
Aliens: Colonial Marines Soundtrack Is Now Available For Free

DSOGaming writes: "Bad news: Aliens: Colonial Marines is still as bad as you remember it (although it does look sexier on the PC thanks to SweetFX and its latest patch). Good news: SEGA is offering the game's soundtrack for free."

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MadMen4059d ago


Thats all anyone should have to say.

e-p-ayeaH4059d ago

The soudntrack its actually not bad. thanks SEGA!

YNWA964059d ago

Seriously.... This is a fanboy site, nobody buys music, they torrent it....

Master-H4059d ago

You know where you can shove it Randy Bitchford , and your Sega buddies.


Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

Too many games aren't given a second shot. We at VGU choose which games we would love to see receive a sequel.

JonTheGod1114d ago (Edited 1114d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Lazy Writing – Five Diabolical Duds from the Last Decade

Player 2 takes some quiet time to look back at some of the most hyped failures of the past 10 years.

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SpamnJam1692d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911692d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


Aliens: Colonial Marines Offers Stellar Multiplayer (If You Use Mods)

Thanks to a bustling mod community on Steam, Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines actually has a stellar multiplayer experience to offer these days.

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FTLmaster1760d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.