
GameSpy: Wii Fit In-Depth Preview - You've really let yourself go. Lucky for you, Nintendo's got the cure

GameSpy writes: "Wii Fit poses an interesting challenge to games critics: how do we approach a product that's being released for one of the most popular game platforms available, yet whose primary function isn't necessarily to entertain its audience? Attempts to treat it as entertainment software by attempting to simply "follow the fun" would probably end up missing its point entirely. On the other hand, to ask game critics to take it squarely at face value would be akin to asking a film critic to review a Tae Bo video.

That said, Wii Fit is built around notions that we often associate with playing games -- things like progression, feedback and achievement. But to due its capacity to allow you to take it seriously (as well as its practical value as a tool through which you could theoretically improve your lifestyle), you won't be experiencing these feelings as a result of "play." Rather, Wii Fit lavishes praise upon you when you earnestly display your commitment to its program. In other words, it seems to be all about work. By the same token, if the Japanese version is any indication, the fussy personalities built into the software are quick with the consternation if they feel you're not holding up your end of the bargain. Fragile egos beware."

-Useful and quite possibly motivating for those on the fitness quest

-Messaging might be too harsh for Western audience

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Hardcore gamer grandma plays 4,000 days of Wii Fit

This hardcore gamer grandma has put nearly 4,000 days into Wii Fit!

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Eonjay2039d ago

Exercise is exercise no matter how you get it.

BlacKJesu52038d ago

Looks like every other church going grandmother...good job


Here Are the Top 10 Best-Selling Exclusives Since 1995 (USA)

The NPD Group has revealed the top 10 best-selling exclusives in the U.S. since 1995, and Nintendo holds all 10 spots.

Highlife2135d ago

Yeah as a gamer that list sucks. Wouldn't be to prod of that.

Paytaa2135d ago

Oh you're one of those real gamers

Literal_Cringe2135d ago

You're not much of a gamer then.

lxeasy2135d ago

Damn Nintendo Domination!

King_Noctis2136d ago

Kindda surprising actually. All games are from Nintendo.

darthv722135d ago

And the #1 game on this list is also the #1 game (and accessory) to be found at the local goodwill.

Imalwaysright2135d ago

Take a look at the 50 best selling games of all time https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

telekineticmantis2136d ago

Nintendo has always had the most mass appeal, my Mother would play Mario.

2135d ago
EddieNX 2135d ago

There's landslides and then there's this. Wouldn't be surprised if the top 50 was mostly Nintendo games.

Paytaa2135d ago

The only other game's that cracked the Top 15 aside from Nintendo were Halo 3, Halo Reach, and Halo 4.

EddieNX 2135d ago (Edited 2135d ago )

Good. I adore Halo!! It's the only online shooting game for me.

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Top 10 Best-Selling Wii Games

VGChartz's William D'Angelo: "Today we take a look at the top 10 best-selling games for yet another platform. Up to this point we have looked at the original PlayStation, the Nintendo 64, the PlayStation 2, the original Xbox, the GameCube, the Nintendo DS, and the PSP. This week it's the turn of Nintendo's most popular home console, the Wii.

The Wii is the fifth best-selling video game platform in history and the third best-selling home console in gaming history. It is also the best-selling home console not released by Sony. It sold 101.18 million units lifetime."

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trunkswd3258d ago

The Wii was a beast! The entire top 10 selling more than 10 million units each!

FallenAngel19843258d ago

Just like the DS list, every game on the Wii's list has sold over 10 million. Not even PS1 and PS2 did that. That's very incredible

fitfox3258d ago (Edited 3258d ago )

positive comment for Agrees

jcnba283258d ago

Those software sales are insane.