
Next-Gen Visuals Showcased Via This Project CARS Video

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s member ‘ADRIANF1esp’ shared a mind-blowing video for Slightly Mad Studios’ upcoming racer, Project CARS. Andrian captured a lap in pCars and then applied some filters to have a tonality, lighting, lens effect and realistic sound, along with camera movements that mimic its position on the helmet. The end result is simply fantastic, though we should note that it does not represent the game’s visuals, and we don’t know whether Slightly Mad Studios will be able to match what Andrian has created. Still, this will give you an idea of what next-gen games will look like. Enjoy!"

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starchild4058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )

Looks better than any "next gen" driving games on PS4 or XB1, so if these aren't next gen visuals then what is?

ABizzel14058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )

2x post

nveenio4057d ago

Hard to see any real detail through the dirt on the helmet shield. But better graphics don't make these racing sims "next-gen". I want to see better damage simulation. I want to see running your car through the grass or sand create trenches that stick with each lap and deform the surface. I want to see the "other" things that really make it feel like the world around you is real. That's my definition of "next-gen". It won't take much to get these graphics on PS4 or XB1, so I'd like to see some other physical simulation processes come into the genre.

ABizzel14058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )

LMAO at you and everyone else in here.

Look at the sun spots, the REAL TIME reflections on the hood, and how everything is a HD texture (trees, fences, etc...).

Most of all this is pre-alpha footage since the actual game doesn't launch until 2014.

No offense to Forza, because it's a good game. But Forza 5 is controlled smoke and mirrors, and that's fine and also the reason it's called a former 360 games. Project Cars is the real deal, nothing is pre-baked, everything is REAL TIME. Drive Club is another game running everything in REAL TIME, and as you can see the PS4 was struggling with getting it running at 60fps (which is understandable).

Comparing Forza to Project Cars is a disservice to the work of Slightly Mad Studios. Project cars has real mountains, not background pics. Forza uses. It has real time lighting, not pre-baked lighting like Forza has. It has real-time reflections and ray tracing, Forza doesn't. Project Cars has weather, damage, day and night cycle, there's just no comparison. And even more impressive Forza is backed by M$ while PCars is backed by the developer and community without a Publisher.

Forza is a great game and it's possible it may be more fun than PCars, but it can't compare to Project Cars on a technical level.

Project Cars 2012 Entering Alpha

2013 Pre-Alpha Build 377 (You're actually driving through a rendered city, not repeated buildings as with Forza)

2013 Pre-Alpha Build 391

2013 Pre-Alpha Build 467

2013 Pre-Alpha Latest Builds (LMAO Forza 5 looks better than this)

4058d ago
ABizzel14058d ago


Wrong anyone with a HD 6850 or GTX 570 or higher can enjoy Project Cars 720p High details. Not to mention that the GTX 700 series (already dropping) and HD 9000 series GPU will be out by the end of this year meaning the current-gen GTX 600 and HD 7000 series will be reaching entry level GPU prices with the high end cards from those series dropping to traditional mid-range prices. Which means by the time Project Cars drops (2014) the average PC gamer will more than likely have a PC that's at the very least on par with the PS4 specs (significantly superior CPU, slightly better GPU, PS4 > RAM).

Building a PC that's on par with the PS4 is a $700 effort, with the new batch of GPU's still on the way.

And most of the videos I posted are specifically targeted to match the PS4's GPU with many of the videos running GTX 660's / 660 Ti's. Only the newest clips us 7950's or higher.

JsonHenry4058d ago

No, this is next gen visuals. 2+ years ago PC hardware - http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Allsystemgamer4058d ago

i have dirt 3 on pc and Project Cars looks LEAPS ahead

JsonHenry4058d ago

Agreed. Project Cars (PC) looks light-years ahead of the competition in terms of visuals.

I was simply pointing out the video shown didn't impress as it looked worse than years old hardware and a years old game.

I'm sure the game will be more polished by release date though.

Yep4058d ago

You have poor taste in visuals.

NewsForge4058d ago

Next-Gen Visuals Showcased Via This Project CARS Video ON PC!!!

These sub 2 teraFLOP ultra low end GPU's CONSOLES have no long term potential at all. These Next-gen console don't even come close to my BOOSTED PC equipped with an HD 7990 6GB GDDR5 with an 8 core FX8350 cpu OC to 4.8GHz.

Good luck with your low end GARBAGE that will use a hell lot of trickery to make stuff fairly passable. Optimization can only go so far. Devs will hit a wall pretty quick since now they have simplified X86 hardware. No cell or powerpc to learn.

These next gen console have ultra weak tablet CPU's which is written GPU bottleneck all over it.

There's a reason why they look more like PC's. BECAUSE PC's ARE JUST BETTER.

Xbox One uses DDR3 as graphics memory. It was last used 5 years ago in the GTX 9000 & HD 4000 series on PC because this type of RAM wasn't fast enough for high res textures. Didn't meet next gen standards for PC gamers 5 YEARS AGO!!!

PS4 uses GDDR5 memory (OK), but with all the latency,k the CPU can only access 20GB/s compared to the 176GB/s for the GPU. 20GB/s RAM is comparable DDR2 ram clocked at 620MHz...10 YEAR OLD TECH PWAHAHAHAHAHA.

3 years from now, devs will be crying to Sony and MS to have another gen since technology moves much faster this time.

By 2016 Nvidia/AMD will have introduced 14nm GPU, using stacked RAM (over 16GB+ of GDDRX memory per GPU) and GDDR6 is just around the corner. (No speculation, this is based on their road map)

Shitty consoles will die out eventually. Static hardware is pathetic for the industry. MS and Sony lost billions on GEN3 can't wait to see them fail again.


god_o_war4058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )

Woo hoo PC yeah!!

Maybe you should install a fuck machine extension to your tower so you can not only get visual pleasure but physical as well?

PC has never been part of the next-gen its always been excluded the gen part of NEXT-GEN refers to the console cycle...
Ofcorse PC will always be better its the platform which games are MADE on.
Consoles were made for the living room you know the device that sits next to/under/over your TV?
A device that lets multiple people play from the same place, whens the last time you played a 2v2 on the same PC in any game? I go over to a mates house and play a game 3v3 fifa with no issue which is the point of a console! Convenience ffs..
Oh and please could you please inform us of how much your boosted PC costed you to build include everything from the mouse and keyboard to the case of your tower? I can take a guess that its no where close to $400 or even $500 right?

ABizzel14058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )


While I agree with you, there's no need to be that brutal, especially towards the hardware. Blame the die hard ignorant fanboys, and the developers who vastly hype the consoles to sell their games.

In the end the PS4 and XB1 are solid PC's. The XB1 should be on par with 7790 - 7850, and the PS4 with a 7870GHz - 7950 once developers learn to max the consoles in 1 - 2 years.

That being said, high end PC's are already ahead of this, and it's going to get worse with the GTX 700 series out, and the HD 9000 coming soon. In 2 years we'll probably have the UHD cards with PC gaming running in 2k @ 30fps low end, and high end 4k @ 60+ fps. These consoles just aren't future proof like the PS360 were (as holding their own for 4 - 5 years against PC).

I'm definitely getting a PS4 because I feel Sony 1st party games are some of the best games on any platform. But my gaming PC is going to be around 4x more powerful than the PS4 when I rebuild it, but that's a $1,000+ PC vs. a $400 console.

@God of War

Considering most console games will be PC ports, PC is definitely the definitive version this gen.

god_o_war4058d ago


Agreed and surely all PC versions of any game have always been the definitive version, but thats a given it only makes sense that a platform which can be continually optimised would allow for games to be optimised with it.

thisismyaccount4058d ago


DDR2 at 600mhz with 20GB/s you got to be kidding me..;

...your wallet is prolly empty by now, keep downloading your games and pretend that you actually have any games to play... can´t wait to read your first comment about your next game "Fak sheet console port.. for this we had to wait 2 years?!"..fuck spent 2k$ for this PC and can´t play parc! Except for Minecraft at 4k! Beeches!

... DDR3 barely makes the 20Gb/s mark, Theoretical != Praxis

Even clocked at 1.3Ghz (DDR2) you would not achieve 20Gb/s, not with those shitty pc boards back then.

JsonHenry4058d ago

I'm a PC fanboy and even I found that post hostile. lol!!!!!!!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4058d ago
JunioRS1014058d ago

Bad example.

A better example would be Battlefield 3 on ultra, if your PC can handle it.

BF4 on PS4 won't even look as good as BF3 on ultra in 2011.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4058d ago
thetruthx14058d ago

I'll stick with Forza 5 thanks

elhebbo164058d ago

this game is fully dynamic, compared to that baked shit.

thetruthx14058d ago

That baked shit looks 10 times better than your ps2 game Driveclub lol you think some paper snowflake effects make that game all the more impressive don't ya LOL

elhebbo164058d ago

@thetruth who the hell is refering to Driveclub? we are talking about project cars here moron. Beside why are you comparing a game that was only shown on its alpha build to a finished game from MS top racing dev? have some common sense.

Skate-AK4058d ago

Don't feed the fanboy. He is obviously is in
Microsoft defense mode since he takes a jab at Driveclub when no one was even talking about Sony.

illtownNJONE4058d ago

havent seen anything looking better than forza 5

4058d ago
Rivitur4058d ago

^Project Cars is looking for next Gen release along with current Gen release so yeah fanboys are encouraged to look out for this one.

neoMAXMLC4058d ago

I thought this was about Project Cars. Not Driveclub. Way to grasp at straws just to defend your precious racer.

FrigidDARKNESS4058d ago

This doesn't look remotely close to next gen visuals at all.

bumnut4058d ago

If you think that, you are in for one disappointing generation my friend.

FragMnTagM4058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )

You must be blind as hell and need your eyes checked.

Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.

Nothing in that video will ever be achievable on Xbox 1 or PS4. They might come close, with some smoke and mirrors, but they will never be able to hit those visuals.

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Why did EA Kill Project CARS?

This video explains why we think Electronic Arts didn't see a future in the sim racing title Project CARS and promptly cancelled the fourth instalment.

Jin_Sakai678d ago

After the last installment I’d say most hardcore fans left. It’s just not that good anymore so I can’t really blame EA this time.

masterfox678d ago

because it was always a project and it never got finished :D

ChubbyBlade676d ago

Every game is a project. Your joke doesn’t make sense

InUrFoxHole676d ago

It makes perfect sense. It's obviously a play on the title. Jesus christ you must be a blast at parties.

ApocalypseShadow677d ago (Edited 677d ago )

Ask Bullfrog or Black Box or Tiburon or Studio 33 or Criterion or any of the previously acquired developers who made racing games as competition, or as developers of EA games, then eventually dissolved into oblivion or reassigned. Just ask them. They'll tell you why.

ApocalypseShadow676d ago

Oh. I forgot. Even Code Masters were absorbed into Criterion. Another racing developer EA took over.

Every racing developer either absorbed by EA or eventually destroyed by them. They either kill competition or have them in the end make Need 4 Speed for them.

MadLad677d ago

EA only cancels projects for one reason.
They didn't see enough money in it.

Kombatologist677d ago (Edited 677d ago )

Not when it's because it didn't meet some crazy margin. It's like if something doesn't make EA a billion dollars on day one (I'm exaggerating that figure of course), they swiftly put it out to pasture.

SurgicalMenace676d ago (Edited 676d ago )

Much like if you're spending money on what's a bad investment for your desired goals, you'd do away with it, if you're wise. We should try to get away from thinking we know more about business than individuals that have been doing it for decades. Perhaps you could benefit from going into business instead of wasting all of your talents in comment sections. It's clear that you're the missing piece that EA's been looking for.

MadLad676d ago

I've made a good amount of money betting on underdog investments over the years.

EA sets unrealistic expectations of their more niche developers, yet continue to fund absolute blunders like DICE and the Battlefield series year after year.

dumahim677d ago

EA butted in and messed with the formula and act shocked when it doesn't work out.

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Original Project CARS creator trying to re-hire EA team

Ian Bell, the founder of Slightly Mad Studios, is aiming to hire former Project CARS employees to work on his upcoming GTR Revival project.

Sgt_Slaughter680d ago

If it's just going to be another sim-cade that doesn't do either one correctly then no thanks.

Project CARS 2 was a step in the right direction but the physics still aren't where they should have been, so what did they do for PC3? Go completely arcade. That killed the franchise.


EA dropping Project CARS

From GI.biz: "EA is dropping Project CARS, GamesIndustry.biz can reveal.

The Slightly Mad Studios-developed series was launched in 2015, with EA confirming today that it has made the decision to "stop further development and investment" in the franchise.

The announcement was made internally and it's unclear at this stage to which extent staff could be affected. EA said that employees working on Project CARS will be moved into "suitable" roles "wherever [they] can.""

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Terry_B682d ago

Typical for EA. They buy studios that created nice games..and are sooner or later destroying them and move the people to work on the old same 5+ EA series.

italiangamer682d ago

They will put the developers on the 1000th Need for Speed for the rest of their entire careers, just like Criterion.

SurgicalMenace682d ago

To be fair, it's not EAs fault it falls directly on the consumer. Everytime these companies choose to drop a series they're met with backlash though the gamers didn't support said series enough to justify its continuation. Attempting to paint every company as evil all because they're in it to succeed is ridiculous. They have to make money just like each of us typing in this section. If a job wasn't supporting you well you'd quit and find a new one, this is the same mentality concerning series.

TheColbertinator681d ago


No it is their fault. They don't listen to fans and burn the franchise to the ground by introducing elements that nobody wanted instead of increasing support for said respected franchises.

I order a steak, they make a steak. 1st sale
I order a steak again, they vomit on my steak and charge me more for it. No sale.

EA in a nutshell.

Tapani681d ago

@TheColbinator Well how do you think they make the billions then?

Their fans ARE buying their games. You are just not their focus group, and I can guarantee their customer insights team is more thorough and detailed in their reaearch than any N4G commentors’ opinion on the matter. Otherwise EA would not exist as a company, and they’d be bankrupt.

deleted682d ago

The one that still hurts the most though was Criterion w the Burnout series. Acquired Criterion's tech for their own existing IP, then shut em down. It's basically parasitic. I sure do miss Burnout's crash mode!

Hofstaderman682d ago

Sounds eerily similar to another large unnamed corporation hey. I believe some EA bigwigs shifted to that company back in the day, would explain the similarities.

rlow1681d ago

Must be talking about Sony

peppeaccardo682d ago

and instead they come out with that piece of shit of Need for Speed which looks like an Anna & Barbera cartoon. C'mon .... PC2 was my go to game for VR racing and the first one i played for tens of hours. i was so lookiing forward to PC4 after that failure of PC3 ... what a shame EA, they are bombing all the good games and stick to the garbage ones. EA when you think you have reached maximum of disappointment they top it off with style .... screw them!

SurgicalMenace682d ago

Need for Speed continues to sell so why would they get rid of what's producing what they need to maintain stability?

EazyC682d ago

What they did to this series was idiotic. The premise was great -- a sim/simcade game that GENUINELY got developed in line with its community. There is a huge gap in the market for this...I mean, PD hasn't listened to fans at all over the last year with regard to simple Gran Turismo 7 tweaks. Sim racing fans are screaming for a title where they actually give a shit about their users.

Project Cars 2 was genuinely on to something, it just needed some refinement. But instead they followed up by selling off to EA with a braindead GRID clone with Project Cars 3. Again...idiotic.

SurgicalMenace682d ago

Well since you're the authority on properly managing a million dollar company, why don't you just call them to let them know of your divine wisdom?

Hardcore sim racers are the ones who are competing acrossed the globe, no company in their right mind would focus on a forever moving casual market. They have to focus on those dedicated to supporting their efforts. Notice how you're speaking from a perspective of self opposed to the collective. Perhaps they sold out because they, like us, needed the money knowing that they could reinvest it into something new. PC was a decent racer but very few people mainlined it over GT or Forza.

EazyC681d ago

I'm not a divine authority but I notice a pattern where these huge corporations turn completely tone deaf of what the "average fan" wants.

vallencer681d ago

Hate to break it to you but project cars 3 was published by Bandai in 2020. EA didn't buy codemasters, which owned slightly mad studios, until 2021. Either way the sales were super poor for the game and it's not surprising EA would just drop the game. BUT it still sucks because it's one less sim racing game on the market. Especially because the first 2 were really good.

Tzuno682d ago

and focuses more on cartoon network games

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