
gamescom 2013 closed with over 340.000 visitors

The koelnmesse GmbH confirmed a new visitor record on this years gamescom with over 340.000.

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SPARDA_4263938d ago

Wow, 340 is a lot of people.

360ICE3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

Well, then you are gonna be blown away. There were actually 1000 times more than that at Gamescom.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3938d ago

No, you're wrong 360ICE


Clearly that's a decimal. Hence, 340 people.

360ICE3938d ago

Boy, you would ALL be blown away if you read the article. N4G just goes easy on you. Warms you up. The really messed up numbers are one the source page. There are commas all over the place.

Tapani3938d ago

Someone needs to travel more :D

GdaTyler3938d ago

340.000, wow that's a lot of people. 340,000 would have been better.

QuantumWake3938d ago

This picture of public day is pretty crazy! That's a lot of people! o_O


come_bom3938d ago

I'm going to count every single one of them.

Gazondaily3938d ago

Yeah it was insane! That main hall was a nightmare to navigate through. You had to go with the flow of traffic or get crushed.

Skate-AK3938d ago

Someone should make this picture into a "Where's Waldo?"


The Problem with Hype

"Think of the last E3, or the last Gamescom, or the last Tokyo Game Show. What was the main thing shown at the press conferences held there? The trailers, gameplay videos, and everything else shown are done so to get you excited about a certain game that they want you to be more interested in. If the trailer is well-done and people like it, the hype of the game goes up and people talk about it more and more. But what happens next? More trailers and details for the game are released, just hyping you up more until the game comes out. But sometimes, when the game comes out, it’s not everything you expected. It’s not as fantastic as you had hoped. It’s not all that it’s hyped up to be. "

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TwilightSparkle3869d ago

it leaves you very dissapionted like when they promised big vita news for e3, gamescom and tokyo game show when turned out to be just ps4. there were hardly any vita news just ports and indies , japan always have better games t hen the us, there vita library doubles ours we have to hope for a localization announcement to get some decent games.

52d ago

Corsual At Gamescom 2013 - Hilarious Highlight Video

Corsual's EXP writes: "They say it's better to be late than never, and in this case, we wholeheartedly agree! Our video editor Stiegi has finished working on our Highlight Video from Gamescom 2013. Prepare for laughter."


DualShockers ShockCast Ep. 140 – “A Wilderness of Vitas”

David Rodriguez writes, "The dust from Gamescom 2013 is still settling, and PAX Prime 2013 is just on the horizon. Before we get bombarded by the news that that show may bring, we let Giuseppe fill us in on his personal experience at this year’s show (9:49), as well as delving into Joel’s recent admission that Sony proved him wrong with the Vita (46:36), and the recent Grand Theft Auto V leak (1:00:20)."

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