
Help a Young Girl Find Her Sanity And Find Out Who Killed Her Parents In The Drug Induced: FRAN BOW

Described as a psychological thriller, Fran Bow is an interesting little puzzle adventure game from the Swedish company Killmonday.

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TheOneWhoIsTornApart4044d ago

This looks really awesome to me. I love creative point and click adventure games with strong psychological elements and and bizarre and twisted art style. Downfall is a game that I recommend very much to anyone that is interested in a psychological horror point and click adventure.

PrimeGrime4044d ago (Edited 4044d ago )

Cool. Wish they would put this on the PS Vita.

I loved reading this part from another article.

"The game is not horror because of her mental state," explains Martinsson. "The game itself travels a lot from the inside of her to the ordinary outside world. It’s about the horror you can find in everything around you. Like people, actions, thoughts… We have become so insensitive because of all the violence we are exposed to everyday that we forget the real pain and the real horror that everyday brings us."

Dark_Overlord4044d ago

I played the first chapter, whilst extremely good (and a tad bit easy) it only lasted about 20 mins, I hope the other chapters (I've heard there's 5 in all) are somewhat longer :)


Fran Bow (XOne) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "Fran Bow is nothing else if not intriguing. The sheer amount of vile & traumatic sights this young girl is put through could be seen as cheap shock value, but Killmonday Games' artistic sincerity suggest those accusations to have little merit. At the same time, this drug-fuelled trip through Wonderland is hampered by rough qualities ranging from a lackluster ambiguous resolution to obnoxious point-n-click trappings dating to the Triassic period. It's a frustrating mixture of impressive and lackluster qualities that kept me invested, even if never thoroughly satisfied. A prescription I can't recommend to everyone."

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gold_drake481d ago

fran bow is amazing.
well, everytbing but ethirsta, the tree level.

coolbeans481d ago

Hot take: I actually enjoyed the fantasy level, with exception to a couple of lackluster puzzles. I think it was a nice break from the Reality/Horror Wonderland dynamic. Also gave me Night of the Rabbit vibes.

gold_drake480d ago

it gets better ... literally before you leave ha xD


Declare Your Independence from Digital Rights Management with Humble Bundle's DRM-Free Sale

Humble Bundle is running a DRM-Freedom Sale. Numerous games are available at low prices and can be downloaded straight from the Humble Bundle site.

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MattDavisGR2637d ago

Strike Suit Zero looks awesome :D


Creators of Fran Bow Working On Different Galaxy

Killmonday Games, the developers behind Fran Bow, are working on a new game called Different Galaxy.

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TheOneWhoIsTornApart2803d ago

So excited for this. I absolutely loved Fran Bow. One of the greatest point and click adventure games of all time and it was quite a meaty game being developed by only two people. Can't wait to see some footage of this game.

PolishWingedHussar2803d ago

For some reason I think of Mr. Midnight with this, though it looks more like a mystery than horror. Excited to play it! :)