing is happening with Tales...

Inception3985d ago

Maybe you right for other titles on amazon. But Tales of Destiny 1 & 2 copies always been rare this years. I've been searching for a cheap copies for both of them on playasia or ebay and it's no luck >.<

- Destiny 1 = $700
- Destiny 2 = $250

That's why i never trade my Tales of Abyss and Tales of Graces f + Xillia Day 1 Edition. In case they became very rare in the future.

wishingW3L3985d ago

only one I have it's Megaman Legends 2 but I think the Tron Bonne game is more expensive.

Majin-vegeta3985d ago

I have a shadow heart and LOD unopened copies at my mothers place maybe it's time to dig them out.

wishingW3L3985d ago

just remember that the more you wait to sell em the more valuable they will become!

RoseSapphire3985d ago

This isn't always true. Even a sealed game loses value when a digital version is released. Granted, Legend of Dragoon has already had the digital hit the market.

RoseSapphire3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Most of these games on the list are not even half the price they had shown. I own a used game store and, using Mega Man 2 Legends as an example, we have it for $55. Legend of Dragoon is a $15 game.

These titles are grossly overpriced in this article and it seems like they grabbed the highest listed eBay price rather than doing any research.

hockeyjockey663985d ago

Thank you. I was saying this to my computer screen the whole time I was reading this terrible article.

3985d ago
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PlayStation 2 Classic Shadow Hearts Trademarked In Japan

Universal Entertainment recently filed a trademark for its well-known critically-acclaimed PlayStation 2 series, Shadow Hearts, in Japan.

SinisterMister805d ago

I have a foggy memory of this one. Do remember that it was pretty fun back in the day. That thumbnail reminds me of the upcoming Wukong game. Excited for that one.

jznrpg805d ago

I own the entire Shadow Hearts series on PS2 . Hopefully it’s a new game

RedDevils804d ago

lol same, and I'm currently playing on PC as well.

SinisterKieran805d ago

omg yes please!!
i loved this freaking game! and the way your character transforms is so cool.

805d ago
TheColbertinator805d ago

Another gem of the JRPG golden age

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975d ago Replies(3)
-Hermit-975d ago

Dragon Quest 11 isn't even the best Dragon Quest game, it's a good game, but not the best. Dragon Quest 8 is superior to it in almost every way.

thorstein975d ago

...and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4....

I am biased.

Hofstaderman975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

OK let's end this, in order
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Dragoon
Breath of Fire 4
Breath of Fire 3
Dragon Quest 8
Dragon Quest 11
Vagrant Story
Saga Frontier 2
Chrono Cross
Suikoden 2
Threads of Fate
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Lunar 2

Jiub975d ago

Sometimes I forget how much of a powerhouse the PS1 was

MadLad975d ago

I don't play too many jrpgs, and I'm trying to diversify a bit.

Outside of FF and Dragon Quest, what two games from that list do you most recommend someone trying? Doesn't matter if it's a sequel to another game or not.

Jiub975d ago

IMO: Chrono Trigger and Suikoden II

thorstein975d ago

Octopath Traveler is really good.

BlaqMagiq1975d ago

You have Threads of Fate on there which means you get my ultimate respect. Underrated and overlooked.

Exvalos975d ago

Man your dang near spot on absolute spot on choices

Epicor974d ago

I like your top 6 a lot. I don't have the same orders but all those games would make my top 10 RPG list most likely. Number 1 for me is FFIX. It holds a special place in my heart and imo it's the perfect Final Fantasy game.

In addition I would give special mention to some western RPG's as well: Skyrim and Mass Effect 2 were iconic games. Out of JRPG's I'd like to add Disgaea 2 on that list.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 974d ago
MadLad975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Some of my personal favorites are Planescape: Torment, New Vegas, Morrowind, Kotor 2, Wasteland 3, Witcher 2, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Deus Ex, Disco Elysium and Vampyr.

As far as jrpg, while I'm not as big a fan as I am for Western RPGs, I love Persona 3 - 5, Dragon Quest 8 and 11, Rogue Galaxy, Final Fantast 6,7, and 12; and Lost Odyssey.

LoveSpuds975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Some quality taste in games there squire.

I'd add some Baldurs Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights from back in the day too.

MadLad974d ago

Should have added BG2. Played through it many times over the years.

Never could get into Neverwinter Nights though. Not sure why.

Omegasyde974d ago

Loved rouge galaxy. Fav game from Level 5.

ManMarmalade975d ago

Legend of Dragoon #1 game of all time for me

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Ten More Long Dead Series In Need Of New Life

HPP: We were blown away by your response to our piece on series in need of a revival. So here are ten more series we’d love to see given new life.

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VersusDMC1058d ago

Article is on point having Dino Crisis and rival schools but i would add...

Parasite Eve
Devil Survivor
Fear effect
Megaman X
Jet Set Radio

And those are just the ones i can think of right now.

MadLad1058d ago

I remember being really hyped in highschool when they were talking about doing more JetSet; then nothing came of it and radio silence.
Still some of the best soundtracks in gaming.

Another Fear Effect would be awesome too. A very underrated game that not many talk about anymore.

AM_Thorn1058d ago

Jet Set Radio was actually on the original list of 10.


A lot of the others were too recent to meet the date cut off I set, I was really looking for series that had been gone awhile.

Parasite Eve had The Third Birthday release 11 years ago.
The most recent Strider game was only 7 years ago.
Devil Survivor 2 was only 9 years ago.
Onimusha Soul released in 2012. I considered not counting mobile games but I was looking for series that publishers aren't even trying to get anything out of.
Siren is close but the last installment was 13 years ago. Honestly was never into the series though so likely wouldn't have made it regardless. Definitely know it has its fans though.
Fear Effect Sedna stunk but was a new game and was only 3 years ago.
Mega Man X I kind of counted as part of the larger Mega Man series, though even if I didn't the new mobile game would probably have kept it off the list.

Lots of great choices there though. I'd love to see a new installment of most of them.

MadLad1058d ago

For some reason I got Cold Fear and Fear Effect mixed up when I made my comment lol.

I'd like to see another Cold Fear. Even a remake would be great.

Knightofelemia1058d ago (Edited 1058d ago )

Xenosaga, Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon, Chrono franchise with Cross and Trigger, Resistance, Xenogears, Twisted Metal, Silent Hill, Turok, Ar Tonelico, Ar Nosurge, Breath of Fire, Siren, Clock Tower, Kid Icarus, Splatterhouse, Enslaved Journey to the West I love that game such a sleeper hit it so needs a sequel.

garos821058d ago (Edited 1058d ago )

My picks would be

- Soul Reaver
- Viewtiful Joe
- Onimusha
- Capcom vs Snk 3
- Playstation Allstars Battle royal

Relientk771058d ago

Kudos for putting Tactics Ogre on the list. I have no idea why we aren't getting a new one, or Final Fantasy Tactics for that matter too.

Z5011058d ago

For me.
1. Vagrant Story
2. Guardian Herores
3. Tenchu
4. Omega Boost

VersusDMC1058d ago

You almost got a new Tenchu but it turned into Sekiro as that was From Software's plan at first.